A big "hello" to all my friends old and new on Steemit. I am happy to report that all is well but that I have just taken a few days off from writing so that I could do some research and then share what I have discovered with you.
Most of you don't know me as someone who is versed in the crypto-coin world because I have never blogged about my love for it, before.
I don't want to mislead you. Or, make myself out to be more accomplished in economics or financial investing than I really am.
(This is a copy of an EOS performance chart directly from the website https://coinmarketcap.com/assets/eos/ )
In reality, I'm just a Lady, who happens to think that our current fiat systems and our current governing systems are severely "broken". I also think that the only way we can fix what is broken or what is obviously not serving the majority of the people's best interests on this planet, is to switch to an entirely different way of doing things, altogether. Then, I think we (as a population) need to fully adopt these new more efficient and compassionate systems so that our world can be a more nurturing place for all its inhabitants, to live.
When it comes to managing financial resources, I am secretly, really into vehicles that can provide a safe haven for both wealth growth and storage of wealth over time.
Both physical silver and crypto-coins fit this bill (of being just these types of vehicles) nicely.
I will also admit to having some skill at recognizing a good thing when I see it and routinely will take action to bring an acknowledged "good thing" into my life, as soon as I can.
This is why I didn't miss a beat the day I found out about the Steemit opportunity a year ago. It's also why I have stuck with Steemit and never looked back. It was and is an incredible lifestyle opportunity, in my books.
What's New
Recently, I have discovered a new blockchain complete with token, called EOS. I have been reading everything "constructive" that I can about this relatively new, very powerful infrastructure for decentralized applications.
EOS was and is being designed by Dan Larimer. He brings solid, "proven" blockchain engineering experience to the 35+ person, highly skilled, EOS development team. Dan was named the Chief Technology Officer of Block One which is the blockchain start-up that owns and runs EOS. In just 5 days after the launch of the EOS token, Block One announced that it had raised $185 million USD. This broke a previous ICO record that was held by Bancor when they were able to raise $150 million USD, with their launch. This confirms (to me) that Block One is heavily supported by influential backers in the crypto-currency industry and it's got some muscle behind it.
Let's not forget that Dan Larimer has already developed 1 fully functioning blockchain called Bitshares. He has also designed Steemit which is a very successful decentralized social media platform, currently being used successfully by over 250,000 people. It will comes as no surprise to you, that Dan built the Steemit platform to operate on Bitshares' strong financial blockchain technology. The development of Steemit was just a natural progression of his life's work. Building strong blockchain applications on effective foundations (like Bitshares) that could and would equally support next generation blockchain platforms, going forward.
Both Bitshares and Steemit are up and running smoothly without any major operating issues and have been doing so for quite some time. In my opinion, this validates Dan Larimer's track record and proves that he can deliver the goods when it comes to back-end blockchain engineering.
Bitshares and Steemit, which although don't rank in the top 1st and 2nd place of all cryptocurrencies in terms of market cap, do run in first and second place in terms of the volume of transactions they are handling in a day. Both are handling over 650,000 transactions a day and have proven that they can easily handle this volume without being bogged down or crashing. In my eyes, this proves Dan's professional strength and that he knows what he is doing. He can identify what works in blockchain technology and what doesn't. He builds blockchain solutions that simply work efficiently and this is due to his vast experience.
In terms of EOS, Dan is designing this platform to deliver on what other blockchains (like Ethereum) promise to do, but allegedly, haven't or can't.
This means that Dan is building the EOS blockchain to make it seamless for smart contract application developers to build their apps using the EOS blockchain. The application developers will not have to ask permission to use EOS as part of their applications, and this removes the onerous task for them of having to build a blockchain themselves from the ground up.
Program developers will not have to "re-invent the blockchain wheel", so to speak.
Dan is positioning EOS to be a hosting environment for any decentralized application.
What Sets EOS Apart
The key features of the EOS blockchain is that it is:
- easy to use (people won't even know that they are using blockchain technology, just like Steemit);
- fast and will be able to handle transactions in 3 seconds as opposed to hours;
- free and it will not "nickel and dime" its users and charge fees to use the platform;
- architecturally different than Ethereum (for example) and can accommodate multiple applications which can all run parallel to each other, at the same time;
- a tool that will take the role of dispute resolution out of the hands of centralized governments while it provides a solution for dispute resolution that is international.
EOS is being designed as a system that will make governments irrelevant. This fits with one of Dan Larimer's main goals of creating free market solutions that secure liberty, life and property on this planet.
Just like Steemit, Bitshares and physical silver! (This is an authentic Max Keiser silver coin, in case any of you silver bugs, recognize it.)
Credit for this information about EOS is given to both @jeffberwick and Dan Larimer on July 11th, 2017.
Jeff interviewed Dan. Then, Jeff wrote a post and shared his interview via a YouTube video, on his channel.
@jeffberwick's post, with his video can be viewed here:
Today I Learned
What I have written is what I have learned from the interview today and what I thought was important to share with you, after I digested and gave some thought to it.
In my humble opinion, I think EOS will do for the blockchain evolution what Microsoft has done with windows for the personal computer evolution.
Except, I think the potential that EOS has is even a BIGGER game changer.
I remember the leap we made in technology when we went from having to write code in DOS in order to even use a computer. I see this leap as exactly the same thing, only bigger. For this reason alone, I want to buy as much of this token as I can. Especially, when it's such a phenomenal value at under $2.
At the very least, I would encourage anyone who is the least bit interested in EOS to look into it, further.
I think it is a very good thing and I have no issue backing a proven winner like Dan Larimer and any team of people who he chooses to work with.
I welcome your comments and invite you to follow me on my journey.
~ Rebecca Ryan
Great post - have you looked at the HERO token? 5% APR, it's like a bitUSD savings account for crypto. Check out @stan.
EOS will likely be >$10 after the test environment and test chain are released in the next 3-4 months, and then >$50 next summer when then chain goes live. No TA behind that, just 5+ years of crypto-investing-gut-feeling.
Thank you @johnsmith! No!!! I haven't even heard of the HERO token. I will investigate this and follow both you and @stan's blog. Well, I have learned to trust strong gut feelings over the years and my gut is telling me (as well as yours) that EOS is expected and set to do very well. Thanks for weighing in on the discussion and throwing your support behind my article. I greatly appreciate it and am very thankful. ;)
I got tons of BTS sitting in their exchange waiting for Hero to start trading. Every time I log in it says "disabled by owner" but the charts see action. So I am confused. Still waiting.
This is a great interpretation of that interview @rebeccaryan. Can't believe I haven't found any of your stuff before. Upvoted and following.
I wholeheartedly agree that EOS has the potential to disrupt everything. Steemit was and is my gateway into the whole cryptocurrency scene and I think that this component of interacting and communicating on the blockchain without even really knowing it is key. But, the fact that Steemit has led so many people to be more interested in this technology speaks wonders to the accessibility of this platform and community.
Dan's record is incredible and he is truly a visionary. I really believe him when he says in the interview that developers will just begin to flock to EOS as they realize that it has the best infrastructure, the most supportive skeleton for growing applications that haven't even been imagined yet.
As human innovation skyrockets on the blockchain, EOS will be there to support it and help usher in a new era of true wealth.
Thanks so much for reading, commenting, supporting and following me. I really appreciate it and am following you too. :)Well said @anarchrysalis! I completely agree with you. I think EOS is the next huge game changer.
I got really lucky with EOS. When it first went on the markets I bought 1.5 ETH worth for 0.0032 each and by the end of the day it dropped a zero, sold 3 ETH worth and still hold 250 from that trade.
Then I bought some through the EOS crowds sale. 1 ETH got 79 EOS. lol ><
Anyways got my trades paid off. All icing on the cake now what ever it does. It not trading at at what it was when I sold so I am happy I did that. The rest I will keep maybe forever. lol Depend how they can be used in the future.
Nice post. Let's bank on it!
Wow! That's a fantastic story!!! I love it and EOS and hopefully will be able to "unbank" as a result of it. ;)
Oh, it is so good to see you back in action. I am just overtaken by your words and wisdom of understanding.
It is true. We all want a better tomorrow. And without the chains of strangulation that has been placed on so many of us around the world.
Can EOS help us to have more than we could have dreamed of in the past?
I don't know. But, I do know you from your writings.
If you believe that EOS is something that is going to make major strides forward for the peoples of the world.
I accept that without reservation.
Will I join in the coming revolution of EOS?
Just how much and at what level is my question at this point.
Thank you so much for your labors for us. I/we really appreciate it.@rebeccaryan
It's a tricky spot to find yourself in to try and decide which coins to back and which ones not to. I always try to sift through the offerings and see what the companies behind the coins are doing. I'm old enough to remember a world before computers Francis! LOL!!! My first computer was a trs80 by radioshack. My second one was a commadore64...while I'm at this game of dating myself, my first cell phone was packed into what looked like a suitcase and the hand-set or receiver remained attached, so although it was portable, it was no where near wireless. (I actually kept it because it was so powerful...you could probably cook food with the waves it emits. lol!) Plus all of this technology was super expensive when it first came out. So, do I remember a time before the internet and what that was first like. Yes I do! I remember taking 3 days to enter binary code to create a pixelated cartoon rabbit complete with a message that would scroll across the screen that said Happy Easter. (To this day, I have a real aversion to writing code and it's why I use editor instead of markdown, because it seems more antiquated to me and like a step backwards.) I remember DOS to be a huge pain in the butt and I remember how the world changed when all the coding was already done and we could finally use windows to do stuff.
I see this same evolutionary jump getting ready to happen with the adoption of EOS. I think Dan Larimer will become a household name, just like Bill Gates. The biggest difference is that Dan actually cares about creating something that will free people from being slaves to corporations. I think it's fantastic and I love what I am seeing and reading about EOS. It is the way of the future.
I am so glad that others can see these words of yours, as well as myself. You have put more time and energy into this reply than you should have. You need the time for important things.
But, thankfully the way Steemit is setup. Everyone can read and gain knowledge of what you have shown to us of yourself and your credentials and expertise in these matters. Thank you so much for being our Steemit friend. I will not say, "I love you," because I don't want your husband to look for me so he can choke me to death. Ha@rebeccaryan
There was a method to my madness on the length of that comment and it's humorous.
By commenting and letting me respond, you let me get this off my chest.
Hahaha! @knarly327 will completely understand this and knows that you mean like a sister...back at you Francis. I love you too. Seriously. We need more love in this world. You see, @knarly327 and I have been talking about EOS for a few days, largely because I had started to research it. I knew I would write about it, but I also wanted to make my own video. However, between his schedule (because he has to hold the camera) and mine, we weren't able to pull things together. I had been telling him that I wanted to add this piece about what it was like before the internet and before windows but he thought no one would care about that and it would only bore younger people who wouldn't get the significance of what happens when we take an enormous leap forward in technology. It literally changes everything on the planet over night, especially if the technology reaches mass adoption quickly. As so many new apps can apparently be easily made on EOS, it should act like a huge multiplier and this is one of the reasons that I am so excited about it. Are you bored @francisk? or can you relate to what I have shared? LOL!
Yes. Tell us about the early computers and the internet. I thought I was an early adaptor.
I bought my first computer, screen and printer early 1997. I was way behind instead. Ha
I want you to blaze the trail for those of us that aren't as well informed. Why not take advantage of something that could be household conversation for years to come.
On the "love" thing. Sure, "I love you" as a Steemit sister.
And anyone that doesn't. Could be a little off center. Just saying.
Oh, tell your husband he doesn't have a thing to worry about when it comes to Francis
Francis is as old as the hills. I could easily be your father, age wise.
We should be able to express ourselves anyway, despite any age or gender differences.
Thank you for being you.@rebeccaryan
Yikes!!! I started in the mid-80's...what were you doing for 14 years?
A texas instrument calculate, maybe? Did you at least play pong? Hahaha!
(Sometimes it's crazy what memories can get dredged up.)
At least you are on the cutting edge now and you'll be able to tell everyone you were an early adopter on Steemit. It's pretty nifty when you think about it.
I'm pretty sure as crypto grows ETH is no longer be able to cope with the number of transactions per second and people may have to wait longer leading people to turn to things like EOS.
I'm just trying to accumulate EOS while it is cheap. I think it will blow up one day. Dan will not let us down haha
Dan was able to identify the bottle neck that exist in other crypto-coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum with their slow transaction verification processes and remove this as an operating barrier for EOS. Ultimately speed and bug-free processing is what will take EOS to the top of the coin heap, in my opinion. When it blows up, it's really going to sky-rocket. Regardless of what Nay-Sayers say about their being no value in this coin yet, as soon as developers start launching the apps they are building on it, in a few months, it will explode and capture the market share that it deserves. I am not ashamed to say that I am stacking this one heavily in my portfolio. ;)
Thanks for commenting. I too think that Dan will not let us down. He's the real deal. Lol!I absolutely agree @arckrai!
I'm very interested in EOS as well but waiting for the price to be cheaper later this year when the enthusiasm in the space has died down a little bit.
I have followed you. :)Thanks for reading and commenting @birdinc! I do think that we will see a drop in token price but for how long and how low, is anyone's guess.
I'm holding back because of how the BitShares crowdsale played out in 2014. When everyone was excited and there was high demand the price was like $0.04 but when nobody was paying attention you could have got BTS for $0.004.
Dan is doing EOS the opposite of BTS - release a test chain to beat up for a year then go live. BTS released the live chain right away and spent two years forking/upgrading it, which was rough and severely depressed the price for a long time.
My bet is that current prices are as low as they will very be. Once the test environment and test chain are released I expect to see $5 very quickly.
Thank you for explain this. This explains why Dan chose to release the tokens for sale through some exchanges first and has made reference to the fact that it is a lot easier to work on a platform and upgrade/tweak it before you have to actually service paying customers at the same time. He used a great analogy for this about it being easier to work on a car's engine when you don't have to drive it down the road at the same time. Thanks for adding this piece...it all makes sense to me now. Hahaha! (Well, in a very simplistic way.)
I bought BTS at $.07 and I am so thankful that I had the courage to take the plunge, when I did.
I didn't want to miss the affordability opportunity that exists with EOS, so I plan to continue to buy this coin as long as can.
It is very tricky to know what to do.
Agreed. It's tricky business. But fun!
One more thing to note, current distribution of EOS is 252000000. Total distribution will be 1B. At current price and total distribution EOS, market cap will be $1.67B, that is 5th overall replacing DASH. EOS is talked about ETH competitor or killer. At full distribution, if it attains 1/4th of ETH's market cap, EOS will be $5 per token ($5B market cap). Therefore, if EOS really becomes a good competitor or alternative to ETH (which has lots of publicity behind it), it is quite possible rise in significant value. However, we have to consider total circulation and other factors such publicity, developments etc. At least it should be above ETC (ETH classic, market cap $1.37B) which has little development. Followed and resteemed :)
Welcome to my blog page. I have followed you.Thanks for taking a minute to read and comment @riseofth! I think EOS has everything going for it and it'll will just be a matter of time before developers flock to it as the best foundation to build their apps on. They may not even care about the coin part, but that's there for them, too.
Excellent Post. Upvoted and RESTEEMED. Cheers rebeccaryan.
I have followed you. Thanks again.Thanks so much @crowe! I greatly appreciate the support you have given me. :)
EOS yeah I have big plans with it ;) And today I have read a great post about it! Thank you very much for sharing this "Excellent" post and I can assure you, new joiners of EOS should read this article!
Great work you have done!@rebeccaryan,
Thanks and Cheers~
(You made a new fan)
I really appreciate your support and encouragement.
I have followed you. Thanks again. ;)Thank you for reading and commenting @theguruasia!
Great analysis...nice stuff..where we can buy eos?
Thanks for your comment and question. You can buy EOS on 4 exchanges that I know of. Bitfinex, Bter, Kraken, and Liqui.Hi @bibek!
thank you for the reply...I used polo and bittrex but not found on that. thats why i am asking you...i will check it..which one is the best in your experience among them...Bitfinex, Bter, Kraken, and Liqui
I used Kraken. It worked but I experienced some delays. I didn't try the other exchanges, but will do so if/when, I buy more EOS.
thank you for the reply.. I will check and buy some EOS
Might as well just buy some EOS, everyone is talking about how EOS is the future lately. And every time I read an article I am more impressed by it. Thank you for this rebecca!
As far as I can tell @kalijakov, it has all the makings of a winner in its infancy, alread. I think that it will sit just under the $2 mark until we hit the fall (Oct.) and then I think it will take off. Once they have some new apps that have been built using the EOS blockchain as their foundation, people will see how easy, fast and solidly reliable it is. I predict that, that alone will drive developers to its doorstep, and dictate what the value of the token, should really be. Then, we have all the other people who will just naturally see what a good investment EOS is as a company. It should really go and I think it will be up there, just like Dash at $200 a coin.
Welcome to my blog @kalijakov! I have followed you. :)
Oh well @rebeccaryan , I'm not used to read crypto related post from you! I'm so impressed with your great knowledge indeed! Gotta learn some more with you! I'm just too much concentrated in my food things!!! @progressivechef
Thanks for reading and supporting me. I really appreciate it.Hahaha! It even surprises me @progressivechef. I have no explanation for this, other than I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut when a good opportunity is starring me in the face and I want all my friends to know about it. I just can't seem to help myself. :)
EOS does look amazing and I can't wait to see how will it turn out to be. Hopefully in the next 10 years cryptocurrencies will be the only currencies !
I agree @trendo! It is the next logical advancement for humanity...(that kind of sounds like something Spock would say. I'm really not that much of a nerd. LOL!)
Thanks for the information Rebecca!
I will also hodl! :)
Thanks for commenting.
I have followed you. :)I think that this is a very wise move @dandylion.
Thank you Rebecca, i follow you too! :)
Thank you for your post! I am sure EOS price will grow in time.
Dan Larimer is a genious!
EOS is set for huge growth and Dan Larimer is absolutely a genius.I couldn't agree more @jwolf.
I have strong beliefs that it will go very high in a long run. Let's just pack some tokens and wait hehe!
I'm with you @yaan! I'm holding this token and waiting to see what's going to happen.
I love the post! I'm just hoping that this drop in all the market today ( and potentially the next couple of days) will make EOS drop below $1.50 and then I am loading up for the long haul. Happy trading :D
Welcome to Steemit and my blog! I have followed you.
I think it will drop and I am planning to do the exact same thing...stack as many of these tokens as I can because I think this is the exact same type of opportunity as investing in Microsoft before they launched Windows.
It's a complete game changer.Thanks so much for reading and commenting @trdr4.
Interesting take on EOS. I am sure it will increase as the market ebbs and flows. Its in a downtrend atm, but it will move into the positive again. Just waiting for that pesky BTC Hardfork to eventuate. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing.
I have followed you. :)Thanks for reading and commenting @scooter77! Yes this whole thing around Bitcoin and whether issues are solved or not is slowing the momentum of growth down for most crypto-coins at the present moment. I'd like to see Bitcoin, not be the only game in town, that people default to.
Eos looks to be a promising contender in the future it will really outshine others
I completely agree @blazing! Thanks for reading and commenting. EOS is the cream that will rise to the top.
Thanks for information 😊 will search about EOS too.
Oh good @engraqin! It is worth looking into. :)
@rebeccaryan thanks for giving info about What Sets EOS Apart upvoted
Thanks for the upvote @pikachhu!
nice job
Welcome! I have followed you. :)Thanks @makefvs!
Thank you for your thoughtful report. I'm new to the crypto world and trying to absorb as much as possible. EOS will definitely be part of my portfolio.
Welcome to Steemit and my blog page.
I have followed you.
I like EOS a lot. It's just got so many things going for it, I just can't see it under-performing...it might take a few months to really get going, but that just gives us all a chance to buy some when it's affordable...kind of like a gift in a way. :)I am glad that you found it helpful @danpaulson!
EOS looks very promising and I agree with you its worth a long term hold. It reminds me of the days 2 years back when ETH was $5. I regret not grabbing some.Hopefully we will see exponential growth with EOS in future.
I missed the Bitcoin boat when it was $60, the ETH boat at $5 and the Dash boat at $4. LOL!!! I've missed a lot of big boats. I am not missing this one and am on it. :DYes! I am putting my energy into seeing exponetial growth with EOS too, @practicaleric!