The amazing @zizymema, I'm so excited about yet another episodeof this awesome show...much love dear.
Please permit me to say a little about the main topic of the day be referring to certain statements the i found to be profound. If it too long o go continue am for my blog.
I hurt so bad and it took me three years to actually learn to love again and now that I have found love, I can't believe what I've been missing out on
Yes, let me start from here... Hail! to you that made the world a better place by waiting long enough to heal and be whole before finding love again because most miserable relationships are results of people who were hurt and desire to find solace with someone else as a relief but it always ends up a bad decision because no one id deserving of the bad carry-overs of hurt and pain that you bring along to a fresh field of love.
That takes me to this,
When a guy says he can't marry you, you cannot convince him otherwise.
Yes, for a regular guy, this is very true cos we make decisions logically BUT for a reasonable guy, this doesn't happen in the flick of a finger or in a second, it happens over a long time of evaluation, calculation and consideration based on experiences he has had with the lady. And this is made worse if the guy has certain core values that the lady doesn't share or takes so unimportant, this is just an easy way to know who really matters and who values you and your values.
Nowadays, there are lots of women in dysfunctional relationship who think the only problem is he hasn't proposed
Proposing for a man isn't a sign of commitment, its an event...Yes really, Just like a wedding is an event and the marriage is the deal. If a guy proposes today, he didn't make up his mind that day, he probably chose to do that to establish your confidence in the relationship. A guy doesn't need a proposal to be committed to you.
A dysfunctional relationship remains dysfunctional even if anybody proposes. People should learn to deal with issues in a relationship adequately and not hope that time or an action will resolve the issues that are clearly unresolved. vex i just needed to say all of that.
Thanks Zizy're a darling.
@preciousimo infact too much accolade for these words. So when a guy proposes, it's just an event. Wow!