Hello beautiful Steemians, it is another beautiful Saturday evening here on the block chain, the last Saturday in the month of July and a very rainy one in Asaba, Delta State Nigeria. I don't know about you but this weather has been putting seriously in the mood. Do not ask me in the mood for what...LOL. Yes it is time for yet another interesting episode of your most favourite relationship show on the block chain, "Saturday Night with Zizy" and it is Episode 18. Forward ever, backward never. Like I always say, I wouldn't have come this far without you guys.
WinksLast week was sir @surfyogi's birthday and the wafrica discord server was agog with activities all in the honour of a selfless individual who has done so much for the Nigerian community especially the ladies. I had to move my show upward from the usual 8pm on the airhawk discord server to as late as 10:30pm. Do I regret it? No way! It was so much fun with lots of recharge cards and steem giveaways and we retired to bed as late as 1am. Thank you @uche-nna, @emekasegun, @itoroarchibong, @ifeoluwa88, @djoi, @princessvenessa, @seyidous, @vickyrich, @princessvenessa, @samest😘. I hope I am not forgetting anyone. Anyway these guys are lit I must say.
As it is my nature, I shall take this time out to sincerely appreciate all of you who took time out to visit the show and drop meaningful comments. @burlarj, @kwinesther, @joseph60, @dklef, @rebeccafl, @korexe, @igweyakubu, @vintageverve, @eurogee, @shemzy, @celebritygist, @vheobong, @kamtasia and @mizdais..my lovely lovely lady. As at the time of writing this post, all rewards have been given out.
Last week on the show, we talked about the importance of apologizing and why some people find it hard to apologize. Saying I am sorry like we said last week is never a sign of weakness but a Hallmark of strength. It simply passes across a message which says I value my relationship more than my ego. While saying I am sorry sounds so easy, it is important that we make the apology heartfelt and genuine. An apology should be more than mere recitation of "magical words". It is imperative we take practical steps to support the change we intend.
☆Say it and mean it.
It is far more productive to allow your guilt to move you into taking responsibility for your actions and into validating your partner's feeling if hurt. Apologizing should stem from deep regret. When you deeply regret your actions, you wish you can go back in time and make it right. Before apologizing, you must first of all,accept that you have indeed done wrong. Make your apology specific by accompanying it with the mention of what you did or didn't do.
☆Do it at the right time
Saying I am sorry in the heat it an argument sometimes is like adding fuel to the fire. It has little or no effect as the person is still deeply hurt. Time they say heals all wounds. It is wise to let the issue cool off a bit before approaching it with your apology. A calmer person listens better than an aggrieved soul. When your partner is a lot calmer it gives you an opportunity to address whatever it is that happened better.
☆Do not be defensive
When you acknowledge that you hurt your partner by stating it clearly, their anger immediately gets deflated. If you go about explaining why you did what you did and trying to prove you aren't at fault by using the word "but" , it completely invalidates the first part of the sentence. Avoid as much as possible the word "but". Do not be defensive, take responsibility for your actions.
☆Watch your body language*
The manner in which you apologize is very important. Make sure that your body language expresses what you feel. Except distance is a barrier, it is imperative you apologize in person maintaining eye contact. Keeping arms crossed or akimbo suggests pride and unrepentance. Your entire focus should be on the person you are apologizing to.
☆Ask what you can do to make it right.
This shows you are ready to make amends. By asking the question , you put the offended party in a position of control of how the outcome of the situation could play out and this helps them express what they nee to move past the hurt.
What has been done has been done and cannot be altered by apology. However, a genuine apology can ease and release the stress. When we apologize genuinely, it goes a long way in affecting the future of our relationship. We heal ourselves whenever we refrain from repeating an action that we understood to be hurtful to our relationship.
As you communicate with each other, don't listen only to what the other person is saying, also listen to the emotions underneath the words. Pay attention to the tone of the voice, body language and what is not being said as well as the context of the words. This helps you understand your partner and respond in ways that leads to a long lasting relationship.
Is it true that broke guys last longer in bed? (If you know you know)
Anonymous 1
I'm Pete (Pseudonym), I am 22 and a virgin. I come from an average family. I wouldn't say I am too handsome but I am averagely good looking. There was a phase in my life when I was hyperactive and always drawn to the opposite sex. Mere looking at a pic gives me a boner and this made me chase a lot of girls with different tactics (sweet mouth, dressing, money) but they all rejected me despite my looks and money. I resorted to porn but found it disgusting, masturbation is irritating and sex workers are a no no for me. After trying desperately to get a girlfriend with no success, I gave up. Now I have lost interest in girls and do not get sexually around even when a girl goes unclad before me. The only erection I now get is the early morning erection. I am not gay but I am starting to worry. Do you think something is wrong with me?
Anonymous 2
Furious cannot even explain the way I felt last night when I came back home from work. In the morning before I left for work I gave my girlfriend 1k that she should make yam for dinner. On getting home, she served me dinner and yes she made yam quite alright but could you believe she served me yam with palm oil? If I wanted palm oil with the yam I won't give her 1k since I have yam and oil at home but I don't eat it. On enquiry of what she did with the 1k, she said she used it to buy shortbread with Malt in the afternoon when she felt like eating sweet mouth. Honestly Zizy, I am still angry even at this moment. I lost my appetite and went to have my bath only form to come out and found her eating the yam and palm oil. Uptil now she is not convinced she did anything wrong. I am seriously considering not marrying such a lady. Is my anger justified?
If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator@sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.
I hate to leave you but leave you I must
Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain
Yours truly
first to comment, first to answer all segments and first to answer impressively wins some sbd
The weather actually got me feeling ill...With Weather like this, trust me, Singlehood becomes a sickness no wonder I fell ill 😀😀😀😀😀
Still feeling ill
Pertaining the first question, there is absolutely wrong with the fellow. He is not gay besides, a "No" from the opposite sex doesn't necessarily mean no girl likes/loves him...Maybe he should try out a different approach like being more social with the female folks, use a cool perfume, and shouldn't rush the friendship zone from ladies...I hate that friendzone thing too o!
The second question...
He should learn to communicate with her on her attitude...
Three killers of relationship are
I call it "M S C"
Number ended with "945"BTW @zizymena I called your line today but you didn't respond
Hi @mickyscofield, this is my first time of having you on this show. Im so elated to have you here. Im sorry i missed your call, please do call again.
How is your health now? Are you better?
Nice show we have here. Good job @zizymena. We need to work on preserving our relationship.
Please o! What is the relationship between the size of a guy's pocket and how long he lasts in bed. This must need a mathematical equation to answer. Lol
Nice dating tip zizy. In order to sustain our relationship and communicate better, we have to learn to listen to what our partner isn't saying. We must learn to listen beyond the words.
No matter how close you are to someone, there are things you may not communicate with words, but tone of speech and body language send the message. We must learn to listen.
You are absolutely right @korexe. Thank you for coming to the show. Im sorry im just replying now. Its been a crazy week
Dear Zizy, thanks for a great show as always. I have found that a lot of people need to learn how to apologize, I have a close friend that would never say sorry, he'd drag out the issue with you and would rather buy a gift as his apology.
The dating tip too is on point but I've come to know is once the love is no longer there, trying to communicate even worsens the situation.
I wouldn't know if broke guys last longer in bed, if steem will sponsor a research, we could work on it...lol.
Anon 1; I doubt you are gay. You have just become comfortable in your cocoon, the fear of No has made you lose yourself. You fear even if you are to make an attempt the nude girl would still turn you down. But honey, those girls weren't meant for you. Try again, if we do not try we have lost, but if we try, we may win. Throwing plenty love your way💝
Anon 2; Is she a first offender? (lol) If she is, call her to order, make her realize her error. If she's a chronic offender, I think you should give her a strict warning against next time. In all, we all have our flaws, think about this, if you leave her and marry someone who would use your food money to buy aso ebi, what will you do? I'm sure you'll work it out. Your anger is justified but please, do not leave her.
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
Clears throat...
Broke guys lasts longer o!
Over long sef...Lemme not expantiate here
Like you said If Steem could sponsor a research on it particularly a practical research
"if broke guys last longer in bed"
It's a date! ;-)
Hahaahahaha. Interesting...
Your points on the subject matter are quite true and easy to achieve as long as ego is put behind.
Anonymous 1
I don't think anything is wrong with you, you are only suffering from your presumed rejection from the opposite sex.
Do you know that majority of those girls who said "No" when you approached them didn't actually meant it? They simply mean you should try again.
My advice here is, summon courage and approached the opposite sex and accept 'No' as a good answer which implies keep trying.
Anonymous 2
I don't want to jump into conclusion and judge the girl in question as she may have her reasons of doing what she did.
Please find out what's her annoyance with you why she did that.
I had a great teacher who told the guys "when she says 'no', it means 'yes'.
With just the right smile on his face. More important than rejection, is building a friendship with a woman you are interested, to make her want you over time. Except, she may "Friend" you, so watch out for that too. Can't let her get to close, until she agrees to actually date you... ;-)
Yeah, they are complicated.
Nice one @surfyogi, you seem to know so much about women and how they act. I should get some tips from you
So hillarious
anonymous two- she feels too comfortable with you that is what cause all that... You need to man up and let her understand that you are her husband to be and not best friend who she can behave anyhow to ..it was how you started that resulted into that
@burlarj has spoken
Hello @zizymena
This show can only get better. Such wonderful strategieson getting forgiven you just dropped. I agree with everything you have said. All very on point!
My response to anonymous guys
anonymous 1
Bro, I guess something must be wrong with your approach to ladies. Just examine your self. There must be some of your habits ladies can't put up with. Outside this, I don't think anything is wrong with you. Package yourself, restrategise and launch out to try harder. You will win!
anonymous 2
I can't stop laughing but honestly, to me, the lad committed no offense. She has told you what she did with the money and that's just it. Girls are like that sometimes and this is not enough reason to dissolve the relationship. You gave her no money for lunch, remember.
Goodluck @zizymena
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
Hahahaha @eurogee, boss you made a strong point. He actually gave her no money for lunch so he shouldnt blame her for spending the money. You are very funny.
Thanks for coming around sir, i am grateful
Dear @zizymena
Anonymous 1
The guy is not turning to a gay,I feel like what happened to him when he gets turned on by anytime related to a lady was teenage crisis which happens to boys normally,also him not being interested in them doesn't mean he is gay it just means that he is more matured and not more the normal woman wrapper.
Anonymous 2
This guy is really funny sha,he should just sit her down and talk to her,but before that he should consider,
@gbindinazeez such words of wisdom.
Like you rightly said, what happened to him is simply a case of teenage crisis and he will surely get over it. Thanks for coming around
Anonymous 1
The fact that you haven't been able to get a girlfriend doesn't mean something is wrong. All you gotta do is keep your confidence and believe that the future holds better opportunities for you as pertaining to relationships with the opposite sex.
Stay positive.
Anonymous 2
I understand that as a man, you can find her actions annoying coupled with the fact that she doesn't accept that she messed. But I don't think this singular action is enough reason to break up the relationship. Probably after a while you should discuss how you felt about her actions.
You are so full of wisdom, please do keep coming to the show, i love reading from you
Yes..... They last long in bed because they have.......lemme noh talk.
Nice one sis. More greese to your whole body. 😍
You better talk now...lol
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
My dear zizy weldone on this one more grease to your elbow
Anonymous 1 you are not gay i would advice you hang out more often visit places meet with people and am sure you might find someone who would like and admire you dont blame yourself and dont put pressure on yourself i believe theres someone out there for you dear.
Anonymous2 Please this is not enough reason for you to start having doubts or changing your mind about your fiance its not that bad i advice you call her sit her down and tell her how you feel you both can work it out dont jus end your relationship jus like that i get that you are angry but please think it through.
Zizy dear thanks for the wonderful tips on relationships much love from me to u.
I love you too darling @rosyblessing. Do keep coming around. I wanna see you tonight
Lol, They are doing it with vexation
Anonymous 1...it is not possible for you to be come a gay suddenly since you were not one from birth
Are gays gay from birth? @burlarj
Hey Zizy!! Thank you for the token, it was appreciated. Sorry I missed this on discord and late here again. I thought yesterday was Friday o.
Thanks for tips on Ways to apologize... To Number 3 point.. "Is it alright to still state your reason or opinion about a situation after admitting you're wrong and your partner is calm?".
Because sometimes when you admit you're wrong( especially when you were right) and you do not air your feeling or opinion about that situation, it might occur again or you will be tagged
as the partner who is always at fault most of time even when that's not true.
Very True @dating tips, not just understanding the body language or emotions of your partner during sex😁
Funny Corner-Hahahahahaha Broke guys coman tell us o. I think that's not completely true sha 😉
☆Anonymous One
Hey Hun, there's nothing wrong with you but there might be something wrong with the way you approach Ladies. Yes I know, there are some ladies who love to be impressed by the looks and money but be yourself when you're around them. Take your time, to note down any bad or wrong behavior that you might possess and deal with it. If you're not sure of what they are, ask your friends the reasonable ones (no offense dear. Not everyone can spot an error in someone's life much more tell them nicely). So, restratigize your approach to the Ladies, spot your errors and be yourself😘.
☆Anonymous Two
😂 Okay Bruv, calm down. Well,what she did wasn't so cool. If she wanted sweet mouth, why didn't she use her cash? And if she had to use part of the cash you gave her, she should have apologized at least. Secondly,they are different ways to make yam. You didn't specific (Yam n pepper soup, yam porridge yam n oil etc). Then thirdly,what she did was wrong. If even she was also hunger and perhaps didn't have cash ,she should have pleaded with you to till take that dinner or explain why dinner didn't come out like you expected.
Lastly, always find out the needs of your lady before you leave for work even if you know she has money because from what I've read so far. She was probably out of cash and probably really hunger too. Maybe she expected you to decode that. So talk to her and resolve the matter amicably. There's no need for any break up, it's not necessary at all.
😁And yes I stole you markdown @zizymena coz I Likkie 😘.
....@mizdais signing out...
@mizdais, im speechless. Your comments always leave me in a marvel. I cant thank you enough for always coming around. Dont forget the time is 8pm and it is the airhawk discord server. Please do come around tonight
Ok... Please can you drop the link to the server.
Another one , well-done @zizymena, @Anonymous 1: You are not gay, calm down, a fish bone mishap should not stop one from eating fish again, That those ladies do turn you down does not mean you can't find someone who will love you, firstly check yourself to see if you can find any reason you are being turned down (your look, manner of approach etc) , if there is, work on it, give it another try, I must be sincere love is a beautiful thing if it is with the right person. @Anonymous 2: I don't even know what to call that your girl friend , sit her down and talk to her and see if there will be changes, she might not see anything wrong in what she is doing though, tell her how annoying the character displayed by her is to you and see if there will be changes, don't jump into conclusions yet, help her change if truly she is not aware what she did was wrong, after this you can now decide on what to do.
@sola3097, nice proverb you gave there about fishbone mishap, im sure they are reading. Thank you so much for coming around.
My sister, this weather ehn..... And boo is doing like somebody that they use chewing gum to plaster his brain...
Anonymous 2: Looooolllll...... She even ate the yam and palm oil?
I swear I love that girl!, she cannor Coman goan die....😂😂
Baba, you sef calm down na, at least you did not specify the kinda yam you wanted to eat, and as an economist that your babe is, she simply maximized the funds you gave to her. Next time, specify what you want to eat and also give her money for her sweet mouth too, Shebi na you wan marry wife...
Anonymous 1: why would you be having such thoughts?... Abi do you want to be gay?
About the fun corner: Yes o, broke guys always last longer.... Since money is not available for them to enjoy, they will enjoy the one that is available for them na.
Hahaha @doris-adioha, your comment got me rolling on the floor. You are so funny girl. Please do come to the discord show by 8pm. You would love it i promise on airhawk server
Knowing when and how to apologize is key to a peaceful relationship. Sometimes you just have to apologize for peace to reign, and in that moment you have to do it right trying to ensure you use the points highlighted in the post.Nice post ziz @zizymena
For the fun corner question, I think maybe they do. Since sex is what they can bring to the table at that moment, unlike the rich guys who can just decide to take you shopping if the sex was wack.
For the anonymous one, he's not gay, he has just lost his connection to what arouses him. People like that tend to be highly emotional when it come to sex, that's why they can't be with call girls. He must have felt rejected enough for him to have low libido.
All he needs is to be with someone he can connect with, he'll be fine.
@winarobert, wow, im speechless seeing you here. I need to see you again to believe.
Hello ZiZy, thanks for the token you sent me. Much appreciated. This show always get better on every episode. Some hindrances made me not to be at sir @surfyogi special birthday show on dischord. All the same, we love and wish him well.
I love the tips you gave on ways to apologise and get positive results. So on point, especially this;
It also gives the offended the clue that you're indeed sorry for your actions and are ready to make amends. Really good point.
LMAO at the fun corner Na true na. Broke guys have all the energy and stuff. You can't blame them; since he can't provide money he should have something else to make up for it. Hahaha
Anonymous 1 Be still and know that you're very normal. As normal as the word 'normal' itself. There's nothing wrong with you that happens to us all sometimes. My advice? Try other approach. Present yourself to your crush in a better way; Dress fine, Know how to talk funny, walk confidently, be yourself! The right one will come at the appropriate time.
Anonymous2 My guy that babe fall hand abeg. Wetin sef? Hahaha. Your anger is justified bro but don't do anything drastic just yet. I suggest you call her to order and talk some sense into her. Do it in a matured way. Be careful, don't go extreme. You still have a good chance of turning her into the 'right woman' you want her to be. Instead of going in chase of other women, try to make the best out of this one first. It won't be easy I Know. But try my guy. Hahaha
Thank you ZiZy for another worthwhile episode of the show. Warm regards
Thank you @dklef, pleass do keep coming around. I hope to do more.
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Thank you for using eSteem
Mehn zizy you're right...
When I apologise,I try to be defensive, it gets oga mad, makes me look proud.
Be sorry and mean it...
Broke guys have energy to last long
Anon 1: a wet jgdykufrggg will change your mind, I don't now coman know where you will find one, @zizymena can hook you up with someone...
Anon 2: the two both of you are not serious but your babe Sha.
Give her money to cook again,if she misbehaves then Sai gobe, the thing is funny sha
Hahahaha @vheobong please o, where do i find one...lmao. dont get the poor guy in trouble o.
By being defensive and not apologizing has taught me a great deal of lesson and that is how i got the inspiration to write this