Hey Honey... She's almost 20 why didn't celebrate her when she was 18? Lol...
Well done Honey. You're doing a great Job.
Ghosting... I've never done that and I've not had such an experience before too. Well I think it's so immature to do such and I think when you do this occasionally, you unconsciously bottle in so many things thus causing you to be more secretive and less communicative.
Dating tips... I can totally relate to that. I'm a living testimony. Lol
Funny Corner... 😂😂😂 Please also no man should coman put ring on my finger if it's not diamond. If it's more than 6 months and you don't ring the bell then I will easily n quickly sell it and move on... Lol.
Anonymous 1
Crushers ooooooo 😂 😂. All this class room love does not sweet me o. So ,first of all I'm proud of you. Not every lady can do what you did. And I love the fact that the young man was Honest. From what I read, it sounds like he turned you down nicely. Well, he didn't take advantage of your feelings not every man is that nice. So, brace up yourself and put on a smile. Try not to think about if he told his friends or not, besides you have nothing to lose if he did. Attend your classes, don't make him feel like he has a strong effect on you. Be nice if he comes around but don't be or act naive when you're around him. You have a life, so Live it!
Episode 15
So I missed this episode but I'm glad you tooK the advices that was dropped in the comment section.
First of all, please do not tag all men to be evil , this one just happens to be heartless. Like the men say, there are many fishes in the water. There are also many cute sharks in the ocean. So wait patiently and open your heart to welcome a better and bigger shark. He's a typical example of zizymena's topic for today somehow, he ghosted without a word obviously because he had a secret therefore he's a coward. I pity the wife to be, she doesn't know.
Honey, dust his memories off and move on. You're beautiful in and out someone who will value you will come around. Be Strong.
....@mizdais signing out....
Mena, I'm still waiting for the discord link to the air-hawk channel.