It's a beautiful Saturday and i'm dancing to my most favorite artist of the moment, "Rick Hasseni". I just learnt about him and I just can't stop listening to his songs as they speak to my soul. Beautiful songs, lovely lyrics! Okay I'm not here to talk about Rick, guess what people, it is Saturday again and it is show time on "Saturday night with Zizy" with your amazing host @zizymena. Last week's outing was amazing and fun-filled. So many people came late to the show but I still tried to catch up with your awesome comments. Thank you guys for all your support and love. I'm drowning in them all.
Last week on Saturday night with Zizy, we talked about "things you should never apologize for". If you missed it, not to worry, click here and read up.
Guess what, last week also we had our first radio talk show on Saturday night with Zizy and it was great. Lots of amazing people attended and I'm sure they can testify to the fact that they had so much love and also there was lots of giveaways. This Saturday night we are gonna be partying again on the radio, how about joining us here
This Introduction is looking lengthy already but it is absolutely necessary. You are all fantabulous. Okay let's get today's show started.
DJ play the music in jenifa's voice, Lol
Some years back I was a victim of the topic we are going to be discussing today. I hurt so bad and it took me three years to actually learn to love again and now that I have found love, I can't believe what I've been missing out on. Nowadays, there are lots of women in dysfunctional relationship who think the only problem is he hasn't proposed. There is just something about being the chosen one even if the guy isn't the right guy and this has got many women clinging to a relationship that is so glaring has no future. When a guy says he can't marry you, you cannot convince him otherwise. You can only beg and persuade him and stick around longer than necessary but to what end? Trying to do all these things with hopes that he would change his mind would only get you hurt.
No woman likes to hear these words
"I love you but...." Or "it's been wonderful being with you all these years but....."
When a guy says these words, it is devastating. This can knock the winds out of any lady listening to it and more often than not, some of us do not know how to feel the hurt and not let the hurt consume us. What do you do when you hear these words?
Let him go: I know this is difficult but allow him have his feelings and pursue whatever path he feels is the best for him at that moment. You prolly have invested so much in the relationship but holding on will hurt a lot more especially when you discover he's moved on and left you behind. There is a saying that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. When you love something, let it go, if it is yours it will surely come back to you but then it may be too late and it will be his loss.
Don't see him as a terrible person: Yeah he hurt you. He broke your heart after all you did for him, the time, resources, emotions and all. How dare he? He doesn't even deserve you in the first place. You did him a favour dating him. yeah I know all that girlfriend but come to think of it, if you are in his shoes and you can't picture him in your future, won't you do the same? See it that he did you a great favour not leading you on beyond this point.
Appreciate him for communicating: most men will just disappear into thin air and start a new relationship, some would even start a new relationship while still with you. He was honest with you. It takes a lot of courage and strength for most men to do what he did because men don't like explaining or having to give reasons for their actions. Remember, if he freaks out about how freaked out you would be when he tells you and bottles up his unhappiness and frustrations, you will also end up unhappy and frustrated.
Do not lose yourself in your hurt: he doesn't want forever with you doesn't mean someone else wouldn't want forever with you. Don't because you went through a blatant rejection feel you worth any less. Stay light, stay lovable, dress good, take care of yourself and open your heart to love. Never wallow in self pity.
Do not allow the support from your girlfriends obstruct your chances of dating in the future: as a lady, I know what girlfriends do in situations like this. They hover around you and tell you how all men are the same, how he never deserved you and how he is such a bad person and you should never trust any man. Yeah it's not a bad thing to have your girls console you but do not allow the attention you are getting affirm things in your subconsciousness that will be unproductive.
Try not to think about what people would say: yeah, you were prolly the best couple on campus. In church you were the perfect example for yours and now this happened. Lots of questions start messing with your head. "what would people say?", "How do I explain?", "Where do I start from?". These thoughts would only make things harder. Don't let people feel feel you are hurting because that would give room to unsolicited advice. Remember, most people don't really care and only a handful understands what you are going through.
FUN CORNER (Just for Laughs)
If your ex calls and say, "I am killing myself tonight, what would your reply be?
Anonymous 1
I met this girl when I was lost and looking for direction. She helped me and even walked with me and when she was about to leave, we exchanged numbers and started communicating. Some days after I asked her out for a date and she obliged me. We had a nice time and when I saw her off to her house, we kissed but after she told me she has a boyfriend but she really likes me. I was heartbroken and confused and so I decided not to pursue it any further. I stopped calling. It's been days now we've not spoken only for her to call me up this morning and say she misses me. Now I'm confused. What does she mean by she misses me? Does it mean I can shoot my shot again because I still like her. Please advise.
Anonymous 2
Good morning Zizy. Good job you are doing here. I have a problem that I will love your followers to help me with. I have loved this girl since 2014 and despite I havent been the best of man and she the best of woman as per we are both imperfect I really wanna marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. I chipped in marriage and she agreed and said it will be an honor to marry me next year and even suggested we do introduction this year. Problem is how do I engage her in a surprising way since she will be going for NYSC by July. I don't fancy the everyday engagement I see online and I want something a bit spectacular. Please help a brother out with nice comments. Thank you.
Anonymous 3
Dear Zizy, a friend of mine has a problem. He is a Christian from a Christian background and he has a girlfriend he loves so much. She is also a Christian. They both love each other but the problem is, my friend doesn't want to have sex before marriage but this girl is insisting he has sex with her. This is becoming a serious issue as she has given him an ultimatum of one week to have sex with her or she quits the relationship. Please what should I advise my friend?
If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator @sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.
I hate to leave you but leave you I must. Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain
Yours truly
+2348114218222 or [email protected]
Such a nice show u have here @zizymena ,things like this make the steem ecosystem more intresting,interactive and fun filled for everyone...tnx for the initiative
Thank you so much @predict-win. I'm glad you find this show interesting. Do visit every Saturday by tis time dear.
predict and win...?
there are thousands of username to pick na
If your ex calls and say, "I am killing myself tonight, what would your reply be?
All the best fam (jk)
Send me your atm, your steemit master key, access to your etherium wallet and off you go...
Lol @vheobong I'm still waiting for your lovely advice as always.
This one na witch o
If i catch you with my brother abeg @jeaniepearl?
What would your response be @one-person?
I'll probably conclude she's just being needlessly dramatic as usual and cut the call
Are you sure you'd end the call or invite her over?
Invite for kini.jpg)
Kinla 😋
As seems your ex was always needlessly dramatic. 😁
Pretty much...
anon 1; Bruh shoot that shot again
anon 2: no comment
anon 3: lmao...this one is serious o, ultimatum for sex?? This your babe is intense. If you really don't want to have sex with her, DON'T believe, things will change between you guys once you do.
Short and precise responses. nice one @trillex. hope to see more of you.
You’re doing an awesome job ma’am
To anonymous 3
This girl must have been advised by her friends to ascertain if you are man enough on bed to avoid stories when she eventually gets married to you. I will advice that you sit her down and have a heart to heart talks to know her fears.
If you share the same faith with her, take her to hospital and carry out all medical tests necessary for intending couple.
But if her believe on the matter in not same and you are bent to keeping your bed undefiled, please forget about her.
Please if you want to do it with her, be extremely careful as she may be up to something.
Hmm, exactly. Who knows if she wants to pin pregnancy on him🤔 have you ever had this experience?
No direct experience oooo, but a lot of indirect experiences here😇
Hmmm🤔 all these indirect experiences.
It's possible, it happens, 6 months is enough time to know if i see you in my future and vice versa and so to prevent stories that touch, I'll ask, we'll talk about it
Anon 1: sideboo alert!!!
But if you're comfortable being a sideboo no wahala, she might leave her boyfriend for you and then again she might not.
It happens, sometimes constant communication breeds chemistry.
Maybe she needs to clear her mind, help her do so by still staying away, don't expect much. You'll fall in love again
Anon 2 congratulations in advance, do what your budget can carry
Anon 3: if you have vowed to keep till marriage carry go but you'll have to end the relationship until you find someone that will wait with you.
if one one patner is sexually active and the other is not, it won't work, no amount of fasting and prayer will kill konji, just let her go before she cheats. She's not giving you the ultimatum because she hates you or stuff, the feeling is just normal.
In the other news, you can decide to break your vow and give cucumber a treat, if it's against your belief don't oooo
Hehehehe no amount of fasting and prayer will kill konji😁😁😁😁😁 you must be speaking from experience girlfriend @vheobong.
But lemme ask, what if you have the talk and he says he is not thinking about marriage yet and wouldn't want to discuss it and please that cucumber treat, please I want to learn how it works 🙊
Beautiful piece of advice as always. You never disappoint me. One of the anonymous from two weeks back said infact that he loved your comment. Keep being supportive dear.
Yes o, in one relationship like that, i didn't want sex but the guy did, i prayed and taya hmmm, one day he just called me and said, i just got laid, my eyes were wide open and tears was just dripping uncontrollably...
Nne from experience, follow your kind to avoid stories that touch...
If at this stage of my life, the person I'm dating is not thinking about marriage in the nearest future, I'll start giving him space legbegbe. I'm not dating to pass time biko, please and please....
Cucumber treat is for celibates only : wash twice a day, morning and evening. Keep refrigerated at all times and never take it close to flame otherwise.....
Awwwn greet him for me, it's my pleasure tho.
Do and stand up o
This your treat na wa ooo... ROTFLOmo @vheobong you hush oo!!
Hehehe damn you are a very funny girl @vheobong. You got laughing all through but then you made too much brain. Tanks once again.
Keep your vow, let her go... If she is meant for you, she would come back..Anon 3, dont mind @vheobong
Abi o, lol
Me i won't go back, how can you deprive me of daily bread and expect me to come back...
But seriously anon 3 take your time until you're ready. Don't allow anyone or anything push you out of your belief. Its not worth it...
It would hurt but then, what you have is worth fighting for
Which yeye daily bread...
As if it food self. Mteww
Na play oh
wowww,zizi you are wonderfully,supernaturally,interesting ,this is so so great,am also a victim of this topic today,when my ex told me he dis not picture me in his future,my dear,i ran for my life,thou it hurt for a very long period of time but am glad i let go,and true to your word,i did not hate him even thou he hurt me i still appreciate him for telling me the truth and not deceiving me
Ano 3 : Dont let anyone one push you to what you dont wanna do,i repeat again dont,the worst thing in life is doing something you are not prepared for,i really give you a bow for your decision not to have sex before you get married,its really a good one,and dont let anyone tell you that everybody is doing it,its not everybody that is doing it,i would just tell you to let her go,someone that truly loves you will not
threaten or give you conditions,let her go,so many ladies are out there looking for a guy that would share the same view as yours,let her go my dear,always remember this giving her sex does not gurantee she would stay,sex does not gurantee wheather your partner would stay or not,be smart,also based on the decision you have made you will face alot of challanges,but be brave,your end will be joyous,dont loose yourself all in the name of keeping someone no one walks in the way of God and get hurt,God gat you
Any 2- congratulations on the decision you have made,i pray God see you thru,there are manys way to propose to a lady,but one of the best way is to bring your own uncommon and sweet ideas or you could
prepare a covered breakfast and serve her then she opens it and boom the ring with a note saying will you marry me
you could bake her a cake and when she opens it,the ring
you could gently insert the ring into her finger carefully when she is sleeping
you would invite some friends over,each holding a cardboard saying pls marry him,then you holding a well decorated cardboard saying pls marry me
you could give her a baskets of flowers with the ring inside
anything sweet or nice should do,Go man!
Any 1: she has a boyfriend am sure you just want to use you and dump you or probably try another lips or in another case you can just carefully get close to her probably her bf is not treating her right or she is not happy in the relationship,and she needs someone to care for her either ways be smart and dont get used,if at the secound meeting,she seems to be doing perfectly fine with her boyfriend,leave her she just want to use you.
Oh wow, I'm glad you can relate with the topic of discourse @switmag. Valid points you made there and that proposal idea? Oh my goodness, I need to bring my boo to read this. He needs to do this for me.
Thanks @switmag for this generous comment. You have won yourself 0.3sbd. cheers.
yipeeeeeeee,thanks alot,lol make we see your boo oo,Am happy thanks @zizi
Hehehe, soon you
The amazing @zizymema, I'm so excited about yet another episodeof this awesome show...much love dear.
Please permit me to say a little about the main topic of the day be referring to certain statements the i found to be profound. If it too long o go continue am for my blog.
Yes, let me start from here... Hail! to you that made the world a better place by waiting long enough to heal and be whole before finding love again because most miserable relationships are results of people who were hurt and desire to find solace with someone else as a relief but it always ends up a bad decision because no one id deserving of the bad carry-overs of hurt and pain that you bring along to a fresh field of love.
That takes me to this,
Yes, for a regular guy, this is very true cos we make decisions logically BUT for a reasonable guy, this doesn't happen in the flick of a finger or in a second, it happens over a long time of evaluation, calculation and consideration based on experiences he has had with the lady. And this is made worse if the guy has certain core values that the lady doesn't share or takes so unimportant, this is just an easy way to know who really matters and who values you and your values.
Proposing for a man isn't a sign of commitment, its an event...Yes really, Just like a wedding is an event and the marriage is the deal. If a guy proposes today, he didn't make up his mind that day, he probably chose to do that to establish your confidence in the relationship. A guy doesn't need a proposal to be committed to you.
A dysfunctional relationship remains dysfunctional even if anybody proposes. People should learn to deal with issues in a relationship adequately and not hope that time or an action will resolve the issues that are clearly unresolved. vex i just needed to say all of that.
Thanks Zizy're a darling.
@preciousimo infact too much accolade for these words. So when a guy proposes, it's just an event. Wow!
Wooh, you are becoming a pro in this @zizymena. Well done for the great job. Its really not easy losing a relationship you have nurtured for years. It can leave someone, mentally derailed. However its better to have a failed courtship than a failed marriage. Besides, that am in a relationship with a man does not mean it will culminate into marriage. During the period of dating and courtship, its better to see it as a period both of you are trying to study each other to know if you will be compactible. So if you find some abnormal behaviours or attitudes you think you cant cope with and the person in question is not ready to change? You park the relationship. So ladies, except someone likes a divorce , else a failed relationship is better than being in hell in the name of marriage. Kudos Zizy
Wow nice one @adoore-eu. You made very beautiful points here o. That one is in relationship doesn't mean it will culminate into marriage. I am a living witness to that.
Thanks so much for visiting. Please what advise do you have for my anonymous writers?
Oh, i will get back to that later today. Getting ready for church service
Another wonderful outing. Keep the flag high.
If an ex calls and tells me she is killing herself, I will thank her for informing me and then quietly ask her if she is sure she has accomplished the purpose of her creation before her decision. From her answer, I will know what next to tell her.
What if she answers No but wants to kill herself because you won't have her back?
I will tell her not to spoil what she did not and cannot create. I will bring up a joke to douse her tension a bit, invite to an open venue where I will inform her how evil such decision is.
Hmm🤔 smart response. Lol @open venue. To avoid things that be not seeming like they be 😁😁😁
You really nailed this edition and thanks for the dating tips
Thanks so much @adeniyi
Anonymous 1
She has given you a positive signal but be careful, she may want to have you while keeping the first guy.
Is "I miss you" positive signal? It may just be an innocent statement or what do you think?
Yes but it's more of am available than ordinary I miss you.
Okay o, guy shoot your shot then.
Anonymous 2
Am waiting to learn the method others will give you, maybe before you apply it, I have used it thereby rendering it second hand...😁
I take this to mean you are proposing soon too😁😁
Maybe 😁
Very funny guy..
Invite me o @dubem-eu and @sbamsoneu hehehe yeah I'm funny like that.
@zizymena, you are very much invited. Who knows you may be the one am planning to propose to 😘 as for @sbamsoneu, na you know whether to invite am or not.
He should run from that lady demanding sex
She never ready.
For the guy that kissed sm1's gf,he should find out what the girl really wants
How does he find out what she wants without getting close to her?
By kissing her again lol
Why should he run?
Its just sex o, lass lass 5 minutes
Abi and nobody will know he did it 😁😁😁😁
I wanted to loose my virginity at 15, it took me 2 years to find a willing gf.
At 17 I decided I really enjoy sex, I don't see any reason to wait... but I did get a few gf pregnant, and I was stupid. These days, there are excellent forms of contraception; I don't see any reason not to educate myself and be very experienced with a woman.
For me, waiting is buying into a lot of "dogma" that I don't agree with, and I feel is really from an era where we did not have all these new tools available to us. Today we have amazing communications, and we have medicine, and we have better understanding of so many things; we are aware, educated and much more sensitive to each other's needs.
Some books written 2000 or more years ago, could never imagine the world we live in today.
That said, dating a woman that only worries about getting married, and having children, can be intimidating for a man that wants to take time to get to know if we are really compatible. All the "noise" of family and community expectations, peer preasure, it's amazing anybody ever gets married, except the feeling of "new love".
Young Love can make people do things, get carried a way, and it's very intoxicating, being in LOVE! INFATUATION
But it's actually best to let the infatuation pass, and see what you really have THEN. After a year or 2, is there still something there to stand on as a foundation? Or are you both bored and unhappy?
Marriage can end up feeling like a trap, if both don't really want to continue growing together and do not really care to know more about each other, each year.
Relationships are hard work... anyone entering into a relationship needs to be prepared to do the work.
I have known many lazy ladies in my time, and they were not ready to do that work. Still growing up and maturing, still needed life experience. Were very inexperienced sexually, and did not understand how to please a man, or really even care to.. And certainly not prepared to talk about it, and grow out of it.
Wow! @surfyogi this is the longest comment I would see you make not just on my post but on steemit although I may be wrong. You poured out your heart into this and you made some very valid points.
Many ladies sadly nowadays only fantasize about marriage but are not ready to do the work that it entails. Many are not patient enough to build the relationship and watch it grow before such commitment. They simply want to go with the trend and also have that euphoria that comes with a wedding.
You having to wait two years before finding a willing partner is simply because girls that age are not as interested in sex as boys are. Good a thing you learnt from some of the mistakes you made earlier in life and you studied to know more now you are a wise man. A desperate woman is and will always be a turn off for men. They don't like being pressured into committing. They do it when feel it is right.
Like I said earlier, it is better to have a broken relationship than a failed marriage because a marriage not built on love and understanding is doomed to fail. If he doesn't picture you, let him go.
Reading the whole of this objective response, I couldn't stop laughing. Wanna point you some points that really got me cracked up...
😂really a when Lotta time to try hooking up. I wonder how you managed to sleep every night sir.
😂😂😂😂 not even one or two but A FEW! Hahaha That must be record breaking! 😂😂😂
You really know them sir. 😂😂 That's their major characteristics! Women's craving for marriage can make an ill prepared man and poorly-willed man go into marriage under duress
Best advice but unfortunately most ladies would not take this.
😂😂lazy ladies!
@zizymena over to you dear!
@eurogee of @euronation community
Hehehehe boss @eurogee don't set me up o
You are very correct with the points highlighted above. Once it is over, try accept that fact and move on. It is harder when guys disappear without a word.
On the ex question, I will simply ask her: Why are you informing me? 😂🏃🏃🏃
Well done Zizy!
She's is informing you cos she wants you back
lols! She cannot want me back. My response above means: Go ahead and do it!
Damn! You no get joy o
Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!
Anonymous 1: She wants to make you a side boyfriend, thereby playing with your emotions. My Advice: Avoid her totally, but if you can control your emotions, play along with her, get her cookie and leave her.
Anonymous 2: I have no advice for you, I ain't a hopeless romantic.
Anonymous 3: Life is very simple, if she wants sex and you can't give her, leave her and look for someone else that doesn't want sex like you.
By the way, Nice show Zizy.
Get her cookie and leave her🤒 ayam not well o, that sounds mean. Why not just leave her totally @doris-adioha, the hopeful romantic 😁
Shortbread or wafers is better
Hehehehe.. chai @vheobong
anonymous 1
this is fucking crazy and serious
for me, i would defintely take the shot since am single, she is the one that would decide on who to be with
@camzy has spoken.....hehehe
anonymous 1
this is fucking crazy and serious
for me, i would defintely take the shot since am single, she is the one that would decide on who to be with
I am so frigging late again! Please who knows what network works best in Lagos? Accessing on my phone is becoming a stressful task oo. Me I don't even know what to say. Tflame has said it all. But o boy, the whole proposing at the camp thing might be too "fancy" especially if the guy in question is shy. Before or after the camp, why not take her to the very formal or informal place you guys first went out on a date, order some retro food that gets her talking, talk about old memories, laugh and play around with her like nothing is wrong. Then ask her to excuse you, go outside and call her with an unknown number (if she does not pick unknown numbers, borrow a friend's phone). Now what you say or do while calling her is up to you: you can sing a sing she likes and ask her your marry you, you can tell her to check her bag or anywhere you can successfully hide the ring from her and ask her to marry you once she finds it or you can lure her outside by saying she should bring something you forgot inside. Then when she comes outside, you can go on your knees, read some fine statement about how you first met and pop the question.
Anyway, just propose the propose and quickly get married. Me I want to come and eat rice soon ooo.
Oh wow this is really beautiful. He so needs to read this.thabk you so much @funmiakinpelu and I don't know what network is best for you. Ask around now please so you can always be here on time for me 😘
To anonymous 1
Please shoot your shot. She only has a boyfriend not a husband.
The show keeps getting interesting.
After reading the post and going through the comments, I seriously can't remember what I want to write, laughter won't lemme think.
😁😁😁😁😁😁 I saw you laughing everywhere upandan. I'm glad you found it funny dear @jeline
Hello @zizymena
Another awesome episode by you. Thanks for being a worthy consultant to many Steemians. This show is really saving life and I am happy with the way it is progressing.
I am actually too busy to make objective comment today but I will not fail to comment on the very insightful (though very funny) response you got from @surfyogi. 😂😂
Reading his comment, I could not stop laughing

@eurogee of @euronation community
I read your response too and now I'm laughing again boss @eurogee