
Hey my friend, Sorry for the delay in replying. I was away for a few days and then I had my usual music thing last night. Thank you for the support I really appreciate it, I must admit that I haven't read any of Wilcock's work but I'm also a student of hidden knowledge and ancient wisdom so I can understand how we may have used a similar foundation to describe a multi-layered/dimensional reality of vibration and harmonic pitches. I am aware of the energetic properties and harmonious waves inherant within the pyramids (but will certainly take a look at your recommendations) and this informs my belief that they were used as a tool of ascension .. the all seeing eye obviously signifies the pineal gland .. the bridge between physicality and spirituality. Thank you for the video @mindzai I haven't seen this one, but I will be sure to take a look.

Now a question for you as I want to gather you thoughts on something that I will write a post about. Do you think the relative prevelance of this information (I've been looking into it for twenty five years and the awareness has increased exponentially) is a deliberate process that signifies the build up to a bold move by the cabal? Or in the age of the free (although gasping for breath) internet is it a window of opportunity that's akin to my basketball analogy "you can hold it down for as long as you like but as soon as your arm becomes tired it’s coming right back to the surface?" I know you understand the concept of natural law and how those adept at the dark arts understand that awareness without refusal makes us complicit in our own enslavement .. this leads me to at least ponder that far from being hidden this esoteric knowledge is being deliberately unveiled. A calculated risk from those that realise it has an inherant power to both free and enslave .. indeed it's not so much about what we know as opposed to how we inform others and indeed what we do with this knowledge.

I agree with your hypothesis. The knowledge is not hidden per se, as a lot of it is right out in the open for the world to see. We can either choose to spend our lives seeking knowledge in order to understand what is going on around us or we can sleepwalk like the majority of people, running around on the hamster wheel and trying to keep up with the Joneses. So in a sense, there is a duality in how people choose to live their lives also.
I think researching into the esoteric and occult is just a path for those who seek knowledge and then it branches off from there. Two esoteric paths to choose from, the left hand path of self indulgence, power, and control. Then there is the right hand path of love, charity, selflessness.
Jesus Christ, Krishnamurti, those who use it to raise the Consciousness and vibration.
I've tried to use it to break the spell that I see the majority of the planet under. Money is the vehicle and the catalyst that the dark occultists are using with maximum success. It is an alchemical spell that binds the user so they always need it and always want more when in reality it doesn't exist. It's a thought form, a golem, and the keystone to the arch that holds up the temple. The lures of temptation keep people blindly chasing money in order to acquire more and more physical stuff.
I love to look at the Masonic tracing boards because everything is right there.