The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!

A little later than usual, I blame the football - Come on England! ⚽


385 Comments last week, almost 100 more than the previous week - Thanks all!

To enter the leagues drop a comment below (for a lifetime membership - you need ask to be removed)

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!

The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Upvotes to others (V)
  • Upvotes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 20% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, who takes the first prize for the fourth week in a row, @janton! 🏆

@janton holds first place to take home the top prize of 5 STEEM, again! Can anyone catch this guy? Has he engaged with you this past week - more than likely!

The lovely @gillianpearce gains one place this week and finishes in 2nd - 4 STEEM for you!

And in 3rd, @themanwithnoname who gains four places on last weeks show and collects 3 STEEM :)

Excellent engagement levels also from @lynncoyle1, @funbobby51, @artgirl, @eaglespirit, @bengy, @mirrors, and @leeart who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Also, well done to @glenalbrethsen for his engagement and allowing the prizes to go further down the list!

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! 😱) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @enjar, @mariannewest, @bashadow, @eveningart, @headchange, @veryspider, @hashcash, @emmakkayluv(25th), and @cryptoandcoffee.

The Curation League / Rewards based

The raw data has been collected from SteemSQL - @arcange's MS SQL Server copy of the Steem Blockchain.

The formula used for 'quality of financial curation skill' is:

Curation Rewards DIVIDED BY Steem Power MULTIPLIED BY 1000

This will return the amount of Curation rewards gained per 1000 Steem Power held

The rules (which will cause auto-filtering of your account if not met so just enter anyway and see what happens!) to appear in this league:

  • No programmed voting! Following a trail is OK, using a script to vote for you is not (but well done if you have done that!)

  • Must have voted at least once on a piece of content in the past 7 days

  • Must not have leased or delegated Steem Power in the last 14 days

  • Must not have Started a Power Down (withdrawal of Steem Power) in the last 15 days

The 2nd and 3rd points above are not 'bad' actions, but are required to reduce distortion of the figures.

And, as curation rewards for the past week are actually taken from votes made up to 14 days ago, we need a two week 'window' as mentioned above.

Don't let this put you off entering though - you will be automatically be excluded/appear each week, depending on the criteria above.

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

Well done @steemitri!

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of the lovely @lynncoyle1, goes to @emmakkayluv!


Well done all!


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome Sunday!

Asher @abh12345


If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem Blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity -

Find out more about our project here

There are 2 pages

Morning/afternoon @abh12345!

A new week, a new opportunity for some engagement, etc.

These curation and engagement leagues of yours continue to roll on and even though it looks like the summer doldrums continue, people of the leagues are still out there engaging and upvoting and doing what they can to bring the STEEM platform forward.

Thank you, once again, for all of this. I can't remember how you phrased it when I told you these leagues were an awesome idea, but the gist of it was, it was a no-brainer, something very simple.

I've been thinking a lot about that lately. That in reality, what we're doing here isn't any more than what the platform was originally created to do, with the added incentive of some prize money for top performers and those who don't self-upvote, with the addition of one more thing.

Somewhere for all of us who choose to do so to congregate each week, congratulate ourselves before we go on with our week, perhaps intersecting here and there, but also trying to go out and connect with others.

So, as a simple idea, I'm still going to say it has profound, and at some point, widespread ramifications. I think inklings of what could be are being seen now, rippling out across the whole of STEEM. And unless Communities somehow changes that (whenever that shows up), I think it just continues to go on gaining momentum.

I believe, for all of that, not only is a thank you in order, but at least a preliminary (but not premature) congratulations goes to you, Asher, for taking the 'simple' idea, with some cooperation from leaguers and sponsors and others, and making it into something greater. It's like the snowball which just keeps coming downhill getting bigger, badder (in the awesome sense) and better as it rolls along. Well done.

I know I am only one person, and I know that my opinion is only one, and if I could predict the future I'd probably be in an entirely different set of circumstances, but I believe in these leagues. I'm still working to get fully behind the platform and everything else associated with it, but these leagues are truly awesome and awe inspiring and you merit way more than what ends up on these posts every week and you merit way more in credit than what generally gets acknowledged, even with as many people here who thank you and look up to you for what you're doing.

That said, don't let any of that go to your head, okay. There's still a lot to do so no resting on laurels. Also, I've only been around for six months, so what do I know? I'm just a triple minnow, still trying to find my way and trying to figure what in the world I've gotten myself into, with the added bonus of 52 years of life experience that I'm pretty sure amounts to something, though some days here, it's hard to tell.

Thank you, @curie for sponsoring these leagues. I hope you will continue to do so, because there is great worth in it, beyond what anyone of us can see at present.

Finally, congratulations to all of the Top 10, the Top 25, and the top 20%. You're making things happen here. Little by little, comment by comment, day by day. I believe that. Great things don't happen overnight. They happen moment by moment until over a period of time they've accumulated into something great. Regardless of your week's accomplishments, know that the ongoing hope here is, some day you will be able to look back and say you were a part of something revolutionary, something life changing, and in large part, it began here with the leagues.

Okay. That's all I've got. Good luck to everyone this week.

Hi Glen

Well I had some nice message this year but this one has to be up there with the best 😊

The league in its current form would unlikely exist if it wasn't it for @fulltimegeek's #stewardsofgondor program. Originally I started with the curation league, and the Engagement of the Stewards was the driver for doing something similiar with a new group, and with less SP of course.

I've been fortunate also to receive a cheap delegation for about a year, which I've been able to pay for forward, whilst keeping most of my own SP.

The 3rd item is the sponsorship from @curie, which has enabled the prize fund to be 'decent' from a small dolphin account.

For these reasons I can't take all the plaudits, but I'm really appreciative of your kind words.

I guess the final group to include are you guys, who have promoted, supported, and taken part in the Engagememt league this year.

Thank you!

What a lovely comment Glen!

So, as a simple idea, I'm still going to say it has profound, and at some point, widespread ramifications.

Perfectly said :) I cannot add a thing!

Thank you Asher, once again! And congratulations to the whole gang :)

I know this is not much of a comment, but I'm racing out the door for the day! You got this out just in the nick of time :)

Happy Sunday everyone!!

This comment has been approved as just the right amount of text and content!

Have a lovely day!

hahaha thanks Ash, you too!!

howdy to @abh12345 Asher! I'm thankful to be in this position again..I don't really feel like it's me because there are so many wonderful people here that I learn from and talk to everyday so that's what I do. thanks so much to you Asher and to @curie who makes this possible, you both are truly helping so many people and are such good role models and leaders.

I stalked and got to know @gillianpearce this week and she is a wonderful lady and put up with my stupid Texas redneck humor so I thank her for being gracious! @themanwithnoname and @glenalbrethsen both gave me alot of time and conversations this week and are such excellent gentlemen.

Congratulations to everyone who worked hard last week and got into the top 20. I see that @smithlabs really rose alot of positions and everyone needs to look out for @headchange because she'll play head games with you and is rising fast! lol. She's fantastic, no finer person on here and she has a big heart to help others. God bless you all!

Awwh thank you so much for your kind words. Actually you probably contributed quite a bit to the little boost I had. What with all your joking around all week. So thank you very much for that as well.
You truly are the "redneck gentleman"

well..I try to live up to my title, hopefully I succeed more than I fail.

Thank you @janton. I'm think I'm going to start collecting adjectives that have been used to describe me. I seem to be doing rather well this week.

@abh12345 started with "lovely". And now I can add "wonderful" and "gracious".

I am looking forward to the day when I can be legitimately described as dolphinous (in account rather than body size of course!) 😱 😂

lol! howdy again @gillianpearce and congratulations on another great week in the contest! Hey have you been called "funny" yet? because you are and can add that to the adjectives. you're great. oh there's another one to add! I could do this for awhile but then all the adjectives would be gone.

I know almost nothing about Steemit so I don't know what qualifies a person to be a Dolphin but I know that you will get there.

God bless you and long live the Queen!

bytheway why does England have a queen and no King?

So we now have "lovely", "wonderful", "funny", "great" and "gracious". I think that's sufficient from you @janton. Thank you. People will start to talk! 😂

You seem to be a little obsessed with the Royal family if I might say so.

No we have no King. It's either one or the other. The Queen's husband is a Prince. A title he insisted on being given, back in the day, in return for staying in the marriage. That's what the BBC said anyway, so it must be true! 😂

well you're royalty on Steemit, does that count? lol
Actually I'm more obsessed with England and her STAYING England with all the foreigners and influxes... I don't want her roots weakened. If you haven't already you should do a post on how you achieve the "balance" that Glen was referring to. I could use some pointers!

I wrote a comment in an earlier reply @janton that talks a bit about how I approach Steemit these days. It was in response to @bashadows comment. Higher up the page I think.

The most critical bit for me though, in terms of achieving balance, has been more of an inner one rather than what I actually do or don't do. My Zenning approach as @glenalbrethsen calls it. 😁

It's about being OK with only replying to comments I want to reply to or to posts I really want to read.

When i first started i felt an obligation to reply to every post i saw in my feed and to read every post of those I was following. Now, if I'm having a day when I don't fancy reading, I don't read and I let that be OK.

If I get too far behind I don't try and catch up, something again I did in the early days.

Interestingly enough. The sky hasn't fallen in as a result! 😂

gotta be at peace with yourself or it's not worth it.
thanks so much, I'll read your comment to bashadows.howdy back @gillianpearce! yes interestingly's such good advice to not get yourself so stressed out trying to do it all. NOW I know what Glen was talking about, the Zenning thing..very good.

Congratulations on the top spot again! Four in a row ties a record you, know. I think you're in second or third all time for the total number of comments in a week (I'd have to check for sure), and that score is at least second place all time, too.

We all rely on one another for engagement. Plus, we hope to bring others into the fold. So whatever @themanwithnoname and I did still requires you and everyone else do something, too. Like you acknowledged here in your reply.

I think you had an incredible week. The question is, can it be duplicated or exceeded? I think you've got plenty of people rooting for you. :)

well thank you sir that means alot. I doubt if it will be duplicated or exceeded this week but it's still early. Last night I ran out of people to talk to. I may have to enlist someone to stay up all night and discuss things. I'm trying to make new friends but alot of people don't want to talk much, I probably scare them off!

That seems to be an ongoing problem. They don't want to talk, don't have time to talk, are shocked that someone talked to them, scared that someone did, annoyed that someone is talking to them—I'm sure it runs the gambit. To each their own, I guess.

I do have to say, though, to pull off another 800-plus comment week, you need people to talk to. :) I've been having that problem at 300 comments a week and less, but in my case, I overwhelm with words. :)

Still, very well done, especially if you don't duplicate or exceed, since that combination of comments and CL was unheard of until you did it. The overall CL has been either higher but the number of comments lower, or the CL has been lower, but the comments higher. So, rarefied air keeps getting rarer.

yes sir, most of the time people probably have better things to do than to be on Steemit chatting away. go figure! lol
thank you for the kind words, I try but I don't really consider myself anywhere near your level because I have a hard time writing more than a few sentences at a time. that's not much of a writer!

I wonder where a year from now will find us?
what if we aren't even on Steemit, then it would be alot of time for nothing. well the friendships are wonderful but I assume most of them would eventually fade into dust.

As long as the STEEM blockchain exists, and especially as long as STEEM is being traded and actively transacted, be it through the existing apps on the platform, SMTs, or straight up commerce, what we're doing now will be worth it, because STEEM will be worth something. I need it to be worth more than $2.82 USD (that's my average per STEEM in investments right now), but maybe I can manage to bring that cost down a bit more.

Whether or not we're still doing things here in a year will depend on what happened to the social media platform and the connecting apps, as well as whether or not there' still a way to earn rewards. You're right about the friendships. I'm not sure if I can truly call them that yet because except for a few who have decided to use at least some portion of their name, I don't even know that. It's tough to have friends when you've never met them in person and they're anonymous. Even so, there are a few I talk with regularly that are anonymous that I would like to eventually know more about, like their name, so that's at least something. :)

I don't think we need to compete with one another as far as whatever perceived writing abilities we have or don't have. And, you're doing more than trying. Your achieving. A lot of people have less experience writing than I do, and I've never been formally trained. My highest English course is still from high school (unless I took a general ed course of it the year I went to BYU), so I don't have a degree in it, and when I owned the newspapers, we didn't follow any particular stylebook. We used the upside down pyramid method, but as far as grammar and other styling goes, I don't even know what it is.

I just like to write, and by extension, to read, so I've learned to form sentences and use an expanded vocabulary list in the doing. For as much writing that someone could do here, it wouldn't take too long to sharpen up any skills needed.

Congratulations @janton! Great job again this week!!! You are holding on to that first place cowboy hat crown tightly I see :)

howdy today @lynncoyle1! I swear this is going to be my last big finish because there are too many outside projects that I've been neglecting. My plan after this week is just to make it into the top ten and hopefully stay "in the money". what's your plan?

I'm not much of a planner @janton! After spending so many years teaching, and literally planning every minute, I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants now 😅 Although, I do have a general plan in place, which is always to stay in the top 10, but I must say, I prefer the top 5.

When I did make first place a few times, I thought I had to keep up the frantic place, then finally slowed down and was pleasantly surprised to still be in the top 3. I think that could easily be you because your numbers are just so much higher than anyone else's.

yeah I know, I'm pretty awesome. lol just teasing, I'm as shocked, no I'm the most shocked of anyone because I'm basically a hermit but my "stay at home" personality is perfect for steemit!

"Stay at home personality"...that explains it! When Brian's not well, we don't leave the house, so this is what I do!

yes Ma'am Steemit's a perfect fit!

Congratulations to all the usual suspects and the new ones.

Unlike @lynncoyle1, rather than being off out I'm off to bed shortly! 😂

Thank you @abh12345 for the second place and to referring to me as "The lovely @gillianpearce". That made my day! 😁

Thank you @curie for the sponsorship.

Well done to @janton for another win and to @themanwithnoname for making it into the top three.

Good work @glenalbrethsen. There seems to be no stopping you.

Right. That's it. I really need to get off to bed now.

Have a great week everyone. 😍

Congratz again this week! Amazing how good you guys are at this. And you are going to bed? for real? here I was thinking you top engagement people never get to sleep. 😁

Thanks for the congratz @headchange. It's true I do go to bed later than I would like if I get caught up commenting and then it makes it harder to get to sleep so I end up getting up later and later.

It is not recommended and something I am continually trying to curb. The time one differences are the problem. I'm just out to go to bed and suddenly everyone gets very chatty. 😁

Exactly! I do the same thing. I have been known to lay down and think of a good comment so get back up lol Warning never ever forget to mute the Ginabot at bedtime. Don't ask me how I know this 😂

I have been known to lay down and think of a good comment so get back up

Well that makes me feel good @headchange I have never even come close to doing that. And whether I mute the Ginabot at bedtime or not makes no difference to me at all as she would be nowhere near my bedroom.

In fact, it's not uncommon for me to forget to check my phone until lunch time.

Ah. I'm feeling so much better now. Thanks for that @headchange! 😂

I guess us slow moving types just have to make up the extra time somewhere. Then again could be why I seldom catch you typing at the same time as I do. Not much Steemit stuff gets done after lunch in my world.
Glad to be of service.

And where is lunch in your world then @headchange?

Lol! I think the top five never sleep haha!

Good eventually they will all need a nap maybe the rest of us can catch up some lol

Even if they do, we still can't catch up lol!

I wish I could say with confidence there was no stopping me, because I don't feel like my numbers reflect that, but I very much appreciate the kind words. I'm still plugging along here, trying to make a go, and I think in some part succeeding.

Congratulations to you for Zenning your way to No. 2. I think that's a new verb I just made up. :)

I'm still striving for the balance you've been getting closer to striking than I have. Sometimes it might not eem like that, but I think you are. The ongoing struggle, I find, is to continue to recognize things as they are. They are good. Could things be better? Of course. Could things be worse? You bet they could. So, we keep going, doing what we do, finding ways to contribute that makes us happy and fulfilled, and let the chips fall where they may, because what else can we do? And in the end, isn't that enough?

Good luck to you this week. :)

I like the idea of Zenning my way to number two @glenabrethsen. In fact, I like the idea of Zenning my way to anything. 😂

I'm glad you can see some balance that I am striking here. That's one of the positives of having fewer people around as far as I'm concerned. I definitely feel more relaxed about it than in the early days, that's for sure.

Whether or not it's worth the effort is still a question I haven't answered for myself. Right now it is because it's not stopping me doing other stuff I want/have to do. 😂

Just need to crack the late nights thing. It's three steps forward and two steps back with that one! 😂

Good luck to you too this week! 💙

Well, I don't know how much you have invested in STEEM, but if all your SP is through rewards, that's quite the feat in under seven months. That's not necessarily the only measure of success here, but it is definitely one of them. And with as many comments as you make each week, you're definitely getting out there, so people get to know who you are. And doing all of that coming in and out of things while you're doing what you want/need to do in the outside world is pretty amazing. I know you're not regularly writing 1000-plus word posts, but posting in the upper 20s each week is still amazing. So, Zen away, I say!

I suppose we all have to answer that question. I guess it depends on what you're expectations are and whether you're fulfilling them, getting closer to fulfilling them, or you see yourself able to fulfill them in the future. Do you?

Yeah, I've been staying up a little later than I want, too, but there's a bunch of folks who come online in the evening for me. I guess it would be early morning for you. So, I'm not sure what to do about that except to keep going or calling it a night. So far, I've kept going. :)

I've bought about 120 Steem @genalbrethsen, back in March.

I was going to buy some more when it went below $1 which of course it didn't do.

I guess it depends on what you're expectations are and whether you're fulfilling them, getting closer to fulfilling them, or you see yourself able to fulfill them in the future. Do you?

I'm at a point of reassessing this because I've realised this last week or so that my expectations were unrealistic as to the time it would take to build Steem Power.

And on that note I really must go to bed. I'm late again! 😁

Back in March. Okay. Still, that leaves a pretty good accumulation of SP from posting, commenting and curating, which I find amazing. Well done. :)

I haven't done exhaustive research, but it only stands to reason that no one here has made whale status (500,000 SP) simply by posting and curating on Steemit. The payouts would need to be extraordinary to get there in two years. Let's say someone pumped out 25 posts a week. They would need more than $192 SBD/SP netted each post to get there by now. To be an orca you factor down by ten to $19.20, which is still rather ambitious, but possible. Maybe there are a few of the Steemit made orcas floating around.

In reality, though, the vast majority of those who have been working for the last two years here aren't going to be much more than mid-sized dolphins. And because retention is lousy, the number of those still hanging around are going to be dwarfed by the potential dolphins there could be now if they'd found their community, hung around and worked away.

So, in my case, I've been doing reassessments on a regular basis, and it's been helpful. Step by step and little by little, we get there. If we stop though, we don't. It might not be quite that simple, but it's not that far off.

I'm doing the same very shortly, it's 11pm here and this post has taken up much of the evening.

Still, it's great (with the help of @curie) to be able to give out STEEM to some of the most engaged people on the platform, and one of those happens to be you :)

Thank you and good night :D

Thank you @abh12345. You put a lot of effort into this. I'm glad it feels worth it to you and @curie recognises what you do here. 😍

Thank you, asher and curie! Congrats to everyone. You've done it again @janton!

@artgirl you seem to be fired up last week. Good job! I won't be surprised if you made it to the top this week :D

To everyone else, keep up the good work.

No I don't think I will make it that high. I made a ulog abt it. 😂

You'll never know :D I still have to read that ulog of yours.

Haha let's see. 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Cheers @leeart, have a good week!

Wow! Congratulations to @janton whom I'm pretty sure has talked to every active member of Steemit! At least... I see him everywhere. Congratulations to all the "usual suspects," as well... that top 20 takes some serious work to crack.

Made it onto page two this week AND made it into the Curation League section for the first time in about 12 weeks of being part of this.

Commentary on that: Last week was the first full week of my being on Steemit with a couple of delegations totaling almost 500SP; I'd have to say that having the ability to leave many more people a "meaningful" upvote definitely makes a difference to my "effort level."

Last but not least, thank you @abh12345 for managing to keep up with this and the World Cup! The Sweden game was really the first time England has looked convincing (at least to me) in a game... and now we have an all-European final four.


Thanks @curatorcat, well done on the steady progress. Having more SP to give does feel good, i don't ever want to have to power down :)

England were excellent yesterday, but I thought the Swedes weren't so good and the next game will certainly be tougher. There are a couple of very good players in the Croatian team, Modric at Real Madrid, and Rakatic at Barcelona. If we allow them to play, then they will do damage. England look so dangerous from corners and free-kicks around the box though - 3/4 really strong headers of the ball are causing carnage, and I think Croatia will struggle with this - they aren't a tall team and I'm tipping Vida to go into the referee's book for 'wrestling' related incidents :D

An all European final, how cool is that!

So glad I joined this league. I think it is really fun to track our progress with others who are playing the game right.

Random thought: I used to play the game Risk quite a bit as a teenager. Although I never tire of world domination map games, the simple die rolling of the end game has grown long and boring to me, lacking clever strategy. My friends used to grudge me and others so much after they lost a game, because they were the sour pawns of the players who would make alliances and treaties outside of the rules of the game. Communication, campaigning, deals, and politics were the best way to make it to the end-game in Risk, even though it is never described in the rules. Making the game more verbally combative was always more fun, especially when players might vehemently exclaim their national pride for a country, such as with a Scottish accent anytime the UK was being attacked, "You will never take our Freedom!"

Although I am aware that these tactics can also be used on Steemit, I prefer to use them as altruistically as possible, so that those of us having fun together can all get to the end-game.

Game on!

A great analogy and I'm really glad to hear of your approach. I honestly feel there is room here for us all to grow together, whilst playing the game the 'right' way.

Thanks for your comments!

Woohoo! I'm doing engaging this week! Not sure how... probably commenting?

haha yes, that will be it :) 352 comments and over 50000 characters, nice one!

No way! I can't believe I wrote that many comments... or characters. Maybe I fell asleep on a keyboard and typed out a bunch of random strings!

I got one of those replies where it was only a couple of characters and a whole lot of them. I did not want to say anything :)
Good quality comments on topic that's what all your comments I saw were. Very well rounded. Very nice job BengyCongratulation @bengy making it into top 10. Impressive

Thanks @wolfhart! I've had a lot of time these past couple of weeks sitting in a room waiting for the toddler to fall asleep..

Time is a resource and we never have enough. When the opportunity arises to multitasking comes up it great to take advantage.
I hope your little one is OK maybe just teething to have to seat with to get them to sleep.

Thanks, Asher.
Congratulations to everyone who has made the list.
It’s pretty obvious me and @davemccoy have been very busy with the @newbiegames contest - we both dropped down the list. But it’s for the good cause :0)

I’ll start writing a post right after breakfast to cheer on the contestants in my Redfish Rocket Contest and let them know the game is on.

That just gave the rest of us a shot at a higher spot lol. The Palooza truly is a great cause indeed! I am seeing so many wonderful things coming from that. It looks like everyone is having a blast as well. Congratulations on the enormous success of that project.
I know you put in a huge amount of effort because @davemccoy was rounding up help weeks in advance.

Thanks, @headchange. And thanks a lot for all your help with upvoting and commenting!

Oh you guys made it possible for sure. Someone was really great at giving me a nudge everytime I got distracted elsewhere lol

Did I hear right @simplymike, that there was over 1000 comments going on there?

About 1000 on the original post. AS a result the page was loading so slow we had to move everything to a new post, which had +350 again :0)

Geez that's crazy @simplymike! I wondered because each time I've gone to load the page, I can't get it, so I came to Fast Reply to answer instead 😅

I hope those numbers means this will be a success! You deserve it :)

Don't bother replying to this one either 😎

When the page wouldn’t load the first time, I panicked a little. Dave told me to use Steemworld, but I’m very happy I thought of using Fast-Reply instead.
I hadn’t used it before, but it was a great help - without it, we wouldn’t have been able to get back to everyone.

rip through my commenting, even if I've let it pile up a bit! You're a smart cookie :)

I absolutely love Fast Reply @simplymike, and I'm so glad you thought to use it! I'm impressed each time I

The only turndown is that there’s no indication of any previous comments. I always have to visit the original comment to see what it was all about.
I guess that will change Hen I manage to be on daily again - then the memory will still be fresh.

And thanks, I don’t think I was called a smart cookie before. I like the sound of that, lol

Yes I think you both have valid excuses, it's no big deal when you have Red fish to fry - good luck with the contest :)

Thanks, Asher

          I would like to reiterate Asher congratulations to everyone. @janton, @gillianpearce, and @themanwithnoname, for the first, second and third place finishes. Wonderful job. To @lynncoyle1, @funbobby51, @artgirl, @eaglespirit, @bengy, @mirrors, and @leeart congrats on your finishes in the top ten. I think it is wonderful how the one off day did not really affect people's commenting and engagement levels.           I could give a lot of reasons as to why I slipped so much, but they would sound like excuses, life just happens. So here it is, it takes me awhile sometimes to do a post. I don't know how many of you are familiar with @IFC and the game challenge, well it was a second photo hunt as a tiebreaker for the first hunt. Even thought there were less pictures involved, it took some serious hunting on my part. two days, (I forgot to get the graffiti shot on day one). That and the weather, (until today) last week was get out and have fun in the sun days. We hit an amazing 82 degrees F on one day, it was to say the least rather hot that day. Today, back to the rain, and cooler temps.           Along with IFC, I have been trying to dabble in story writing for steemmonsters, that is not an easy thing to do, but still it is fun, and in general trying to increase my content output. I honestly do not see how you @gillianpearce do it, and then get all those comments out also. Hats off to you lady, wonderful way to not only be engaged, but also be a provider.

Like I said, sounds like excuses, but a new balance must be achieved. Things will work out the always do, and thank you Asher for the zero vote self gift. Very much appreciated.

Thanks! Didn't think I'd make it. Haha. Maybe because I was commenting on everyone's Ifc posts and such. What fun! 😁

Thank you @bashadow! I've recently been reminded that we all do what we can, when we can. And that's perfectly ok! Congratulations to you for making this league, for your work with IFC, steemmonster writing, and all the commenting, upvoting and helping you do!

Thank you Lynn, As long as I keep having fun, I am going to just keep bouncing along this marvelous merry path we are all on.

Thank you for your congratulations and kind words @bashadow

I honestly do not see how you @gillianpearce do it

I'm not sure either. I do quite a bit in the evening when I'm watching the tele and an hour or two in the morning depending on what else I have on. Then I fit in odd comments between other bits or work or household stuff.

For the most part I make my own timetable so that helps a lot. And, if I've got a meeting or am planning to go to the beach I make sure I write a post before I do that.

Strangely it was actually easier when I was away from home because, as I've mentioned before, I was actually much more efficient.

The only way it negatively impacts my life is going to bed later if I get caught up in commenting. I'm trying not to do that but it's hard because of time zone differences.

Yes, the time zones, I get to see a few of my Nigerian Friends and European friends before I go to bed, or just before they go to bed. I feel fortunate that I am retired, but I still need to sleep.

It sounds like you've had a busy week, even if it's not been in the comments so much. No need to worry at all about slipping into the teens, that's still a great position and you earned a well deserved prize :)

I'm actually happy to see people move up and down the list, it show's me they are re-focusing on other things. And I suspect you'll be back up in the top 10 soon. Cheers!

The photo scavenger hunt was very fun, and time consuming. two days worth, but really it was worth it. Some of the photo contest people need to pick up on it, they already get people out doors, enjoying nature, and steemit, so should be a good fit with them.

I have looked at those entries that one looked really hard to do. Just saw you here and wanted to take the opportunity to wish you luck with the contest.

Hard, but a lot of fun, the whole contest so far - a blast - -.thanks for the well wish.

You are welcome. I try to keep an eye on the IFC in case I want to try and play next season. Looks like fun and filled with some great people.

I think I saw the post about the photo scavenger hunt @bashdow. It sounded really fun but it looked like the contest was a continuation of one that had already started.

Maybe we're talking about different things? 😊

Quite possible @gillianpearce, the Information Finding Championship, was a long running contest created by @apolymask. Over that course of the last six months we have had many challenges presented and it was up to the contestants to determine how best to meet the requirements. We had challenges ranging from the photo hunt, to meme's. Season one is winding down, and the final 16 elimination rounds have started. We are approaching final eight stage soon, I have not checked yet this morning.

Wow. That sounds intense @bashadow. Have you been playing along for the last six months? 😱

fifth steemit compilation albumpage Ed did to present my songYes, and it has been a real blast. I am a "published song lyricist now", I wrote a song for one of the rounds, (we had 40 rounds), The song got recorded, and @soundlegion picked it for their . What a process that was and @edprivat did a fantastic job on the song,(he recorded and set the music to my lyrics). We are on side B number 8. Here is the link to the to me and the @IFC people. The song link is at the bottom.

video she made for the song. She was one of the judges throughout the whole challenge.And a bonus, here was @charisma777

So yeah, I have had a lot of fun, stepping out of some self imposed boxes and thinking out side my normal realm of thinking.

Congratulation to the top ten finishers @janton🤖 , @gillianpearce, and @themanwithnoname👻 , @lynncoyle1 🤣, @funbobby51, @artgirl, @eaglespirit🦅, @bengy🎻 , @mirrors🛩 , and @leeart

Congrats to all who made the list, many new namesNice to see @mirrors back ahead of me

Thanks to @curie🏆 and @abh12345 🥇for the league

Thank you. Glad to have made it there for the 1st time. Haha.

It was nice to see. I enjoy seeing new people at the top of the list. It gives me a lot of encouragement about the platform and it future . Well done

Thank you for that and congratulations to you too @wolfhart!

Thank you @wolfart. Congrats to you too for making the list. 😊

Thank you
I am pretty much consistent and stay in the same spot. After this week I will go back to no self vote and see how that compares.

Let us know how you get on @wolfart although, I think Asher has said in the past, that self voting doesn't change the scores too much. It will be interesting to see your eperience. 😊

yea I will. My question is how will it affect the building of ones account. Not so much the league standing. I know over the very long term it helps but does it matter on the amount of the value of the self vote
That ( league) can improve with commenting and posts. More so committing and CR count. I invest as much as I can and power up. But is that enough to build ones account. The bigger your account the more you can assist the community.
I give out as many votes as high as I can without costing them dustsweeper or to much and that number for my SP is around 400.
Everything is a balancing act and just have to find the balance.

This has all been done before but it seems the answers are being held close to the chest. Every level needs a different approach is one of the problems

Congratulations to all winners and participants😉

First of all, I don't want to say congratulations, but rather a THANK YOU. I see a lot of beautiful people on the list who has been making Steemit a healthy place. And I was surprised that they are all in the same community who's spreading the good vibes in this platform.

I've been reading, upvoting some of their posts that I know in my self is not just a quality one but superb. Most of the people I've seen on the list are those people who genuinely comment in every quaility posts. I'm sorry but they are really a lot to mention. I mean, they might not know me or even seen my posts, but I am a fan and longing to be part of them sharing the best quality of Steemit.

@maverickinvictus and @tpkidkai are just the 2 people I mostly get communicated with because of their extreme dedication on Steemit, and through then I see the rest that has been positively contributing to steem-ciety and I never fail to read / see one everytime I check the people they follow.

And I want to be the same and want to be part of the greatest and most beautiful part of steemit.

Thank you for this lovely comment @davinsh :)

Most of the people I've seen on the list are those people who genuinely comment...

I agree!

I hope you don't mind but I have added you to the list - maybe you can earn a bit of STEEM for your genuine comment too? :)

Thanks @abh12345. I will definitely do the same. Besides, this is why we are here, to empower each and everyone in steemit. :)

I want to recommend @hiradate to this league. He is interested in good curation.

I upvoted this article. Thank you.

Thank you

@hiradate put their name forward this week - we shall see where they appear on Sunday :)

Thank you so much.

Quite a while since I appear on the list. Delegation has put me out for a while. Great work Asher.

Yeah that's often the case with my account too, I've not appeared for a long time!. Cheers!

Woooow! I made it to the top 10! Hurray! Thanks much. :D

Congratulations @artgirl on earning your prize this week!

Haha really didn't expect to get that high. 😅 Glad I got something for all those comments. 😂 Thanks again!

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It was another exciting week. Thank you so much @abh12345 for putting on the competition once again. I felt like I did a lot of engaging this week and figured I was in the running. I believe that's an all-time high score for me. If not, it's close.

Congratulations to @janton for winning another week... four in a row! You're a machine.

And @gillianpearce, well done on getting second place. It's a privilege to be on the podium with you and Janton.

To the rest of the top ten, wow, you all did a lot of engaging! You're what make Steemit a great place to hang out. Thanks for engaging with me.

There are a lot of familiar faces toward the top, but it mixes up every week. Everyone is in it and anyone can win it. Looking forward to another week of competition with you all.

Thank you @themanwithnoname. Have a productive week! 😊

Thank you @themanwithnoname! It's always a pleasure engaging with you :) Congratulations to you too!

My pleasure as always @themanwithnoname :)

I wondered about your previous highs, but it's a little bit of a pain to check. Perhaps a scan through the links in my 'profile' post yesterday would give you the answer?

Have a good weekend - it is Friday already!

I thought about scanning back through when I saw all the links, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Thanks for putting them together though. It's going to make it a lot easier.

Enjoy your weekend as well!

Congratulations to everuone involved with the Curation Leagues!! I look forward to checking in on the results each Sunday 💙 Asher, i appreciate your beautiful dedication to relationships! You're a valuable man to have involved in Steeemland! Much Love & Loads of fun to all my Steemian friends 💙💙💙

Thank you @yogajill, that is very kind of you!

The week has flown by hasn't it?! Good luck for Sunday :)

I dropped off your engagement league for the first time since I asked to be listed 🤦‍♀️ (sigh). I realize we all have different priorities and reasons for being on here. It seems harder and harder for me to find time for Steemit because life is so busy and as my kids grow older, I see it being even busier. I still have faith in the platform and am rooting for my friends to grow on here. Perhaps next week I will make it back on the bottom of your list. Still enjoy stopping by to see everyone's performance (albeit late at times). As always, thanks Asher. :)

Sigh. Life huh?

I hope you don't see it as too big a deal at all, I certainly don't. The work (because it is work and does take time) done by you, and others who have re-assigned time to others things out of necessity is not lost.

The summer, children, football, etc, are all very valid excuses!

Life with my beautiful kiddos. They make it all worthwhile. :)

I am okay with taking some time off Steemit. Summer is too short and we have to enjoy the outdoors while we can. Winter and snow will be here in a blink of an eye. Will be sure to check out the fun from the sidelines. It is work on here, I definitely agree with you there!

Summer is the season for me, wonder if I can chase it this next 6-12 months!

Enjoy yourselves :)

It's great what you do here @abh12345; Steemit desperately needs community-based programs like this!

It occurs to me that I don't remember whether I ever asked to be part of your leagues? If not, please add me to the lists! I'm a fairly active reader and commenter... I'd be interested to see whether I can hang with any of these folks!

Hi @denmarkguy, great to have you hear!

I suspect you'll be placed high in the Engagement league, and I'm looking forward to seeing if this is the case.

Added, thanks!

Now, I'm fully back with full force to keep connecting with friends on steemit through commenting and interacting with them, I will push the number a little this week... Smile

Thanks for the gift once more... Hug

Nice work dude! You picked up two prizes this week! :D

Sure..... Thanks so much, this is one of the reasons I want to stay connected with friends 24/7... Smile

Once again I applaud the work done and for the success of the league, Asher you know I appreciate you and I know you have a great heart with a desire to help everyone, this week I was a little isolated, I could blame football? but I hope to belong to the honor roll once again, it is a difficult but not impossible challenge, to work!

Thank you @melvadg, that's very kind of you to say so.

I'm using sunshine and the football as my excuses, you are quite welcome to do the same :)

Good luck for the coming week and thanks again.

Three weeks in a row for zero self upvotes :-) Yay me!

Thanks for the support man. I'll be trying to climb up and get even worthier accolades for my postings as well.

That's good going - I hope the prize has countered the lack of self-rewarding for you. Cheers!

Oh definitely! My upvotes do not have much weight (STU wise) and I initially upvoted myself so that I at least have one upvote on my post. Now that I have a few people reading my posts, I don't have posts with zero upvotes anymore :-)

It is also a bit satisfying to not upvote myself.......................

Congratulations to all the winners.

I dropped, as expected. The last week I hardly had any time to spend at home to comment and go through content as much as I would have loved to and when I was able to dedicate time for steemit, I ended up being busy writing posts.

All that considered, I am still somewhat pleased with these statistics. I hope the upcoming week will give me more room to shine.

Thanks @paprodin

Don't worry about having weeks of less engagement, it's the summer, the World Cup is on, and life is there to be lived!

Good luck next time :)

The words of encouragement are appreciated. The world cup and the summer are not really concerning points for me. It's more about my 9-5 job eating a lot of my time. Leaving the house in the morning at 7 and getting home at around 17 to 17.30 at best leaves a lot time constraints. Most of the free time I am left with is either used for day-day stuff or writing my own posts.

Because I tend to write a lot about books, I have to use the little free time in between on reading, of course.

Overall situation right now really isn't ideal, but again, considering all of these factors, I really ended up doing well and feel okay about that. And I will come up with a possible solution to end up winning in here again.

Though I will never be able to beat out Janton like that. For that, I would have to quit my job and I am not there. Yet :D

Catch him?! I doubt it. @janton has such enthusiasm in the posts he reads and comments on. He pops up everywhere. More power to him! I must admit it is always nice reading a comment from the lovely @lynncoyle1 Thank you for adding me @abh12345

He's taken the comments section by a storm this past month - 4 in a row and seemingly a distance ahead!

My pleasure @buckaroo, good luck for next Sunday :)

That is excellent! Good for him

Nice to see you here @buckaroo. Congrats on placing on the list. Well done @janton is quit a person and all his comments have a personal touch to them. he is from Kansas and we here are that type of people :)

Thank you @wolfhart. He does give a personal touch. I have never been to Kansas so I don't know the type but he does seem the genuine article!

He just talks to much. was causing stampedes 🐮 ROFLWell we did have to toss @janton out of the State, so he moved to Texas.

lol! Texas is big enough to handle it.
Kansas was gettin a little cramped what with Wolfhart moving in and all.

Wolf and cattle no theres a good mix lol

hahaha! you got it Wolf!

HAHAHA!!! I didn't realize I had signed up for comedy when I joined steemit!

When you come down to it this is after all a social media platform and fun is good

Have you seen @pricasso? Ooooo! I think I'll make him my pay it forward. Watch this space....

Great to see you here. And you are right the man must type in his sleep but he is so fun to chat with.

Definitely typing in his sleep!

lol that would explain some of those jokes... he is dreaming


hey now! lol!

Thank you @buckaroo! That's very kind of you ;) Congratulations to you too!!

Thank you for putting this out every week! Always great to see what people were able to put out and even noticed a few names as we do these every week. A very fun spot of the weekend and go go your football team!

I was able to have some back and forth conversions this week which I think did really well for me in terms of earning some points. Along with people learning to reply back to my own curation efforts has some slight benefits for this as well.

Have a wonderful week and keep being amazing those who try to engage and keep dusty comment sections from turning into cobwebs of sadness!

My pleasure @enjar, thanks for your support and well done on the prize :)

Having conversations that create replies in lower levels is a great way to boost your score, I'm glad that you managed some of these this past week.

I'm really looking forward to Wednesday, although I think it will be a tough game! Thank you!

Asher - really valuable work - I've enjoyed reading the post in detail tonight. I'm not sure I'll ever have the time to compete with some serious engagement guru's in this league!! Big match on Wednesday - do you remember the 1990 semi?

Time is a big factor, and some do seem to have more of it free than others :)

do you remember the 1990 semi?

I do, and I'm just old enough to remember the 1986 game v Argentina.

Both those games had me in tears! That wont be happening this time, whatever happens on Wednesday but I am very excited to see how we fare against the Croatians :D :D

I remember both too - we are of the same era! My Panini 1986 Sticker Album was my pride and joy!

Croatia will be the most serious test so far - but after the Sweden performance I genuinely believe we can win. Certainly a successful campaign and been excellent management from Southgate.... have a great week!

My brother has MY completed Mexico 86 one - i need to steal it back one day! I have a complete Italia 90 too :)

We have a chance for sure, and I think the corners and free-kicks around the box will cause Croatia more trouble than Sweden. Really looking forward to both games, cheers!

everyone's doing so well :D thank you for the update @abh12345 !!!

My pleasure, and well done on earning your prize this week! :D

I have to try even harder next week !! I think I still can be more engaged, somehow !! :D

I want to participate in this league :)

Great, you are now on the list :D

Thank you!

I want to participate, who takes away and also receives a prize ... Congratulations to the gandores.

Super, you have been added to the list :)

Awesome, congrats to everyone involved and those who won some Steem. It looks like I need to pick up the pace if I want to make it into the top 20.

Every week is a new chance to get your skates on :D

I got them laced up and ready to go ....

heh :)

Hopefully England do too!

Congratulations to all the winners!

Was waiting for this post whole evening only to see I am not listed in the curation league because of a delegation return.


Yeah the delegations will chop you off for a few weeks - I'm rarely on the Curation League list these days!

Thanks @abh12345. Its been such a while that stood in this limelight! lol. So maybe the @janton's and @lynncoyle1's should watch their backs now! I am back!

sounds like a serious challenge ..welcome @mirrors!

It is, although i am not sure i will be up to it. Some matters to address, so i won't have the time online as much.

oh that's disappointing but you gotta take care of your own business beofre Steemit. Perhaps next week!

Next week, yes. I should be available then. Thanks @janton.

well Ma'am... it will be great to see you. I'm planning on doing alot of work on our property next week so that should make it easier for you! God bless!

Hahahah....i don't want an easy ride, @janton. I want you at your best lol..

haha congratulations @mirrors! Consider my back watched :)

You better....i am tired of seeing your back. It is time you all start seeing mine! This week or

Yes indeed, welcome back to the top 10! :D

True. Thanks @abh12345. I wish i could stay up there But the @lynncoyle1's wont let me...

hahaha that's like saying "the devil made me do it" lol

lol...if you have no other reason why not blame others!

Wow your league is becoming so popular that I'm about to fall out the top 100.
Or is it because I'm being less active? 🤔

Anyways I was thinking about my unanswered question from last week. And I even have a new question regarding Steem-bounty.

I have a feeling that replies to a reply are not included for the bounty. So you know if that's correct?
If you don't know, then I suggest to do a little test this week.

Check your numbers from the past and they will tell you :D

Did I miss a question last week?

I'm not 100% sure about the replies to a reply for a bounty, but I would assume they are counted - you'll have to ask the @steem-bounty crew :)

I think replies to replies are not included in the bounty calculation. Next week we can try to test this. If you don't upvote my first comment but only my reply.

Laat week I had this question:
I do wonder about 1 thing. Let's assume you upvote 2 comments from 1 user. Will that user receive 2 separate bounties? Or will that add up into 1 bounty pay out?

I think the answer is in one pay out. But I'm not 100% sure.

Oops, I already upvoted it :) I'll try to remember for next week.

It would make sense for the upvotes to be added together into the single bounty payout. I've not checked the math in the reply that is posted by @steem-bounty on payout, but it does look like that is the case.

When split between so many commentators, the 5 SBD doesn't go particularly far, but every little helps I guess :)

Your post is really popular. But there are also bounties where 5 Steemonians react per 1 SBD. If the author then gives upvotes with different value, one could earn a nice amount. Especially if you already planned to read, react and interact.

I think the fun part is the best part. But in the coming weeks I will participate in a few bounties.

Asher - as always, I love to see how everyone is doing and who are the "talky" ones LOL. Thank you so much for the prize - it is encouraging to keep on going.

Thank you for all you do!!!

My pleasure @mariannewest! You deserve a prize every week for the work you do :)

Awww. Thank you so much!!!

Hi Asher. Thank you for the spot prize. Nearly reached my target of being on the first section of both leagues. I honestly think I would have done it if I had internet. Will push again when I am not having to rely on Steemit just at work.

No worries, well done on the progress even with limited time 😁

Thanks again for doing this for us. It is truly appreciated.Thanks so much!! I am super excited with my score this week. Congrats to everyone especially @janton that is a massive amount of typing. I really can't imagine how he does it.

My pleasure @headchange, well done on collecting a prize this week and good luck for next time :)

Nice going and Congratulation on the #20 spot. The spot award Sponsored by @curie is well deserved for no self vote. well done 👍

Thanks so much! And I forgot to tag @curie great catch and thanks for that as well. I managed at least one Steemit blunder every day this week. Wonder if there is a league for that?

I manage a steam blunder twice a day, which is good because it was four blunders a day and doubled on weekends

We may almost have enough saved up for a Steemits Funniest Bloopers post.

Congratulations @headchange! Nice work :)

Thank you I was pretty excited that is the highest spot ever for me

With regards to your "questioning" post @headchange , I'd say you're on the right track!!

What is a bounty exactly?

A bounty is money sent to a post to be distributed to the users commenting on it. It provides a way to reward users directly and works in addition to the steem/sbd they receive from the blockchain. It works independently of SteemPower.

You create a bounty by sending any amount of sbd/steem to @steem-bounty together with a post-url in the memo.

How can I earn a bounty Users are then competing for the bounty by writing their answers to the post in comments that will achieve upvotes from the community and especially the bounty creator. The money of the bounty gets distributed to all top level comments of the post at the same time when the post is paid out (7 Days after it was written). How much everyone gets depends on the votes the comments received. The sender of the bounties votes are weighted higher so that she decideds where 80% of the bounty money goes and all other votes determine the rest.@abh12345 has set 5.000 SBD bounty on this post!

@steem-bounty does all of this for you automatically. You can use this service to automatically pay out a challenge, ask a hard question or simply to reward the people that interact with you.

Read more about how it works, even in different languages here.


Incredible work, It's hard to compete here. But I like the work you do and how much motivation. Regards!

It's very tough to make the top 10, that is for sure. Time is a huge factor.

Thank you @anasuleidy :)

A very laudable initiative. I want to be a part

Thank you :) I've added you to the list!

Congratulations to the winners, we rise by lifting others

You are quite correct, thank you!

Woohoo! I have climbed from third to second place! Next week will I became the first?
Thanks @abh12345 for the opportunity!

Nicely done, you have the curating mannequin in your sights! :D

I know it's not a great comment but I was very impressed by this work and how you focus on helping those below us who do not have the same possibilities and organize an event like this, I congratulate you on the truth, it continues to motivate the joy of the people, a big hug for you from venezuela

Thank you very much @musicayfarandula :)

Would you like to join the club?

Last Week Curation League Results-Top 5

curation league.jpg

But this week im not in the whole list :(

  • Please let me know if i've done something wrong or missing.

  • Would you please let me know, is there anything I should do to join the engagement league ?

Thanks for your interest @abh12345

Sure :) You haven't done anything wrong, but your results will be 'skewed' by this action:

Don't worry, you will re-appear in the future (but not for a few weeks at least).

Thanks for your reply.


Can I still participate? I signed up a short time ago but I didn't do anything lol.

Yes of course, you will still be on the list - ready when you are :D

easy peasy lemon squeezy

Wow- congratulations everyone, and thank you so much! I'm thrilled to make it into the top 20 Engagement table for my first week taking part - really exciting :) I'm now off to check everyone else out and to say hi!

Thanks so much for my prize, E x

It's my pleasure and great to see new entrants in to the top 20. Well done 😁

Interested in joining the league.

Great, added!

Hooray, I finally got back into the table. Let me at the end, but it's already something.

Ура, я наконец-то снова попал в таблицу. Пускай я в конце, но это уже что-то.

I dont understand how to join this, but I love this

Consider yourself signed up, good luck!

hehe thx :)

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