Also in for a bit of leverage on the upside of this. I could get margin called at 15c or so at present and if it reaches that level then it is possible that the project is going nowhere - If it comes to that, I'll assess it and if I am still positive, I will cover and look at doubling up as I plan to use the tokens for app development.
A lot of the recent price reduction seems to have been Chinese and FUD related. So far 47.6% of tokens have been distributed (if we count's 10%) but from now on the amount of inflation and risk could come down considerably. By the end of December EOS Dawn 2.0 will be out and 67% of tokens will be distributed. We also may well have some more clarity on community choices for blockchain implementation.
Seems like we're in a very similar trade!
That's a very interesting point you raise about inflation slowing as the ICO drags on - never thought of that!