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RE: Bottom in on EOS? Slowly building into a margin long

in #eos7 years ago

I've been so surprised at EOS going so low lately. Isn't this supposed to be the Ethereum killer? I'm going long on a handful of EOS because I really think it will take off, but it hurts to see it going down so far. On the plus side, I've been able to lower my dollar cost average. Let's hope it pays off for all of us EOS investors.


Yup it hurts good... Love buying this up cheap ... only an idiot will sell at this price... so tempted to say fk it and go all in.

So you're actually long (margin trading) or just buying (investing)?

Yeah even though I only added 25% with my long position, I've managed to do that at nearly a third of the price so pretty happy with that XD

Just straight investing without margin. I also managed to pick up some at close to 1/3rd the price as some earlier acquired EOS. Definitely lowers the average price by a lot! Thanks again for your post.

Yeah definitely, I need to sink some more in and really bring that average down. Glad you enjoyed!