Buy the Rumor, Sell the News Has Always Worked Great for Me.
Why would EOS be any different? Every EOS fan boy and girl I see is saying, "EOS to the Moon!" I hear things like, "The Mainnet is launching and that means EOS will rocket".
Yes, the launch of Mainnet is coming in a week. Yes this is very exciting.
Yes EOS is an amazing project.
Yes the projects that will be built on top of EOS will make it a strong competitor to Ethereum.
Yes Dan Larimer is a Crypto Legend.
Yes EOS has a ton of ETH and a larger war chest than any Crypto Mainnet launch in history.
Yes EOS will change crypto.

I Like to Buy the Dips and I Don't Like Buying During Periods of FOMO.
No I would not buy EOS right now.
No EOS is not some anomaly that can defy market trends.
No not all of the buyers are believers, a good amount are speculators.
No EOS is not out of the woods until the Mainnet launch is deemed successful.
No I do not hate EOS.
I Will Buy Once the Dust Settles Post Mainnet.
"Randy the price could rise exponentially after Mainnet launch." I totally understand that logic but in my four years of trading crypto currency not once has, "Buy the Rumor, Sell the News", failed me as a trading tool. When I see that everything is running smooth I will begin to scale my buys and Dollar cost average my way into a position. I personally plan to HODL EOS for a long time. I am not making the mistake I made with Ethereum, Lisk, Dash, NEO and selling my positions.
I agree. 'Buy the Rumor, Sell the News' has worked for me as well. I see no reason why EOS would be the exception to this rule. The hype is strong, but I don't see what will drive the price even higher after mainnet launch.
I bought EOS for 0.5$ and HODL
As for ICOs... I see a common pattern: shortly after ICO finishes, token price drop significantly. That's was the case for all large ICOs yet. Can EOS be different? Maybe - it's a year long ICO after all. But we will see.
No to FUD and no to FOMO. Think for long.
How dare you come with this after your failed similar warning concerning the eosdac airdop? Just curious
I assume you missed the airdrop then? eosDac's dividend option will be incredible if they are voted in as a block producer .
No, i didn't but i sold my eos immediately after as hilarski predicted a serious correction which never happened...
U did what mr hoddler!! Now buy some more steem u bad boy!
Erm.... help me out with understanding that one mate?
That comment was meant for bubke.. sorry!
No worries just really confused me, have a good one.
here.No disrespect to @hilarski but there really is no amount of TA that can predict the crypto market. Bitcoin is intrinsically (but not exclusively) linked to every other token/coin check
Just remember that EOS is not just about the token price, I will not repeat my comments from earlier but EOS is too valuable to sell in my humble opinion.
Good luck brother, just hold on to that EOS :-)
I'm doing with eos what I did with eth. Bought a little and just hold to it.
In principle i agree, the hard part is always to catch the right moment... For selling the rumour the right time would have been early May at 20$, when everyone expected a further rise to 35... And can you time exactly when to get in? When things have settled and mainnet you might be well too late... As @zoidsoft wrote earlier, do you know where to buy mainnet eos in the early days. Remember segwit and the 2x disaster that ensued, did it harm the btc price? For that reason I d say it's more effective to try get in early after due diligence and then hodl...
Completly agree, catching the swings is the key to the kingdom which I why I use a trading bot.
Having eyes on the market 24 by 7 is the only way to truly profit from the crazy up's and downs. What happens in the crypto world is the equivalent of a year in traditional stocks.
"Buy the Rumor, Sell the News" that's the global rule to play in markets but talking about EOS i think is an awesome project an a awesome blockchain i think we will see a huge rise this day because this june they will have their mainnet workig. Regards
Any idea on eoseth?
I have set a sell order at 0.0234 🙄
One thing you are overlooking is all the airdrops during the transition if you aren't holding you miss out. ;o)
So be it
It's going to be interesting. Some sort of gyration should be expected with the switch. What will it be? That's the billion dollar crystal ball. I guess we'll have to read the news instead!
Here's our new Discord channel invite, so you can join us there.
One thing to consider is EOS tokens will be frozen for about three weeks, taking majority of the supply off the markets. Trading on exchanges are still possible but not transfer. With that little supply available I would not be surprised to see EOS pump to $30-$40 then dump before going back up again. There's also many airdrops announced that plan to drop free tokens to EOS hodlers at main launch. Everipedia is one of those that will air drop. Is very hard to speculate what the price of EOS will do in the short term but I believe EOS is going to be a major player in the space. Its trade volume is second to only Ethereum. EOS will likely be a #2 or #3 Crypto in the future based on market cap alone with #1 in scale and performance. EOS will be the first major blockchain live that really has no scaling ceiling, which will make it feel and seem like what users are used to in high performance centralized systems while still decentralized and open network like Internet.
If past patterns play out, the whales will lock in profits by selling 1/2 on launch driving the price down. The only thing I'm unclear on is where to buy once mainnet launches. What would become of OpenLedger's EOS on Bitshares? I'm not even clear where to go to check EOS balance after the launch. Nobody has said "this is where you go", but they all say just check your ETH address, but it won't be there come June 3.
I bought a small amount a few days ago and tested the Bitshares OpenLedger transfer and it took 5 hours for the transaction to show up. So I'm not sure I'd want to repeat this just before launch since there's a chance that the ETH network might not be able to handle the traffic at the last minute. It's an extra risk if the price drops to something like $0.50, I might be tempted to buy.
I was looking at EOS when it was about $0.45 on Bitshares last Sept, but the Bitshares wallet wasn't stable until I figured out that Firefox was the only stable one on my mac. By then the price had jumped to $4.00.
They say that only 33% have actually registered their EOS to an ETH address. NS James seems to have a solution for those using Scatter to generate EOS keys for those who forget, but it's better to be proactive. I was extra paranoid and used an air gapped machine to generate the keys. I've dealt with more than my share of hackers in the past because of my work in the software field.
i already purchased the EOS token and will be stocking more when it hits $10, trust me the order is already placed. I really love buying the rumor. i am moving my EOS token straight to my ether wallet where it will seating for about a year or more. if the drop moves faster than expected the i will adjust my order to $7 or $5 *winks i know how impossible that might look :)
If the mainnet launch is successful, I doubt we will see that price agiain sir.
We have already seen what happened to Ethereum last year. $20 all the way to almost $1500. EOS can deliver 10 fold the experience. The crypto kitties app destroyed the network and that was a single dApp.
The EOS testnet is already exceeding expectations and the dapps are coming thick and fast with major names already getting on board.
There is also another “major” announcement coming soon,(and yes major is relative) but the only realistic way EOS drops back to under $10 is if something really goes wrong or bitcoin shits the bed hard again.
Good luck pal
Oh, thanks for the analysis, i will consider looking deep into it anyways. I know there will be a huge change by the end of the year
Coins mentioned in post:
I Like this line really (Buy the Rumor, Sell the News Has Always Worked Great for Me)
I thought heard something about a steemit competition on EOS blockchain?
Yep, Dan has already hinted that it is in the works. Infact one of the main reason's Dan wanted to build EOS was due to the fact that he realized more of an underlying architecture was needed. He tried Ethereum but that crashed and burned.
Etheruem is a single supercomputer, EOS is a global operating system, once the devs introduce IPFS and (one day hopefully) direct IP socket access, the internet will never be the same :-)
Me too, I will sign up as soon as it is available.
Agreed. I'll buy it when it's back at $1.
Hey thanks for the heads up I was actually really confused on what to think, and how I should trade with EOS. You should give a review about the EOS platform after its out!
I will definitely dive into the platform after launch.
To The EOS Token Holder community, as the release of EOS nears, speculation inside the community regarding competing…
Dollar cost averaging is the only way to go with something like this if you ask me.
I still remember looking at ETH when it was $4, then $19, then the sudden rise to $40 then $50 then $90.
So I'll be stacking a little bit every month.
It might take off. It might not. The whole crypto world could disappear. Doesn't matter. I'll be dollar cost averaging.
Great article, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!
Also, if you are looking to get some tokens without investing or mining check out Crowdholding ( They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.
Good post, but there is so much more value to EOS than just it's price.
The token renting possibilities through the Chintai dApp, the RAM trading market and all the airdrops going on hold much more weight than the short term price. The majority of these airdropped tokens will be akin to receiving shares from new software companies back in the initial internet boom and most are giving holders tokens on a 1-1 basis.
We all know that real ROI comes from successful applications and not infrastructure (Facebook, Microsoft etc.) so selling now could have severe implications for your future finical gains.
Anyway, that is my two cents.
This is a new currency. Which will go up and forth
Are you ready for next biggest BINANCE signal??
It will be in 30second. 100-300% Profit.
Follow fast.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
I hear your logic but Eos is a little different in the sense that having tokens in the initial snapshot could lead to greater benefits down the line such as owning tokens on additional side chains or other implementations of Eos. I think of it a little like owning BTC before the day of the BCH hard fork. It's obviously risky for the reasons you mention but carries some potential extra upside.
You will be able to do this after launch as well. I am playing this one cautiously.
Possibly. I'm not sure exactly when the exchanges will be switching from trading the ERC-20 token to the Eos main net token. The way I see it is that it's good to have bought some tokens before the launch and then to pick up some more when/if it's up and running smoothly
Most of the person who are related to the crypto world are kind of eagerly waiting for it ;)
Excellent post!
That is really seriously risky infact trx looks much better at this time
Wow . Interesting . Thanks for share this .
Resteemed it . Thanks
Quick question - I had my open.EOS on Bitshares and just registered an EOS address on Exodus. I sent my open.EOS to my EOS receive address in Exodus via openledger-dex, and it shows in Bitshares are a completed transfer in my activity with a TX ID, but nothing is hitting my EOS balance in Exodus (or showing up on Etherscan). It's also not showing up as a recent withdrawal on the withdrawal tab if I were to try again.
Does openledger-dex take a while to relay the tokens to my EOS address in Exodus, or do you see that I did something wrong here?
I've been considering doing the same just to make sure I don't miss out on any airdrops. Has your situation resolved? In 4 years I've never had a problem with openledger, and withdrawals have always been prompt.
It's been about 10 hours and no change.
Eth is running at 100 % capacity, the blockchain has >36 000 unconfirmed transactions. It will take a while.
Totally agree Randy. I am out...for now. See how this launch shapes up, as you say the specs are already in, if they pull out we will correct!