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well Ma'am... it will be great to see you. I'm planning on doing alot of work on our property next week so that should make it easier for you! God bless!

Hahahah....i don't want an easy ride, @janton. I want you at your best lol..

howdy today @mirrors! well actually my wife has a great deal to do with how much time I spend on here and when she sees the property falling apart she starts looking at me funny!

That just about qualifies her as my best friend already! She better look at you funny a lot more in the coming weeks! lol. I smell an opportunity there!

lol! hey I thought you wanted fair competition! well if I'm not in it all the way then you got Gillian and Lynn and others and they are right there!
you're so funny and a good writer, no wonder you were up in the top ten when you were competing!

I have already sent warnings to the Lynns...although i wish i could in deed bill up to them any time soon. but any way on a serious note, i ventured out a bit, and havng had to give some more time to this initiatives i am running, found difficulty balancing the time, and then of course the offline chores have been a lot more demanding in recent weeks.

But i think my table clears off in a week and completely in a fortnight, i should be able to 'compete' again!

Otherwise thanks

btw you are a great conversationalist! You make it a lot easier and interesting, that explains your place at the League top!

What I love about it is that everyone has a story and fascinating things to share so I think it's captivating and always interesting.howdy today @mirrors! well thank you Ma'am for your kind words..I don't see myself as being that good at it but I see so many wonderful people on here and usually all I do is ask questions and they are nice enough to respond so that combined with my curiosity works well on this platform.

Like you for instance. and where you are. In real life I would probably NEVER meet or be able to talk to someone in Uganda so it is an honor to learn from you and about your country, and a rare one.
I so look forward to learning more about you!