the topic is so complex and there is little advice on the article.
it's not really nice to post such a thing without some indications for some way forward.
the author of the article mentioned the "isolation" as solution - but this kind of strategy could eventually lead to more problems.
but fortunately you, the reader, if infected have the power to heal yourself and simply be free again.
how? well if you are there with the infection you will have for sure... another big problem - you don't have a big personal life. you are maybe working hard every day, you have little friends and you feel like you don't have time for yourself. start living your life for what you LOVE and not what you need or the money required. Stop working for money, live every moment for what you love and the people you love. As you will manage to have a more nice life the entity will just go away because you will be full of joy ... not the fear they look for :-)