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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 1.A: Frequencies Of Deception .. Out Of The Light

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Sorry, the story of religious icons is like the swiss cheese of history. I could list thousands of sources that call in to question the historicity of Jesus but it wouldn't make any difference. People will believe what they want on this issue. In fact, there are over 30,000 sects of narrative within Christendom alone all claiming definitive contradictory versions of who he was. Add to that the myriad sects of Judaism and Islam and we have a smorgasbord of unprovable assertions when it comes to semetic tribe religion. BTW: about 5-billion people on the planet today reject this story.
I could list thousands of areas of dispute on historicity (why bother) but it's near certain the slaughter of the innocence didn't happen. There is no record of it. And again, no record of a worldwide flood, no Exodus, no Grand Solomon Kingdom. All of it in dispute and no God willing to definitively end the dispute. Add to that the historical fact of the violent bloodbath of these religions which continues today with Christian Fascists killing Muslims for Israel. And Israel killing Muslims, and Muslims killing well...pretty well anyone they declare infidel.
But people, in a civil society, ​should be free to believe what they want about invisible Casper stories! They just shouldn't be given political power over society.
Anyway, from the naysayers;


You are very deceived and have much to learn. I wish you all the very best!

Yeah. That's true

Oh great...The league of Steemit morons comes out to play! Look, if you've got some great insight and wisdom into the nature of Casper (or Caspers) please do share! If not, well...STFUP!!!
And please​ don't bring a slingshot to a gun fight:)

You’re wrong on a number of points but with all due respect, I suspect that no matter what evidence I produce, or what I write you aren’t going to change your belief, so I’m not going to invest my time - other than to say that the evidence for the historicity of Jesus is overwhelming. There is more evidence about him than we have for Julius Caesar, Gheghis Khan and numerous other historical figures. I wish you all the very best!

You've proved that your not capable of rational and logical thought for if you were you would have to dismiss 99% of the narratives surrounding this person. So I won't waste my time either than to say that the 'cult of 33's' harassment of good people all around the world is appalling and prove enough that humanity is dealing with evil when it comes to 99% of these narratives. But you're own book says most Christians will burn in hell forever so any firm ground any Christian thinks they're walking on is unwarranted. Please make sure you've given everything you own away first; then walk away from everyone you love, and then gather anyone that has done this into a community where you all live communally sharing the fruits of your labours and then I'll take you seriously. Haven't you​​ done any of this? Then you don't get to speak for whoever that person was. And just for the record,​ I've done all of those things ass-hole!