
Thank you @wolfhart. He does give a personal touch. I have never been to Kansas so I don't know the type but he does seem the genuine article!

He just talks to much. was causing stampedes 🐮 ROFLWell we did have to toss @janton out of the State, so he moved to Texas.

lol! Texas is big enough to handle it.
Kansas was gettin a little cramped what with Wolfhart moving in and all.

Wolf and cattle no theres a good mix lol

hahaha! you got it Wolf!

HAHAHA!!! I didn't realize I had signed up for comedy when I joined steemit!

When you come down to it this is after all a social media platform and fun is good

Have you seen @pricasso? Ooooo! I think I'll make him my pay it forward. Watch this space....

just looked at @pricasso . I think he is a little out of this world :)

He's very quirky. I think it's great to get some comedy when there is so much to worry about in life.