haha... a couple more days of rest and I think you and @simplymike are going to blow glen away next week... I can see these things... I must admit though, he can hold his own with interesting conversations. He knows a lot about a lot of things and just like you, he wants the last word!
I think @simplymike is feeling better, I saw one post today where I swear she wrote like 10 big ass comments that would make any of us proud. And she claims she did it with her thumb on the phone... lol (I think she might be sandbagging)
So get your rest in and let those fingers rest a bit, I think the next week is going to be epic (just my thoughts as your "corner man")
Best corner man ever :)
I've seen simplymike pickin' up too...and a new profile pic as well. Glen really does know a lot about a lot, but yes, we "last-worders" can keep a thread going for a while haha
I know you can see these things! Remember when you joined steemit, and all the different names just seemed overwhelming? How cool is it now that you go around and recognize so many, and see when someone is doing "more" than usual.