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RE: Bottom in on EOS? Slowly building into a margin long

in #eos7 years ago

oh yeah, EOS is just experiencing what most all coins experince, EOS needs to launch before [peoppe can criticize it, theyll all see that it will work just as well as Ethereum, but even better and with more features and possibilitries will be seen and many will invcest and price will soar JUST like ethereums did! ethereum was seen as useless by many then teh ICO craze starded and ethereum skyrocketed almost overnight i remember when it was going from $30 to $40 and wasnt even at $100 yet then started just blasting off, went from like $30 to $400, and EOS will do this, EOS will start on its way up from $1 to $10 to $100 and it will happen FASt like Ethereum! the EOS network has to laucnh first so lts just accumulate a smuch cheap EOS and as much cheap Steem as possible!

Steemit official app launching soon it will change everything SO many new users! lets prepare for it! buy steempower now! steem about to DOUBLE in price with new steemit app launch!


Exactly mate! Sorry I haven't had time to read or respond to your larger post below yet, but it's right up there on my to do list!