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RE: I am Long On EOS and Am Prepared to Hold.

in #eos8 years ago

Dan was able to identify the bottle neck that exist in other crypto-coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum with their slow transaction verification processes and remove this as an operating barrier for EOS. Ultimately speed and bug-free processing is what will take EOS to the top of the coin heap, in my opinion. When it blows up, it's really going to sky-rocket. Regardless of what Nay-Sayers say about their being no value in this coin yet, as soon as developers start launching the apps they are building on it, in a few months, it will explode and capture the market share that it deserves. I am not ashamed to say that I am stacking this one heavily in my portfolio. ;)
Thanks for commenting. I too think that Dan will not let us down. He's the real deal. Lol!I absolutely agree @arckrai!