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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 1.A: Frequencies Of Deception .. Out Of The Light

in #esoteric7 years ago

Fantastic article once again! It is said that the Parthenon in Athens, is built specifically on that mound because of the high electromagnetic field and is archaeoastronomically designed to the Hyades Star Cluster. The dimensions of the building are also extremely important. As you say so many of the archaeological sites around the world are. Thanks for a great read.


Hey @Palikari123 Thank you for the kind words my friend and you're so right in regards to the alignments, many of these ancient architectural sites are aligned to both universal energy resonants and equally the earths energy nodules .. these people really knew what they were doing. Indeed I believe the concept of Feng Shui is a direct derivative of these ancient wisdoms . Thanks again my friend.