Mehn zizy you're right...
When I apologise,I try to be defensive, it gets oga mad, makes me look proud.
Be sorry and mean it...
Broke guys have energy to last long
Anon 1: a wet jgdykufrggg will change your mind, I don't now coman know where you will find one, @zizymena can hook you up with someone...
Anon 2: the two both of you are not serious but your babe Sha.
Give her money to cook again,if she misbehaves then Sai gobe, the thing is funny sha
Hahahaha @vheobong please o, where do i find one...lmao. dont get the poor guy in trouble o.
By being defensive and not apologizing has taught me a great deal of lesson and that is how i got the inspiration to write this