Your points on the subject matter are quite true and easy to achieve as long as ego is put behind.
Anonymous 1
I don't think anything is wrong with you, you are only suffering from your presumed rejection from the opposite sex.
Do you know that majority of those girls who said "No" when you approached them didn't actually meant it? They simply mean you should try again.
My advice here is, summon courage and approached the opposite sex and accept 'No' as a good answer which implies keep trying.
Anonymous 2
I don't want to jump into conclusion and judge the girl in question as she may have her reasons of doing what she did.
Please find out what's her annoyance with you why she did that.
I had a great teacher who told the guys "when she says 'no', it means 'yes'.
With just the right smile on his face. More important than rejection, is building a friendship with a woman you are interested, to make her want you over time. Except, she may "Friend" you, so watch out for that too. Can't let her get to close, until she agrees to actually date you... ;-)
Yeah, they are complicated.
Nice one @surfyogi, you seem to know so much about women and how they act. I should get some tips from you