Here we have a native American medicine wheel (modern name and interpretation) some of these wheels are incredibly ancient and are equally numerous throughout Canada and the States. Note the similarities between the celestial (medicine) wheel above and the modern plasma discharge below.
Note the squatter man imagery above and equally how the image below portrays how the Dogon tribe ( Dogon/Dagon ;) ) have incorporated this image into their ceremonial dress. The first image above is a plasma discharge, the rest are extremely ancient petroglyphs and there are hundreds of thousands of them all over the world.
The above image is of a modern cavity magnetron. The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that generates microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field. Now look below and note the similarities with an ancient archaeological site that's believed to be hundreds of thousands of years old. Equally remember this site is believed to be pre-flood and so not much of it remains.
So what is this all about? The researcher and author Michael Tellinger believes many pre-flood archeological sites (and there are thousands of them) represent an ancient energy grid. This grid would have utilised the earth's natural harmonics/resonant frequency to produce free energy. In reference to the squatter man, celestial cycles and many other physical representations of energetic resonances, Anthony Perrat (whom is one of the most eminent high energy Plasma Discharge research scientists in the world) believes they are primitive man's attempts at recording a high energy plasma discharge event.
Myself? I'm in the middle of both interpretations. I believe in Tellinger's analysis of a technologically advanced civilisation that utilised the earth’s harmonics as a form of energy. Like Tellinger I also believe this civilisation was destroyed by a great flood. Following this an attempt was made to rebuild what had come before and this is where stories of the mythological Atlantis arise from.
From this perspective Perrat's observation of a plasma discharge event (which must have been huge as it was recorded the world over) could actually be a historical recording of the destruction of Atlantis. A disaster caused by the incorrect use of harmonic technology and electromagnetism that destroyed a civilisation and played out across the worlds skies. Obviously I can't ascertain the validity of that statement but I'm more than happy to share it as a fascinating train of thought.
The Oracle Room
We also have sites such as Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta which produces a double resonance frequency of 70Hz and 114Hz. The hypogeum is an ancient underground complex that houses the oracle room which has a fabled reputation for sound acoustics and resonances. Because the room stores certain resonant frequencies it enables the production of large amplitude oscillations. Laboratory testing has shown that exposure to these associated resonant frequencies can have a physical effect on human brain activity and perception.
Indeed Dr. Paolo Debertolis reported on tests conducted at the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at the University of Trieste in Italy. He stated that “each volunteer has their own individual frequency of activation, always between 90 and 120 hz. Those volunteers with a frontal lobe prevalence during the testing received ideas and thoughts similar to what happens during meditation, whilst those with occipital lobe prevalence visualized images." He also stated that: "Ancient populations were able to obtain different states of consciousness without the use of drugs or other chemical substances."
It appears that the rooms builders knew how to utilise architectural techniques to boost these resonances. Indeed Glenn Kreisberg, a radio frequency spectrum engineer that researched the room commented that "The Oracle Chamber ceiling, especially near its entrance from the outer area, and the elongated inner chamber itself, appears to be intentionally carved into the form of a wave guide."
Healing Resonances In Technology
It’s my belief that ancient understandings of electromagnetism and sound and light resonances could be incorporated into modern technology. Within this understanding, instead of the associated health concerns relating to the use of computers and phones etc we could receive a boost to cognition and physical health. Indeed it appears that the scientist Nikola Tesla was working on a concept that would have incorporated these ancient wisdoms into street lamps. These lamps would have imbued all passing pedestrians with numerous physical and psychological health benefits. In reference to Tesla it’s important to note that he (along with many famous scientists) attributed much of his knowledge to his study of the ancient Vedic texts. He incorporated many of these ancient wisdoms into much of his work and even used Sanskrit terminology.
Alas it’s also my belief that many of the aforementioned ancient wisdoms have been reverse engineered and are being weaponised against us. But I’ve got a little ahead of myself so lets take a brief look at a couple of occasions where this knowledge has attempted to rise again.
Royal Raymond Rife
Now alongside Tesla whom declared “if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” we also have the inventor Royal Raymond Rife. It was Rife that created the world’s first highly advanced universal microscope. As an inventor the Rife resonator was considered to be his crowning achievement. The resonator used electromagnetic frequencies to treat numerous illnesses and diseases including cancer.
On the 20th Nov 1931 Rife was honoured with a “to end all diseases” banquet at the estate of Dr Milbank Johnson that was attended by forty four of the country’s top scientists. In 1934 Rife’s resonator had been involved in a three month clinical trial where it was attributed with curing terminally ill cancer patients. On the night he was due to deliver the results of Rife’s study Dr Johnson was fatally poisoned and his notes and papers lost.
In another strange coincidence Dr Nermes (who was duplicating Rifes work) was killed in a fire that also destroyed his research material. It should also be noted that Rife’s own lab was destroyed by arson and equally the Burnett lab (who had been validating his work) was also burned to the ground. After years of struggle (and much like Tesla before him) Rife died penniless, a broken and isolated man. There are conspiracy theories relating to Rife being deliberately murdered but I must say I don't think the evidence supports this.
George Lakvosky
Another proponent of similar technology was George Lakvosky. He used high frequency waves within his within his multiple wave oscillator to treat illness and aid the rejuvenation of skin cells, wrinkles and hair follicles. The machine was used to successfully treat cancer and although I’m always wary of the multiple sites that claim he had a 98% success rate, to me that’s not the point. This was a technology that heralded provable results but equally it also marked the beginning of a rediscovery of ancient knowledge rather than a new invention and to that’s a testament to the fact that the truth is always rising. I liken it to holding a basket ball under water, for you can hold it down for as long as you like but as soon as your arm becomes tired it’s coming right back to the surface.
But back to Lakvosky, In 1941 he was approached by hospitals who wanted to experimentally use his machine. Promising results appear to have been obtained from a seven week trial at several New York hospitals. Sadly a short time later and before he was able to see the fruits of his labour George was struck by a car (in what was described as a “mysterious manner”) and died in 1942. These are just two examples but throughout this time period (including inventors such as John Keeley) there were several pioneers of this science.
Alas many of them appear to have had their names slandered and reputations destroyed, left penniless and broken or indeed died in mysterious circumstances. In fact the observant will notice a pattern that exists to this day, any scientist or researcher that steps beyond the general consensus have their careers destroyed. Indeed, it's sobering to note that our modern scientific achievements are built atop the dogmas that preceded them. Equally science is built upon the backs of those brave scientists the defied the consensus and spoke out to cries of disbelief and derision, only to have their work validated at a later date.
Join me tomorrow for part two, where I flip the script and take you a journey into the heart of darkness. Until then I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
I spend a considerable amount of time working on each of my posts and if you appreciate my work I would be humbled to receive an upvote and or a resteem.
All references will be included at the end of the next part.
Written by perceptualflaws
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Epic work my friend.
The evidence is everywhere, left by the civilisations of deep antiquity if academia choose to look for and decider it.
Sadly only those who are considered ‘fringe’ academics and conspiracy theorists are trying to shine the light on this subject and bring forth the knowledge lost to history.
Dark forces have spent millennia trying to suppress the wisdom understood by supposed primitive cultures long gone.
It feels like we are at a crossroads in human history where the path we choose will lead a new renaissance or new dark age, one which may last for many centuries, it’s up to us to decide our fate.
Resteemed buddy.
Hey @tremendospercy thank you for dropping by to give your support, resteem and great comment! Triple whammy!! and as always it's greatly appreciated.
Yes I completely agree in your "fringe academics & conspiracy theorists" comment and indeed there has most certainly been a concerted effort to conceal so many elements of our past. You have to ask why? It's my belief that the keys to our emancipation lay shrouded by the mists of history. We have been deliberately left floating through time with no sense of who we are or indeed where we're going. Well my friend someone has an idea of where we're going, or at the very least where they would like to take us!
Society is not an organically evolving construct, it is both planned and manipulated towards and end game .. indeed whilst we live day to day they play the long game.
The more you begin to research these areas the more valid a topic it becomes ... even outside of the esoteric, the mathematics involved in some of these ancient architectural sites and the feats of engineering it took to build them is nothing short of genius. Even down to the stones that were used to amplify magnetism ete etc .. the alignments, every aspect of their design was planned to the very finest detail.
We are indeed at a crossroads my friend and we would do well to look both ways .. equally twenty even ten years ago we would not have been openly discussing these topics on a platform like steemit so things are changing .. I guess it's all going to come down to how much people value their freedom. Thanks again my friend.
Oh Good Lord @perceptualflaws, it took me one hour to charge this post on my computer )) then i got through to the first film and got lost in a bubble of incredible thought !! Where can I start to comment here, its too much lol !! wow your posts are just gobsmacking man )))) i will get back to you on this one, in a week lol ))) this post truly represent steemit in it highest from, well bloody done again old boy ))
Thank you for the kind words and support my friend, I'm really glad you enjoyed the post. I've been lost in a bubble of thought ever since I started writing it .. the post became so huge that I had to make two separate posts and they're both still pretty big :D .. I look forward to hearing some more of your thoughts on the subject .. but take your time lol
I could spend a lifetime assimilating all of the info surely put out here in your post ! Insane level of understanding you have ! This is a veritable masterpiece of steemit and i will I promise you take a long hard look and come back to you ! To comment now when i have not have absorbed 10 percent of this is just not right for me !
We may have chowed down on some of the same chemicals throughout the years:)
We may or may not part ways as to who these archons are though. That they exist is overwhelmingly true via all the evidence, but I've drawn no conclusion about who and what they are.
I do, however, believe we can navigate religious claims on this issue by using the processess of logic and reason honestly. Claiming one is using logic and reason while at the same time declaring the hellfire JEzeuz is not using logic and reason; in fact most of these religious claims are inherently irrational and should be dismissed by this metric--one of the only mechanisms for discerning truth that humanity has and if we can't find truth with reason and logic then we are lost. True, reason and logic are not the only way of knowing but other ways of knowing truth cannot be in contradiction to reason and logic--at least not blatantly, although I would leave room for paradox.
Ha, great comment @andrewmarkmusic in terms of the archons it is indeed a fascinating subject, some say that they farm and manipulate humanity for the energetic resonances given off through hatred and fear. When you look around the world you can certainly see how that perception arises. On the other hand they are thought to be both good and evil, demon and angel .. the test we must pass to transcend the demiurge, free ourselves from our perceptual chains and commune with the true God. From that perspective, they could also be representative of our internal struggle .. the need to balance our inherant duality. Equally the archons as some sort of mistake, a flaw in the divine programme is another interesting one .. so many perceptions so little time my friend.
In terms of religion, Christianity was a very different belief system in the early days and practiced more of a direct communion with god, in that we are all gods children and Christ was sent to lead us in that direction, alas Constantine appears to have manipulated it to suit his own ends. The Christians we hear about being thrown to lions were often being murdered by Constanine Christians. Equally Jesus Christ would (I believe) be aghast at the hiearchical control system that catholicism has morhed into, he was a man of the people and taught we were all equal .. again all sons and daughers of God, indeed women were very respected within early Christianity and heralded much influence, which in the context of Mary Magdalene makes perfect sense. Lots more mileage on these topics my friend :)
I appreciate the reply. You may know I consider myself an agnostic gnostic of the Christian type and not Judaic. Some random thoughts on this:
-frequency manipulation is secondary to control via controlling the money supplies of humanity. I see it as a one-two punch but controlling money is the foundation as far as I can tell. Now, I do agree with your assessment of the techno frequency prison grid and that leads me to logically deduce that crypto is part and parcel of the same control tactics.
-I see Christianity as another schism within Semitic religious myth (as is Islam), tens and thousands of bloody violent differing squabbles throughout the history of this story. I've pointed out that this God, if it were involved in book knowledge, couldn't even clarify definitively the shape of the earth. I've also pointed out that even with my limited I.Q. I could very well teach a 5-year old the difference between a pancake and a ball! But it's a fact that any creator being is having real trouble on this one considering the resurgence of FE. If there is a point here it's that this contradiction is more consistent with Christian Gnosticism being true rather than Judaic monotheism as far as I can tell.
-the only evidence of a flood, as far as I know, is some kind of local cataclysm about 12,000 years ago. I'm sure you're familiar with Hancock.
-there is next to no evidence for The Exodus or the Grand Solomon Kingdom. In fact, the evidence points towards The Hykso hypothesis. See Tsarion and Ellis.
-there is no evidence for a historical Jesus although I believe (as speculation) that he is a Gnostic Aeon and the myths surrounding him are obfuscations stemming from his confrontation with the RA-bbi's and IS-RA-El. The Egyptian symbolism throughout the earths power and financial systems begins to make perfect sense under this scenario.
-I don't have a problem with the non-dual Advaita thinking on this but I'm more prone to not dismissing D'Vaita and duality: that God is something distinct and different than the material universe. This is also the Christian Gnostic view. But again, I remain agnostic on this and like Kant, I feel that we can't really know for certain on these issues within metaphysics. And of course, this is totally relevant to who the archons are and what their intentions are (we can't really know). But it doesn't look good to me unless we redefine what good is. And, BTW., I'm more for Theravadin cosmology rather than Mahayana--so I'm a dualist through and through.
-and lastly, I don't dismiss that all these shenanigans are the doings of some terrestrial E.T...But I don't buy Sitchin or Greer or any of the usual suspects on this one.
Please don't take this post as a criticism of your most detailed and excellent work:)
But Abbott! Who's watching The Watchers!lol
My man, I think you know me better than to think I would take it as a criticism lol .. you see I understand both the mind and the limits of perception .. from that perspective we are both right and wrong. Indeed who defines that rights and wrongs in this area of research? Ultimately your belief system is a matter of perception and if human history has taught us anything it's that belief is a transient beast. My analogy or human history is a series of boxes, we break free of one only to have it replaced by another. Oh and I like your ball and pancake analogy .. but from a diferent perspective if you were brought up to be taught that the pancake was the ball and vice verse that would be your reality .. and no I'm not outing myself as a flat-earther lol
I believe that true knowledge/wisdom (as opposed to generationally alternating facts) lay hidden within intuition and higher states of consciousness. that doesn't mean that you're going to be right all the time for wisdom is a different beast to said alternating fact. Indeed as I wrote to someone else: "Our understanding and interpretation of reality is governed by both internal and external experiences and limited by our rudimentary sensory perception. Somewhere along our long and dusty road we have been hardwired to believe that experience defines reality and that materialism defines success, this is a lie. Unfortunately we are a slave to both our senses and our minds interpretation of these senses. In truth our perception of reality is akin to a light wave frequency, a narrow light spectrum that our eyes have evolved to perceive."
The foundations of human experience and understanding are directly related to our brains perception of light, vibration and both electrical and energetic resonance. Seeing is not believing, and this is perhaps the greatest lie to have ever been perpetrated against humanity. This lie keeps us as prisoners of perception and allows those with an awareness to define the parameters of our reality .. or something like that. You see I'm not arrogant enough to believe all my facts of today will be my facts of tomorrow. Alas there are many amongst us that are so arrogant that they believe they know everything, this amuses me, they amuse me. I'm fully prepared to accept that I know nothing for the foundation of knowing nothing is far more stable than the belief of knowing everything. The nature of my writing has never been intended to define the perceptual reality of others .. that's their job and I wish more would do it lol My aim is to open minds to alternate perceptions and indeed that's why I always ask the reader to decide who has the perceptual flaws .. because in truth my friend, we all do!
You're a good sport my friend:) And this is one of my fave areas of inquiry.
Haha, one of the biggest perception disputes on the table these days is compatibilism. And I sit firmly in the incompatibilist camp as a Christian Gnostic Theist. I believe science is starting to argue for my position as a theist on this one:)
I also believe incompatibilism is consistent with eastern philosophical schools that assert that the ego isn't real; that it's a mirage, a poser so to speak.
But there are two issues here as far as I can tell: what is metaphysical truth? And who should govern society; or, how shall we live?
I sit firmly in the secular humanist camp on this one as Casper ruling society has been proven to be disastrous time and time again. The tragedy today, IMO, is that the Casper believers have taken control of civilization once again and this will lead to its inevitable disasters.
And I guess I will have to state that communism was a psyop of the Casper believers so we can't use those nation-states as a metric for failed secularism.
No problem my friend, I have no fear of debate and throwing different ideas and opinions out there .. my only problem is the lack of time I have to do it! lol Before we go any further I want to grasp an essence on your thoughts on a couple of things. There are several different aspects of theism .. are you monotheistic as in the belief of one god? If so you believe in a god but don't trust the pecerpetions or indeed the intent behind mankinds/religions interpretations of what that may mean .. as in the concept is used as a tool of control and subjugation? .. I'm interested in some of the things you've said and you may find we agree on more than we disagree on. You say you've drawn no conclusions on the Archons, but I'm getting at least an essence of your thought processes so I'm pretty sure you've given it some deep contemplation .. share a few of your thoughts :) I may answer your reply tomorrow as I'm tired and my mind is slowing down. I will also answer your first comment with more depth .. I've just been really busy all day but yes Isis Ra El you read the first part of this series so you know where I'm coming from and I'm with your thoughts there. I've spent many years research on many belief systems so I find it difficult to box myself in .. I am interested in hidden threads that run through many of them. Catch you later
We definitely agree on way more than not:) I look forward to the conversation and I'm always civil unless I smell duplicity and disingenuousness and with you, I don't get that.
To claim that there is no evidence for historical Jesus is simply not true. There is almost total agreement amongst Professors of Ancient History, Theology and Religious Studies that Jesus walked the earth a little over 2,000 years ago.
Wikipedia: Events Generally Accepted as Historical
There are plenty of other sources where one can view the evidence for historical Jesus.
Sorry, the story of religious icons is like the swiss cheese of history. I could list thousands of sources that call in to question the historicity of Jesus but it wouldn't make any difference. People will believe what they want on this issue. In fact, there are over 30,000 sects of narrative within Christendom alone all claiming definitive contradictory versions of who he was. Add to that the myriad sects of Judaism and Islam and we have a smorgasbord of unprovable assertions when it comes to semetic tribe religion. BTW: about 5-billion people on the planet today reject this story.
I could list thousands of areas of dispute on historicity (why bother) but it's near certain the slaughter of the innocence didn't happen. There is no record of it. And again, no record of a worldwide flood, no Exodus, no Grand Solomon Kingdom. All of it in dispute and no God willing to definitively end the dispute. Add to that the historical fact of the violent bloodbath of these religions which continues today with Christian Fascists killing Muslims for Israel. And Israel killing Muslims, and Muslims killing well...pretty well anyone they declare infidel.
But people, in a civil society, should be free to believe what they want about invisible Casper stories! They just shouldn't be given political power over society.
Anyway, from the naysayers;
You are very deceived and have much to learn. I wish you all the very best!
Yeah. That's true
Oh great...The league of Steemit morons comes out to play! Look, if you've got some great insight and wisdom into the nature of Casper (or Caspers) please do share! If not, well...STFUP!!!
And please don't bring a slingshot to a gun fight:)
I doubt that.
Interesting post by the way. I love the effort you put in. It shows that you care about what you share first and money second.
My friend, firstly I would like to thank you for all the support you've given me over the last few months .. I very much appreciate it.
I would also like to thank you for the kind words, every post I write is a child of my mind. I look after them, I nuture them and only when they're ready do I set them free to interact with the world and so I thank you for noticing.
In terms of the microscope, I can certainly understand your hesitation and I'm actually glad you picked it up, like yourself I was rather dubious about the claim. I cross-referenced it acoss a few articles and it appeared that yes there have indeed been more powerful microscopes, but equally the electron microscope kills all live samples. Indeed as the link below will show this situation appears to exist until this day but I will continue to research this as it's out of my area of expertise and I have no problem achnowledging if I've made a mistake.
Thanks again @teamsteam
There are some microscope which doesn't need dyes to look at the blood and I really doubt these top notch microscope of today can be matched by the old microscope of Rife.
I must say you have put some doubt into my mind so I have removed it as a statement of fact. Indeed it's true that there are no surviving Rife microscopes to prove the statement one way or the other.
This is a brilliant and thorough work. Being a student of Vedic science and ancient Khem and having studied in a Het Heru house I feel especially connected to this. I have a slightly different take on the ankh but liked your approach which is both science and intuitive. I'm looking forward to the next installment...
Thank you @awakened-oracle I really appreciate the kind words and support. The Vedic sciences and associated mathematics are a fascinating subject and equally one that I immerse myself in often. Equally, our cutting edge of science is only just beginning to rudimentally grasp some of the inherent scientific wisdoms. I always use my intuition when writing these subjects but yes I'm also aware of the association of the ankh as representative as the gift of life .. equally eternal life and the transfer between the two states. In many ways the ankh could form the basis of a post in itself .. which I may yet write :D Thanks again @awakened-oracle
It's my pleasure to support work like this...
Wow, this is amazing work! I will be re-visiting this post and I look forward to part 2. I've recently been exploring healing energies during meditations as well as sounds and beats for enlightenment. This was just so interesting!! I look forward to following your work and learning so much more :)
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and lend your support, I very much appreciate it. I'm a huge proponent of healing energy and once you begin to grasp the concept it becomes ever more profound. Please be aware that tonight's post is the dark duality of the subjects above, but I will be back to exploring profound spiritual beauty very soon. :)
Did you know that remote viewers can't use their ability in middle of night for one hour when they are facing black hole? At every other time of day they can RV anything, but for that one hour they just can't, like they lose their ability. I'm pretty sure this is happening every night, but not sure about it, so will research it little bit more.
If you didn't see this, I'm pretty sure it will be interesting to you. It's about lost music scale:
Thank you for that my friend, no I wasn't aware of the remote viewing aspect but it does interest me so thanks for sharing the information. In relation to the lost music scale I believe this is all tied in with the Goddess Hathor and yes indeed it is a lost knowledge of how to tune our resonant frequencies, I'm just about to sit down and watch the full video and see if I'm right :) .. Thanks again @cmoljoe
No problem at all, I'm enjoying in this subjects and will write about it. About RV - I'm researching info right now, will update you tomorrow.
Thank you .. I have the 2nd part coming out tomorrow so will be interested to see if it ties in :)
I send message to remote viewer I heard it from. This was his response:
What you're thinking of is called "Sidereal time". It is the time used by astronomers. Because of the earth's rotation around the son, the stars >>appear<< to move in their location in the sky by almost 5 minutes every 24 hours. Sidereal time has nothing to do with night time or black holes. It only has to do with the location of the stars on any certain day of the year. But, a researcher names "Spotteswood" found data that would indicate that when the point on earth where you are is facing the center of the galaxy, it is harder (not impossible) to get as accurate remote viewing results. That time of day will change by around 5 minutes every day, so on one day of the year, the point of earth where you are may be facing the center of the galaxy at, say, 9PM (night time) and six months later, it will be at 9AM (daytime) because each day, the time when your point on the earth is facing the center of the galaxy comes 5 minutes later than it did the day before. Also, since the earth is round, when your point on the earth is facing the center of the galaxy, someone who is, say, 20 miles away from you will not be facing the center of the galaxy. In order to know when, you have to have a "sidereal clock" (which runs about 5 minutes slower than a regular clock). Anyway, that's what you're thinking of. For more details about it, look up either "Spotteswood" or "sidereal time". Anyway, I hope this helps.
Thank you for this information @cmoljoe I shall enjoy looking into this some more when I get the opportunity .. thanks again my friend.
Hey my friend, Sorry for the delay in replying. I was away for a few days and then I had my usual music thing last night. Thank you for the support I really appreciate it, I must admit that I haven't read any of Wilcock's work but I'm also a student of hidden knowledge and ancient wisdom so I can understand how we may have used a similar foundation to describe a multi-layered/dimensional reality of vibration and harmonic pitches. I am aware of the energetic properties and harmonious waves inherant within the pyramids (but will certainly take a look at your recommendations) and this informs my belief that they were used as a tool of ascension .. the all seeing eye obviously signifies the pineal gland .. the bridge between physicality and spirituality. Thank you for the video @mindzai I haven't seen this one, but I will be sure to take a look.
Now a question for you as I want to gather you thoughts on something that I will write a post about. Do you think the relative prevelance of this information (I've been looking into it for twenty five years and the awareness has increased exponentially) is a deliberate process that signifies the build up to a bold move by the cabal? Or in the age of the free (although gasping for breath) internet is it a window of opportunity that's akin to my basketball analogy "you can hold it down for as long as you like but as soon as your arm becomes tired it’s coming right back to the surface?" I know you understand the concept of natural law and how those adept at the dark arts understand that awareness without refusal makes us complicit in our own enslavement .. this leads me to at least ponder that far from being hidden this esoteric knowledge is being deliberately unveiled. A calculated risk from those that realise it has an inherant power to both free and enslave .. indeed it's not so much about what we know as opposed to how we inform others and indeed what we do with this knowledge.
I agree with your hypothesis. The knowledge is not hidden per se, as a lot of it is right out in the open for the world to see. We can either choose to spend our lives seeking knowledge in order to understand what is going on around us or we can sleepwalk like the majority of people, running around on the hamster wheel and trying to keep up with the Joneses. So in a sense, there is a duality in how people choose to live their lives also.
I think researching into the esoteric and occult is just a path for those who seek knowledge and then it branches off from there. Two esoteric paths to choose from, the left hand path of self indulgence, power, and control. Then there is the right hand path of love, charity, selflessness.
Jesus Christ, Krishnamurti, those who use it to raise the Consciousness and vibration.
I've tried to use it to break the spell that I see the majority of the planet under. Money is the vehicle and the catalyst that the dark occultists are using with maximum success. It is an alchemical spell that binds the user so they always need it and always want more when in reality it doesn't exist. It's a thought form, a golem, and the keystone to the arch that holds up the temple. The lures of temptation keep people blindly chasing money in order to acquire more and more physical stuff.
I love to look at the Masonic tracing boards because everything is right there.
Just came across your article. This afternoon I was occupied to dismantle another article of yours because I wanted to have it on my e-reader to digest it slowly. This one also is filled with beautiful creative stuff. I am kind of overwhelmed and have to come back. Your articles make this platform worthy to come back.
Thank you for the support my friend .. I really do appreciate your kind words and equally I'm very glad that my work meets with your seal of approval. Thanks again and I hope you're well :)
My mind is blown! There is so much we still don’t know or totally understand in this universe. The somewhat odd sciences and explorations during more primitive times set the foundations for more explorations into unknown territory. It’s exciting to see old visions receiving new live. Resteemable!
Thank you @walkthisway I really appreciate the support and resteem. I feel that the truth is a tangible force and as such it will always eventually find it's way to the surface. Thanks again my friend.
You have gathered to gether a lot of good sources and information here, and interpreted it very thoughfully! Nice Post! Resteemed!
Thank you for the support @erinn I really appreciate the resteem
Interesting blog. Following.
Thank you for the kind words and follow, I've done likewise .. great name by the way ;)
wow! this is a amazing work. wonderful another epic post awesome writing and nice article. thanks for @perceptualflaws.
Thank you @kickup008 your kind words and support mean a lot and I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. Thank you my friend.
Thank you my friend, really glad you enjoyed the post .. part 2 is out now :)
Another great piece as always.
Hey @venomnymous thanks for stopping by and lending your support
well long your publication I like to link the history and archeology with science .. as you are the new stephen hawking of science ..
Hey thank you for the kind words and support my friend .. I really appreciate it.
It was a pleasure for me, friend
Fantastic article once again! It is said that the Parthenon in Athens, is built specifically on that mound because of the high electromagnetic field and is archaeoastronomically designed to the Hyades Star Cluster. The dimensions of the building are also extremely important. As you say so many of the archaeological sites around the world are. Thanks for a great read.
Hey @Palikari123 Thank you for the kind words my friend and you're so right in regards to the alignments, many of these ancient architectural sites are aligned to both universal energy resonants and equally the earths energy nodules .. these people really knew what they were doing. Indeed I believe the concept of Feng Shui is a direct derivative of these ancient wisdoms . Thanks again my friend.
Freaky shit brah
Thank you for taking the time to read my friend.
Excellent post.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Another epic post, I will read through later and give you an actual comment, loved the last one
Thank you for the support my friend .. I really appreciate it and I'm very glad my work meets your expectations :)
MY man @perceptualflaws..
Consistently you put together the absolute best content on this platform. I don't care if people don't agree with the topic, this is some top notch shit right here. NOw about the article:
This is absolutely something I invested some considerable time into in the past. Ancient civilizations obviously knew a great deal more than us about the world as far as energy and vibration are concerned. But we are quickly gaining this knowledge/wisdom back imo. Just looking through this article you can see a huge amount of material covered in one URL. And now with the internet and blockchain, any work done on this could be put on record forever. We can relearn everything we need to know, and I think it starts on the inside.
There are a few vibrational things in daily life we can see straightaway:
These are just a few examples. We are vibration, it's just realizing it all that is the hard part. We are all so bogged down in our own vibration from mental and physical tensions that need to be relieved before true clarity can come into view. Once that happens, all this old wisdom will follow imo.
Awesome writeup, I'm time crunched tonight, but going to hit part 2 tomorrow.
Hey @jakeybrown thank you or taking the time to read and leave such an awesome comment, I really do appreciate it and I appreciate your thoughts as well .. equally sorry or the delay in replying but I was non stop yesterday. In terms of whether people agree or disagree that is of no concern to me, it doesn't guide me. I respect all opinions and respect the people that take the time to share them but equally in terms of my core beliefs (I'm aware details can be transient) whether people perceive me right or wrong I 100% stand by everything I say and I outright refuse to see the world through anyone else's eyes .. this is my reality and my truth and I've spent decades thinking about it. I do my own thing, always have and I always will, people that know me expect nothing less.
There are certain truths that will only be held down for so long and right now they appear to be coming right back to the surface. This has happened several times throughout the course of our history, but each time it has been beaten back down .. I don't think this is going to be one of those times. I believe spiritual truth/wisdom has a resonant vibration and if you can find a way to entune/follow your intuition these wisdoms can be felt. Indeed in terms of ancient wisdoms (such as the first part of this post) relating to the vibratory nature of reality (and several others things I both have and will speak about) are wisdoms that I have learned from within, I have felt them and as such my belief is unshakable. So yes I really agree with what you're saying for I believe that universal wisdom lays within each of us and is found in our disconnection from the ego .. our task is to find a way to listen to it. Alas like you say inherant confusion of the world that can be really difficult and that's why I'm a huge proponant of the power of both intent and intuition .. indeed whilst we are increasingly divided on details many of us remain united in an intent to make the world a better place.
I believe we are being taken on a synthetic evolutionary path as opposed to a slower organic and more spiritual journey, to me this is a false promise and a lie. From this pespective we are being deliberately disconnected from the earths heartbeat as it's feeds our intuition and inherant wisdom. In studying the Schumann resonance I believe that statement holds as true in science as it does in ancient wisdom. This age is a crossroads for humanity and that is a key reason why I write, to make people pause and question our direction and simply think about a few things from a different perspective. Thanks again my friend, I hope you enjoy like part 2 .. have a great weekend!
Hi @perceptualflaws. I got to say I can see you spent a lot of time on this and provided lots of great info and examples to support your argument very well done. I am new to steemit and will learn from people like you on how much thorough research and effort to put into each blog post.
What is your stance on the artificial Intelligence Archon theory of David Icke and others, where they say that this topic we should be concerned with most, including even reptilian control and everything else going on just feeds into the great archonic inversion. That all the 3rd dimensional manipulation going on is just a microcosm of the great master plan by the archons for total control. This is not something that will take a few more years, this could be another thousand or more down the line, but all roads lead to the same place.
On a side note i just released my first "Real" blog post and wondering if you could take a look at and it see if its interesting and good enough info to merit a resteem, just trying to get a little help to start things in steem. Much thanks!
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Hey there, sir. I found this discussion worthy of a blog post in its own right and hope you don't mind: