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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement β€’ 7 years ago

So we now have "lovely", "wonderful", "funny", "great" and "gracious". I think that's sufficient from you @janton. Thank you. People will start to talk! πŸ˜‚

You seem to be a little obsessed with the Royal family if I might say so.

No we have no King. It's either one or the other. The Queen's husband is a Prince. A title he insisted on being given, back in the day, in return for staying in the marriage. That's what the BBC said anyway, so it must be true! πŸ˜‚

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well you're royalty on Steemit, does that count? lol
Actually I'm more obsessed with England and her STAYING England with all the foreigners and influxes... I don't want her roots weakened. If you haven't already you should do a post on how you achieve the "balance" that Glen was referring to. I could use some pointers!

I wrote a comment in an earlier reply @janton that talks a bit about how I approach Steemit these days. It was in response to @bashadows comment. Higher up the page I think.

The most critical bit for me though, in terms of achieving balance, has been more of an inner one rather than what I actually do or don't do. My Zenning approach as @glenalbrethsen calls it. 😁

It's about being OK with only replying to comments I want to reply to or to posts I really want to read.

When i first started i felt an obligation to reply to every post i saw in my feed and to read every post of those I was following. Now, if I'm having a day when I don't fancy reading, I don't read and I let that be OK.

If I get too far behind I don't try and catch up, something again I did in the early days.

Interestingly enough. The sky hasn't fallen in as a result! πŸ˜‚

gotta be at peace with yourself or it's not worth it.
thanks so much, I'll read your comment to bashadows.howdy back @gillianpearce! yes interestingly's such good advice to not get yourself so stressed out trying to do it all. NOW I know what Glen was talking about, the Zenning thing..very good.