
I`m sure they would get many freebies from lots of brands from clothing, mobile phones and many other things to help promote a brand at that time. In London I know a few people who are in signed or unsigned music bands. From the outside a lot of people look up to them especially their fans but once you get to know the real them from the inside you realise how weak and insecure they really are. Many people chase the famous limelight cos they feel empty from their insides. I just think those celebrities live like famous prisoners as they live in their big fancy houses behind the big wall and security gates. A lot of them cannot do what many of the average person can do without them gets hassled from the media or fans all the time. To me they are living in a prison with the door of their life shut closed too. I see all that fame and money is like a person getting plastic surgery. Once you have reached that level or when a person gets plastic surgery they realise it is not the outside that matters. It is all about what is happening from inside of you with your inner beauties. People must learn to read from what is happens inside of themselves first.

being famous/celebrity has indeed pro and cons. You always are expected to perform better and better from your fans or manager and looks play a big role. I am too scared to go under the knife, but it is also something I would not encourage people to do unless you had an accident and your face needs to be "repaired".

A lot of people do their best to keep themselves in reasonable good health but there`s no escaping from the age and gravity. People just have to accept that we are going to grow old and become fragile like a baby again. Yes life is like a rollercoaster ride always packed with its high and low moments.