This is a pleasure, sir!
I am a theist by way of entheogens and I also subscribe to panpsychism which all implies that consciousness precedes matter. Having said that, I have no idea what God is or may be. I believe no one has an answer to that although there may be a few who could speculate accurate representations (Kristos and Sophia, IMO). I believe there are those who have used most all religion as a tool of control. I believe the root of that control are archontic entities and, IMO., and experience they are angelic although I completely concede we could be dealing with E.T. or both. The main point to take away from this is that the skeptics are wrong in their assessment of what's happening on this earth at this time (random materialism and solely human). So, then, who are the archons and what are they up to? Well, IMO., this issue is inextricably linked to The Jewish Question as they are the only group of people at the center of this controversy century after century and millennia after millennia, and that's a fact! In my lifetime of searching these issues, i've come to conclude that the cosmology of The Torah is inaccurate and that modern science better describes the cosmos; that the Torah, IMO., clearly describes a flat earth although I've pointed out many times that this God couldn't get across to humanity the shape of the earth(pancake or baseball in any definitive way-another fact), and I view this as inept for a deity. My studies conclude that the history and archeology of the Jews is incorrect and that the Exodus as described is actually impossible; that there was no Grand Solomon Kingdom, and that the Jesus narrative in scripture seems to be manufactured as there are no first-hand accounts. I didn't really know what to make of all of this until I came across Gnostic theology which was like a light going off and it made sense of everything in my mind. Now as to the Demiurge: we can think of it like the old Judaic monotheistic satan serving God's purpose but there is a problem there in my mind. Why would it alter the history and archeology of Jewish history? Why would a 'Jewish' Satan obscure the very foundations of its own religion? This makes no sense! So, to me, although similar in some ways, the truth to me that makes more sense is that the Satan is the Gnostic Demiurge lying and deceiving everyone. This is why the history and archeology don't add up; this is why Christianity and Islam make no sense as they are all machinations of this God's manipulation of humanity; this is why I reject ecumenicalism and especially ecumenical Gnosticism as exposed in Kabbalah and the Arcanum. This makes me a Dualist Gnostic and not a NonDual one although I have no quarrel with Shadow issues needing to be dealt with and such. I am also an incompatibilist and believe we are only acting out some script here and I don't believe we have a soul in any traditional sense; I also hold western philosophy in high esteem and place high value on the faculties of human reason and logic and believe the truth about things can't be known without them but that the truth also transcends these faculties but doesn't blatantly contradict them. I must 100% clarify that I believe the Jewish people to be victims of lying Archons and that they are inherently mind-controlled throughout childhood; that The Kristos was in confrontation with the Rabbis on this very issue among many others. I believe that only LOVE can resolve this issue and in no way do I support violence or bigotry against the Jewish people. We will all have to, though, suffer the end game delusions of these Archons who appear to be setting up a technological prison grid; while also controlling as a foundation every manner of corrupt money control and along with our perceptual imprisonment will come The Noahide Laws and A JEWISH MESSIAH who will be of mixed German Ashkenazi genetic inheritance. But I'm an Agnostic Gnostic and frame all this within speculation.
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