You Are A Creator Not A Customer

in #epic7 years ago (edited)


The reason I wrote this today is that I want to emphasize something that most people miss:


The sooner you understand this, the better off you’ll be in discovering your unique contribution to Planet Steem. Planet Steem is shaped by the efforts of all us, so don’t think you’re a “customer”.


We need you to create, to build, to dream. We don’t need you to whine, to complain and to write shitposts. Steem is a blank canvas to the future, and it’s sensitive to thought waves. It needs passion, drive and visionary ideas. If you don’t have visionary ideas yourself, you can help others who do. It’s up to us to create or stagnate. I’m going to create, fail, then create again. There’s no time like right now. The future is right now.

The sooner you let go of feeling powerless, the sooner we can all fully live in freedom. It is freedom and the ability to release dreams into the world…………that is my personal end goal.

I’ve been wanting to create a list of everything I’ve ever done in Planet Steem, and this is what I can recall. I don’t do this to brag, but to provide a concrete list of things in order to inspire others to think outside the THE BLOG BOX.

Here it is:




Order custom-designed Gifs for your Steem blog. Pricing: pay between 5-10 SBD for each one. You decide the price. See samples here:

Chatbot Developer

I’m currently creating a FB Messenger chatbot named stellabot. My chatbot is in beta, but you can chat now with her and help shape her mind here: FYI, two Steemians already unlocked the Easter Egg inside my chatbot! Congrats to the winners, @mikepm74 and @empath!

Stellabot is an AI extension of myself, and is the prototype for a bot I’m planning on developing as a STEEM chatbot to help newbies understand Planet Steem. Think of it as the future of customer service. This can be a community effort. It’s been bugging me that we don’t have a newbie service department, so I feel that I can build a helping chatbot that will help guide new users. This future chatbot should be intelligent, so if you have Machine Learning expertise, let’s talk.

idea phase:

Planet STEEM News Video Show

I’m in planning stages of creating a weekly Planet Steem News Show and in fact I have it all written out. I’ve begun painting backgrounds, but I got involved developing a chatbot, so this is on hold for now. I want to do it, but waiting for the right time.


Secret Writer

I created this STEEM service to solve the problem of people wanting to tell their secrets in an anonymous way. I received secrets from Steemians and I edited and art designed their stories. I paid the secret provider half of the SBD rewards. This project could be re-started any time. I was able to do this because my reputation was the highest in early days of Steemit.


STEEM Gnome was a marketing and fun project I started with @ervin-lemark. The gnome traveled around to different Steemians and then the person who received it, blogged about it. The gnome was supposed to travel around the world, until reaching Steemit HQ this year, but it looks like he is stuck in some Steemian’s house. Read about it here:

Steemicide Hotline

Steemicide Hotline is a video series that focuses on the ongoing dramas happening in Planet Steem. Topics covered: asshole’s birth, The Bad Whale, Steem is Dying, Dollar Vigilante is flagged by Smooth and Berniesanders, the birth of seraph, Cheetah’s daughter and The Oracle of Steem. This series can be re-started anytime. You can binge watch Steemicide Hotline videos here:

Further reading:


I come up with a lot of ideas which I give away freely. I call this open-source idea generating, and people are not used to this concept. Unlike a lot of people, I am not attached to 90% of the ideas I come up with. So, people are free to run with my ideas. This does not mean that I will be the creator of the project, it just means I came up with the idea.

Here are some examples ideas I came up with then others ran with:

STEEM Stock Photos: currently being led by @blackphotos (last I knew)

Virtual Bars: There was a time I created the concept of virtual bars where Steemians could go to relax, have a drink, etc. I think someone developed an idea around this, if you know details, let me know.


Founded STEEM School KC which has run for several months. Live classes take place every Saturday at 2 pm at various locations in Kansas City, Missouri.


STEEM Gigs: I regularly assist others with the first phases of their project. For @steemgigs, I set up the Twitter account and ran it during the beginning. I also provided some feedback to Terry when he was just starting his project. Also I wrote some articles for Hackernoon and Steemit letting people know about it.

Project Venezuela: I provided @efrageek with feedback. support and helped with some funding.


I’ve given funds for a number of projects:, Steem.Center, Project Venezuela


current: paulag (radical transparency is key to growth), ilovekc
past: MinnowSupport, Project Venezuela


I started helping the @spaminator department grow when I saw the huge comment farming operation in Steemsville. I regularly help in this department, and I assist with new member acquisition and generally making the account more art-friendly. Also, I encourage people to earn by blogging, especially those doing a lot of work but not receiving enough compensation.


Gave two trips to Steemfest (although visa was not able to be received for one)
I’ve done a number of contests and prizes, but I have forgotten all their names.


Helped with some investigations to determine if certain Steemit users were real or fake. Did some in-depth investigation and interviews to find out if a certain high-profile blogger was a scammer. I have a severe distaste for scammers, conmen, liars and shitheads.


I'm on Twitter recruiting people onto Steemit and Busy all the time. Twitter is where I do the main outreach for Planet Steem, and it's where I score interviews with mainstream journalists. I've been interviewed several times by journalists simply because they found my tweets. It's a completely misunderstood platform. For me, it's my rolodex to the world. Speaking of interviews, @anialexander is doing a Livestream interview with me on Monday...I need to get those details here...

Did you notice that in all 9 headings, the heading for “BLOGGING” is absent?

It’s curious isn’t it?

Considering I’m ranked #4 for total posting earnings in Steem on The truth is, I don’t think of myself as a blogger. I think of myself as a creator and a farmer of abundant ideas. I have a variety of tools in my tool box, and writing is one tool. Art and design is another tool. Communication is yet another. Tools are separate from Thought Leadership. My long-time friend told me yesterday that I am a Thought Leader. She told me to start owning it. I am now.

You see, the monocultured mind is my enemy. The opposite of sterile factory farms is the rich, organic, diverse farms that give rise to the richest of Heirloom mind fruits. Planet Steem is a huge, diverse organic farm. It’s not a cornfield full of GMO row crops. Blogging is how we mine our minds, but we are not factory cows. There is much more to Steem than blogging. There are castles buried deep within, and castles not yet built.

What will you create today in Planet Steem? What will you help with?

A big shoutout to the Steemit Inc. team for fixing the website issues and improving the UI. It's working for me (for the first time in weeks). Thank you! I retract this! YOU GAVE ME ANOTHER 'TRANSACTION BROADCAST ERROR'! Get this shit fixed!

Let's All Be Epic (or die trying). Pepperoni Nipples ICO is still in beta. Launching Soon! Send all your BTC, ETH to our addresses.


There are 2 pages

Steem Stock photos is one big idea, led by @blackphotos, the world's wealthiest are the ones with multiple excutable ideas, example is @stellabelle thanks for being so generous with your ideas. And thanks for the mention

Wow you really have done so much. I was not aware you were involved in all of this. You forgot to mention operation translation!

People often don't see how much work goes on behind the scenes, and how generous and helpful steemains like you really are.

Thanks for the mention above, you rock :-)

An Idea is like a timed bomb when it is rightly excuted, it comes back in multiple. When we give out ideas, we create reputation in the heart of others for ourselves. Just like @stellabelle will say

Your reputation is in the mind of others.

Thanks for being such a giver. It will come back to you in multiple fold

Thanks to you, I created! I have a long way to go, but after submitting my very first video for your contest, I am hoping to make more... I want to promote health innovations that the every day person can take advantage of. If people take charge of their own health, we won’t spend as much on cancer treatments, surgery, and diabetes research.

You left out being my biggest cheerleader. Thank you for all your help and support.

Well, my memory is sketchy! Thanks for acknowledging this. Planet Steem would really suck without you.

you both are love <3 @patrice and @stellabelle :)

@stallabelle pls i will appricate if you check out this campaign proposal am seriously working on. Am @japfive i really wish mtn network can help us, i have also made all necessary arrangements towards it i will be visiting mtn headquarter in Lagos Nigeria next week. thanks

@stellabelle great and very informative post. I resteemed it.

Dear I am having an issue with two accounts that are viciously downvoting my posts and comments. bloom and ronahi. I tagged you in my most recently post and one a post written by ronahi that was filled with insults, slurs, and allegations against me. Is there anyone that holds these accounts accountable for their malicious behavior? Any advice is appreciated.

you can put the links in steemit abuse linkdrop in Steemit Chat
Have you used Steemit chat before?

Ah okay, yes once when I first joined. I will try that. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Thank you!

by the way i don't get notifications, so next time, just send me a dm in steemit chat. Unfortunately, this is one of the weaknesses of this platform, in that anyone can police anything. I can help unhide your comments, as long as you tell me what's going on. I am not the police though, as this community is self-policed. Steemit abuse channel may or may not decide to take actions as they usually don't get involved with such content matters.

I posted it in #steemitabuse in the chat.. but there doesn't seem to be anyone there. bloom and ronahi disagree with my views so they are ganging up on me.. and if I understand correctly they can't just downvote all of my posts and comments without writing a comment and having a third party approve the downvote but maybe that rule doesn't hold water. I am fine with opposing views, my posts and articles attract a lot of different reponses but I do feel like these two accounts are abusing their downvoting privalege.

you have to use Steemit abuse linkdrop.
There is no policing of downvotes...and you need to ask @patrice about this matter as I am not really qualified. There are a number of things we could do, and going forward, upvoting your own comments to prevent them from being hidden and getting help when this occurs is a solution.


It's up to the steemit community to make steemit a succesful platform, in which the spammers, beggers, bots will not rule over us. It's up to us to bring other people to the platform and help them.

Steemit for life babehh (and blockchain)

PS check your DM @stellabelle :)

thanks for your help with the chatbot. I will work on that today.

so now Steemit is a separate planet.. so does that mean the people from Steemit are aliens?

its a great achievement for developers that they have fixed some kinda big issue we all were having everyday and waiting for that to be fixed btw throw this problem i got to knew about a good site that is ! its really cool and working very smooth for me !

What will you create today in Planet Steem? What will you help with?
A big shoutout to the Steemit Inc. team for fixing the website issues and improving the UI. It's working for me (for the first time in weeks). Thank you!

I believe your friend is 100% right thought leader !

Considering I’m ranked #4 for total posting earnings in Steem on The truth is, I don’t think of myself as a blogger. I think of myself as a creator and a farmer of abundant ideas. I have a variety of tools in my tool box, and writing is one tool. Art and design is another tool. Communication is yet another. Tools are separate from Thought Leadership. My long-time friend told me yesterday that I am a Thought Leader. She told me to start owning it. I am now.

You are best helper best senior amazing personality ! Surpassing told everyone about you ! and now i am your fan ! be helpful always GOD BLESS YOU !
yours Steemitian fellow " HASSANABID "
Thanks for reading :)

thanks for your comment. Surpassinggoogle and I connected quickly on a deep level. It was so good. Planet Steem is hungry for abundant thinkers.

btw sorry for long comment lol ! :P

don't apologize! Own it. It was a good comment.

Thanks for appreciating my comment but i know you all are too much busy working things out and its too kinda bore to read that much ? :P isnt it ? :P

not at this second. Think of yourself as a whale.

you are a pretty whale <3

terry (surpassing ) is my favorite senior on steemit ! :)

Whewwwww. I am perspiring and tired just looking at the long list of things you have initiated and achieved. You are a Steemit superhero Though I am a newcomer, I am trying to learn more and am always dreaming of starting a project about my passion - wildlife awareness. However, I have not found anything so far that will spread wildlife awareness like wildfire. I am only writing blogs regularly with good quality and interesting content. Let us see what the future brings.@stellabelle -

Thanks for your initiatives and leadership. Upvoted full



Do what is natural to you.

good job.resteemed

Thanks God you resteemed it, otherwise, this post wouldn't have been read by a lot of people. You are awesome!

True. Many of us here just want to make money off steemit. We forget that steemit is really about creating content. Instead of thinking of what we can do for the platform, we selfishly only care about what the platform can do for us. This is a mentality we must change. We must accept the frame of mind that we should be creators and nit just customers or consumers on steemit. That's the only was for Steemit to grow and for each of us to grow individual.

Your above listed accomplishments here are a prove of why you've made something out of steemit and you're where you are today. You're an inspiration to us all.

You are right, we must create our own future, Thank you for the lesson. You have something to learn. Everything takes time.

All i got to say is. . .Nice post! Nice Godamn Post!
:) :)'re really "multitasking" :) It's OK here but it's not for everybody...too complicated...well it's not like here :)

transmitted error so i tried again and again, till it posted abouf five times when i reloaded, it was hilarious though, but however. Steemit is ours to appreciate, i hope its fixed.Hi @Stellabelle, I actually posted today, and it

I'm just creating what my mind and heart urge me to do, yesterday that was a song, couple of weeks ago it was poetry...

My followers must certainly think I'm just too random, but I guess that's just the way it is... I've never been a blogger, vlogger or otherwise social influencer, but I am getting into it on this platform :)

Wow! @stellabelle, what if I say you're a workaholic? Many people are jacks of all trades and masters of none. You're one of the few who are jacks and masters of all trades ma.

I'm curious what other people goals are. More than profit, blogging or creating. Where is Steemit as a group of people heading?

it's heading wherever our minds lead us. I am working on more services to help and entertain people.

You are doing a great job, that's for sure :)

I'm trying!

Trying to hook a 'lazy whale' in for some minnow promotion!

Awesome thoughts we all need to heed. Thanks for all your initiatives. You are inspiring.

Quite impressive list. So sorry about the Gnome project - I would've loved to meet him. I've always loved garden gnomes and I have an idea about a post on a special kind of gnomes. I'd almost forgotten about it.

someone still has Steem Gnome!

Stellabelle congratulations on all of your accomplishments here in Steemit.
Because of my ignorance of how all this new technology works, I have not participated in the many offerings of the platform, other than the standard upvoting, comments, resteeming, etc. I have posted a few times. I do envy those who are very motivated such as yourself, those who have the savvy to understand and are able to participate and in doing so will improve the Steemit platform. Again congratulations and keep up the great work. Resteemed and Upvoted.................billytwohearts

I can think of few others here who have done so much to build an actual community. It gives me ideas about what I could do to involve my fans more. I write 4 things per day so I'm pretty overloaded, but maybe a contest or something...

"people are free to run with my ideas". Wow, you are such a giver. God bless you for all you do on Planet Steem. Thanks for these much needed words. @stellabelle

Some are very new and have very little funds to their name. If you ever can find it in your heart to give them a boost, I would love that!I like your farm metaphor - it is even beyond organic. A true permaculture environment with all species supporting each other one way or another - at least the ones who will stay and be successful. Here is the initiative I started: #freewrite. I give a new prompt every day. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write. Either post or leave the freewrite as a comment on the prompt post. As of day 9, 23 participated and some are new, new to steemit and are finding a way to create posts. Also, a little community of encouragers is forming. Love it!!

we need more encouragers, more helpers...

for sure!! Doing what I can :)

I've found that my posts are changing the longer I am on steemit. To start with I wrote really serious articles about topics I am passionate about, but as I've found my way, my blogs have become more personal and open with more 'me' in them. I've met some great people here and have been inspired by many which in turn has sparked new creativity. I think steemit is not just about blogging as you rightly say, I think it can be a journey of self discovery too with like-minded people to support our growth! It will be interesting to see how steemit develops as a platform, there is so much potential! :D

Steemit is more than just steam steem, I'm doing things I don't know I could do. Everyday I'm consistently surprising myself on a lot of facets of things I could do. I don't know what blogging really is three months ago. Now I'm blogging almost everyday and doing a lot of other things.
Steemit is my ride-and-die item as I've explored some avenues that I thought was impossible.

You on the other hand is a class act, most times I wonder if you have people you delegate some of the things you do. Like all these celebrities that have different people managing their social accounts. But I see your personal signature in all of them so I know it's only you. Keep the trail blazing. Thank you.

I'm a lone wolf and I never cared for the course called 'delegating'. paulag's SP delegation was hard for me, but it's the next phase of my personal growth.

Yeah, even those that move in herd may eventually have their lone wolf moment when push comes to shove. So running it lone wolf leaves you not open to any surprises.

"What would you help steem with? "
I had never thought about it.
We do need to create something for steemit and for the future users of steemit.
I will try my best until I come up with something @stellabelle

"How can I contribute to the community on Steem?" I have been asking myself this question since I joined back in May. The truth is, I am not an expert in any field. I can perhaps give people advice about Facebook ads, but who gives a shit about Facebook on Steem? I can create simple visuals in Photoshop but I am nowhere near being a designer. I am relatively good at taking photos, so I can probably help other Steemians with tutorials and other photography tips.

You are right though - I will have to think outside the box in order to figure it out.

Thanks for posting this - it will surely help my brain shift gears :)

In your comment you are still talking about tools and skills. What do you care about? What things in life concern you? Once you go deeper into what matters, the work appears.

First off - Sorry for no upvote. I hate commenting and not being able to upvote, but I really need to rebuild my vote power.

Second, I am ecstatic that I found you very early on in my steemit days.

O-kay now to the meat of the comment.
There really are a lot of Content Creators on steemit. One of the things that is missing are the Steemit Advertisers. And I mean that in the very best sense. I do not see myself as a blogger. I make a few blogs every now and then, but nothing real earthshaking. I am a steemit advertiser. I do my little steem mag to bring readers to authors and authors to readers. It is not a famous or well known mag yet but it is growing. Last issue had 100 views. I really liked seeing that number.
quality content would be nice. (thought train jumped tracks, sorry I guess that's all I had to say) That is what I mean by steemit advertisers. We need a few more magazine type posters. I have actually found one other steemian who has a mag. That is @infovore. Steemit needs more of these. A photo mag would be nice, a food mag, and a poetry mag, a contest mag. These can be as big a project as people want, or as small a project as people want. Tags are one way to find content, but an honest effort by someone to point people to

I agree with you! We need good editors, and people who can synthesize. I understand about repairing vote power...i'm in the same boat.

We need to be able to make more votes, I have been very slow on recovery since last Saturday, (hit less than 35%). I want more votes,but working to that magic 500sp to get the slider, maybe that will help. Thanks for all you have done for steemit, it is people like you that will keep the site alive despite some other peoples efforts.

I will be empowering millions of people with my God given talents what steem planet is all about freely will i deliver

This has been as awesome journey. I often talk about the strategies to be implemented on Steemit with @beingnaveed and he always said that all the persons who are big fish trade in cryptos and it's difficult to reach to that level and then I give your example, being successful here without being involved in crypto trading is a great motivation for all of us!

I got involved in crypto trading right after I joined. I still do some trading, but not as much. I am always looking to buy new crypto coins though.

Right, I shouldn't be giving your example from now on. Will tell him tomorrow about this.

Fantastic post! Can't name just one thing I liked from your post because I liked it ALL. Thanks! Glad to be following you. 😊


I love this so much.

I've passed the 2-month mark as a refugee on Planet Steem, and I've appreciated the amount of creativity that thrives on this platform. Even the ability to post using Markdown and HTML is incredibly freeing.

"Blogging" is the clearest analog that I think most refugees can understand when coming from the other virtual worlds, given how restrictive their formats are. Even with the limitations the Steemit editor imposes upon creators, when you realize that the blockchain supports multiple forms of media and you learn more about what you CAN do within the limitations, your options really begin to open up.

Whether you have a limited or open mind, this will be reflected in what you create.

As always, thank you for posting, @stellabelle.

you're welcome. i am glad it resonated with you. the fact that we are free to dream up bots, and then unleash them on here, is something I love too.....

Yes, I think that the bots are an exciting part of the platform - there's a lot of fear surrounding them right now, but like Twitter's early days, they're pretty interesting and innocuous. Looking forward to making my own soon.

congrats on making it 2 months! Many people gave up! It's something that eludes a lot, but the people who stay get the biggest in return.

Thank you :) I noticed that the people who do well are the ones who have been on here for a long time, and so I'm definitely taking the long-view :)

Hey, do you know how to program intelligent bots, like Machine Learning ones?

You have written a good post, but what I want to say is that this good post is going to stay for the eternity on the top of the epic posts, as there are not so many, and yours is really appreciated. Good job!

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]

thanks! Is this skycorridors masquerading as taylor?

You are an admirable woman. I wish some day, to be able to create, to build and to dream in this community like you.

Dreaming is available to all. You only need to take your own dreams seriously.

You are an admirable woman. I wish some day, to be able to create, to build and to dream in this community like you.

I'm sorry the gnome is stuck in someone's house- that sounds like a fun writing challenge!

I love the way your mind works @stellabelle! Way to think outside the box and inspire us.

I hope you're going to be at SteemFest. I am on my way there now. Are you going?

i liked the very enthusiastic way of writing. like listening to an opera that increases in intensity :) pretty cool idea the secret writer! very curious how it will go :) thanks for the creativity, we are all benefiting from it :)

I think of myself as a creator and a farmer of abundant ideas.

Really i can attest to this.You have done a lot on this Planet steem and you are really motivating alot of steemians here. You really have a lot done in the past and I am sure you must have touched a lot of people here. Bring the Pepperoni Nipple ICO address, lets crowdfund it. lol

Join us in Discord.This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @Kubby from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Wow, great food for thought and people need to stop whining and just start helping this platform and themselves! You are a superstar!

Thanks @stellabelle for this post. Negativity is as contagious as the flu; and, needs to be checked to be kept from spreading.

Here are three takeaways that we would all do well to remember as the days, weeks, months, years progress, and this little ‘baby’ continues to grow, and get its sea legs:

Steem is a blank canvas to the future,...create, fail, then create again...monocultured mind is my enemy.

Again, many thanks.


Salute to your creativity! You well deserve the high payment. It inspires us. Hopefully we could do something to help and be more valuable.

Hey! Just found your page but you have said exactly what's on my mind about what's possible with Steemit!. Very inspiring how proactive you've been with all these projects. Big fan of open source idea sharing.

I'm bringing my video art & film livestream @vavclub to Steemit as part of the @sndbox incubator in NY!

Stay in touch and follow back, maybe we can trade more ideas!

what a great write up..I think i've really earn something here. by earlier we get to understand why we are here the better for us. from then we understand what the planet needs

You are one amazing lady,@stellabelle! You are so right when you say we are creators. If you want to be a customer stay with that other social contender. I didn't join steemit because I want to make megabucks. I came here to share ideas and learn. You are my inspiration. Thanks.

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