
And THAT'S how I know you're a piece of shit. Can't be happy for anyone else :D

So thank you for participating in that public humiliation experiment. You really suck at this.

If you think that anyone here thinks I'm 'shitting on myself' by speaking the truth about the physiological TORTURE I have endured at your incapable hands on a spiritually sound blog platform you are insane.

You are the only one who wants to crawl into a hole and die because of what you are reading. Someday I'll feel sorry for you on that but not today, sorry, pal.

YOU are the one who's embarrassed. I am shitting on YOU, Sir. And I love doing it. You deserve it. You did a VERY similar thing to me in front of Matt in November which shocked the living hell out of me. It was that moment when you smirked at me after telling the coolest lie I've ever heard about me and that day to Matt...and I watched him buy it (because you WERE a veryyyyy very successful car salesman in Chicago.) that I knew you were a dirty fuck. Never saw you do that before. Revolting. Puke literally boiled up in my esophagus when I witnessed how you cut the legs from beneath me while relying on the fact that I'm not a fighter like you are, not verbally skilled like you are. Guess the first divorce really trained you well to keep yourself as separated from the one who lies in your bosom as possible.

And again, Mike, you can't make demands of me anymore. I know it's in another post that I've submitted here but I told you just moments ago that telling me what to do is just a no-go. Now I wish I could help you out but my hands are tied. I've gotta follow through on that. It's a matter of personal integrity at this point.

OH! And I think...YES! I can actually 'be free' AND 'execute on my threats' as well. So, it's not an either/or situation there, just letting you know. You get it.

I addressed your false witness and others earlier today.

Well, see, the problem with this particular response to what I've just presented you with is the obvious issue being that I've blocked you on the site that you've just provided me with. Clearly I won't be able to see what's being said over there but...I have good news! I don't give a shit.

Remember lying in bed with the dog between us and me saying 'I don't know why the fuck you care what people think about anything!' Which I truly find ironic that you do, and you DO care...because aren't you a fucking fringe rebel from back in the day? Might be another indication of mental illness. That doesn't make sense. You can't say you don't give a shit about what anyone says about you AND run to Matt and Facebook and whoever else you've made tracks to over me leaving your sorry ass and try to paint someone in some shitty light.

All the people who truly matter know how it is, Mike. They know you. They've watched your downfall. This isn't news to them. And they're adults so...they have their own actual lives. They don't sit on the couch 16 hours a day and read comic books and try to translate that into their lives.

I wish that they did but they don't.


Call me if you decide we share a God. Otherwise, this is all just a big rerun of the same old fictions.

See what he did there? Here's how to 'try' (this shit doesn't work on me anymore) to provoke a human being into defending themselves against a pretty fucked-up and clearly ridiculous claim. It's so ridic that I'm supposed to have some disproportionate reaction to it and back up that we share 'a God.' be honest, the way that you treat people...I don't know that we do have the same God.

And I agree! Same rerun, right??

Ok, so what I was thinking is that I'm allowed to exercise my autonomy and blogging skills on Blurt and that you could just mind your own business, not freak out and revert to the old standby, instant throbbing need to assess and control a situation that's CLEARLY out of your hands.

What are you even upset about exactly? That I came so hard and so much for Steve when you thought I was your wife or something? It's not like I screamed his name or anything. Not out loud, anyways. The man pervaded my whole existence, it was amazing how quickly it happened, honestly. I was NOT expecting that. All I did was watch a fuckin' video and got curious about who the short Portuguese guy with the amazing pipes and sexy black hair was and suddenly I was thinking about him in the shower every morning, I couldn't BELIEVE the similarities, that was VERY attractive to me on top of what's clearly liquid sex on the surface, CARNALLY...if you will. And you will.

Are you jealous of that? You hadn't made a single attempt to touch my body since April 6, before our first Waco trip with Matt. I withdrew sex a LONG fuckin' time ago lol. Right around when you started questioning sex on my period. You were only pretending you liked me about 2x a month at that point so...what would I be down to with that stipulation, 0?

So don't sweat it. I had already moved on by then, it wasn't a matter of cheating.

Is that what it was that made you so mad? Just Steve? It's a harmless massive crush, nothing more.

You’re running around naked in the square.

Is that how you feel? Totally exposed? Is that why you want me to call instead of having meaningful conversation here in 'the square?'

Are you embarrassed by your inability to please a woman sexually? I'm not ashamed of how my body works and what shuts it down. These are natural things, Mike.

OK... been "Reading" a bit more.

I'm definitely getting RRPD up in this. I have 4 neighbors on that Block Mike,
Ready to give statements.

Get on the road and move out. My family has already heard a few statements frome me so I will not be seeing you. This really is a big deal.

Show me. Make it a big fucking deal.