Oh, poor Pete. As much cheating that goes on in baseball and other sports, I don't know. I think the guy has done his time. Maybe now that Selig has been gone for a few years, maybe Pete gets in. I hope they don't deny him while he's alive just to do it posthumously. He was the epitome of the working man's player and despite the gambling, I feel he deserves better.
That's the former Reds fan talking (not really that much into baseball now).
As for me betting on myself, not likely to happen, so I think I'm safe. I'm more likely to get kicked out for other reasons, like being late to the party. :)
haha... funny on last point! And I agree.. We have much worse human beings already enshrined. I think it is personal when it comes to Pete. Even if one hates the man, you can't take away the kind of ballplayer he was. And he certainly was amazing throughout his entire playing career!