Astral Parasites---What They Are and How They Work

in #esoteric8 years ago

Thoughtform entities are astral entities that are created due to recurring thought patterns. These are often created intentionally by knowledgeable magickians that can aid them or a group such as servitors and egregores. While they are created by people they take on a life of their own and can effect the minds of people to some benefit. However, thoughtform entities can also be created unintentionally and these beings can have a drastic and negative effect on the people they effect.

When a particular thought pattern accompanied by strong emotions is repeated many times, often in a particular place, negative thoughtform entities can be created. Often created through intense traumatic experiences, these entities feed off the negative emotions of their hosts. In the ancient past these entities were occasionally worshiped as gods and practices of ritual human sacrifice were performed to feed these entities. For example, the Aztecs of Pre-Columbian Mexico sacrificed thousands of people a day during the consecration of the Great Pyramid at Tenochtitlan in honor of their god Huitzilopochtli and the people of ancient Canaan and Israel offered their children to be burnt alive in the statue of Moloch.

Fortunately, these "gods" are no longer openly worshipped and human sacrifice has for the most part been eliminated from our society, relegating these entities to the shadows. Unfortunately, the rise of the materialist reductionist mindset people generally think of when they refer to science has caused people to no longer believe in such entities giving them plenty of room to find their prey amongst an unsuspecting populace.

These astral parasites can be picked up in many ways. Often they are passed down through a bloodline with each successive generation traumatizing the next until their spirits have been broken down enough for the full hostile takeover. A person can also pick up these parasites if they have visited places of massive trauma such as the temples I spoke of earlier. This is particularly true if that person has recently experienced a massive life-altering trauma. Certain groups of dark occultists also (stupidly) work with these beings and unwitting people can be infected through participation in certain rituals. These methods can be combined for even greater effect. For example, someone of a particular bloodline who has experienced massive trauma can be duped into participating in rituals and visiting sites of ritual human sacrifice, perhaps even coming into contact with the tools of this ghastly practice or the remains of it's victims, by a group of dark occultists. Unless this person had taken the time and put forth the effort to learn how to protect themselves from these beings they would certainly become horribly infected.

The symptoms of astral parasite infection are as numerous as they are unpleasant. These entities have the ability to inject thoughts into the minds of their victims and unless one is aware of how these entities operate and has taken the time to know their own subconscious they will likely mistake these thoughts as their own. Since these beings feed on negative emotions, drama will follow these people wherever they go. Paranoid thoughts of being stalked will plague the victim to generate the fear these creatures need to survive. These people will constantly start arguments with everyone around them even persisting for hours if necessary until the other person finally loses their temper at being nagged and poked constantly at which point the infected person will flip into fear mode, often overreacting to the other's actions as if they truly feared for their lives.

Since the parasite can only successfully operate if their host is unaware of it's presence the person will be completely unaware of their actions. Furthermore, they will be completely unable to listen to the truth about how their actions are effecting the people around them. This can lead to hypocritical situations where the person is simultaneously excusing their abusive behavior while accusing you of being abusive. Once the entity has been sated they will go into a period of relative calm where they will be incredibly lucid and even caring so long as you don't try to address their behavior until something awakens the beast within them. In extreme cases the entity will even be able to effect the physical world and the infected person will be followed around by such phenomenon as things mysteriously moving from where they were left, strange knocks and other sounds with seemingly no source and other unexplainable occurences.

Astral parasite infestation is often diagnosed as some form of mental illness. While technically it is a form of mental illness the cause is of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one like a chemical imbalance. This can lead them to be prescribed psychiatric medication such as xanax or klonopin with the intention of calming the person down. However, these actually make the situation much worse by dulling the infected person's mind and providing a means of escaping the guilt associated with their behavior making it much less likely that the person will realize the nature of the problem and fix it.

Unfortunately, there is little even a seasoned magickian can do for a person in such a situation. Unless that person can admit that there is a problem and is willing to do whatever it takes to solve it the problem will only grow. Since they are unable to admit their role they will always seek to blame everyone and everything around them for their internal and eventually external chaos. While they aren't truly a sociopath in the strictest sense of the word they effectively are as the entity will feed them a steady stream of justifications for even such actions as blatant lies and physical abuse and they will be unable to feel any remorse for their actions.

These people may be attracted to you after you go through a particularly rough period such as leaving a long term relationship. They will try to illicit pity from you as they recount the "horror stories" of their past relationships that conveniently leave out any of their negative behavior. These people will seem great at first but once they have you in their trap they will seek to isolate you from any support you may have. That's when the abuse begins as the entity within them seeks to feed off the negative emotions generated by both of you. They will find out what you are most sensitive about then attack it mercilessly in an effort to illicit the emotions the entity craves. However, they will later act very sweet to you and act like they are the only ones who care about you. They won't apologize but act like they are forgiving you. Then the cycle will begin again.

If you find yourself in such a situation the best course of action is to separate yourself as completely as possible. The entity will not want to let their emotional lunch leave and they will do anything to try to get the rise out of you they previously used to get. Do not react. Just cut ties and focus on positive action. You will be surprised how quickly your life will right itself. Projects that had been constantly delayed will suddenly happen very quickly. New people will come into your life that support you emotionally and truly care about you. Life will become good again.

I hope this article helps someone out there that is dealing with this type of situation. If you feel that you may be infected it is very important that you learn to meditate and questions your thoughts so that you can distinguish between your thoughts and those of the entity and not act on the wrong ones. If you feel someone around you may be infected you must realize that unless the person recognizes the problem it will not be solved and separate yourself immediately. Good luck and happy steeming!


nice use of the word egregore and well written post in general!! people assume the only way negative energy can attach itself to someone is like in the movie exorcist, but there are much more subtle and equally devastating ways that people are able to be influenced by these negative energies. as they say, those who do evil hate the light!!!! so raising awareness of this issue is of greater service than many know!!!!

thanks for sharing and I've upvoted, followed, and resteemed!!!

Thanks for your wonderful reply... yes it doesn't have to be as extreme as the exorcist. Most of the time it is much more subtle and people can be effected for years and have no idea. Awareness is the greatest defence, and knowledge of yourself so you can recognize when there are thoughts that are not your own. It's not always bad either. I get ideas and other positive thoughts from beneficial beings all the time though I do work with angels and other higher order beings frequently so is really no surprise. These also help keep the lower beings away.

Yes! Maintaining thoughts of a higher vibration definitely keep lower energies at bay!!

Nice article. I have met a few people who have been infected. Indeed, their lives are truly in chaos and they are a shell of their former selves.

Wonderful article and explanation of astral parasites, @jphenderson! I always enjoy your articles.

Fortunately, these "gods" are no longer openly worshipped and human sacrifice has for the most part been eliminated from our society, relegating these entities to the shadows.

I've thought, and read, about this - the key words being "in the open." Theories arise that the mass suffering across the globe, the wars, famines, genocides, etc, are all promoted as such a way to feed these gods.

Astral parasite infestation is often diagnosed as some form of mental illness. While technically it is a form of mental illness the cause is of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one like a chemical imbalance. This can lead them to be prescribed psychiatric medication such as xanax or klonopin with the intention of calming the person down.

During my awakening I committed myself to a ward because I tried to kill myself. I had no background or understanding of what I was experiencing and just let the flood gates open when I talked to the psych. They put me on 4mg Klonopin and 300mg Seroquel. The entities I was dealing with used that as an opportunity to really attack and all I could do was sit in a daze and try and fight it with my mind. Fucking HELL. A true, living Hell.

Are you going to create a follow up on how to rid oneself of these parasites? I know you said the individual needs to recognize there's a problem, but do you think that is all?

Probably but today I plan on doing one on working with beneficial entities such as kabbalistic angels as a counterbalance to this. That significantly helps negative entity infection as well.

Very insightful! Remembered me of many of my ex-friends. I typed recently a post with quite the same message and called these people social parasites. They also used to speak about world's unfairness and set upon you delusional concepts of perception. For example, that people are nice to you only after you being rude, etc.

I definitely know what you are talking about. The mental somersaults they have to perform to arrive at these conclusions never cease to amaze me. I've often been dumbfounded that someone could say some of the things I've heard come out of their mouths and not see the hypocrisy but such is life. That is their problem and no longer mine.

What im feeling right now after reading your post... >w<

The example which you had talked about the Aztecs of Pre-Columbian Mexico sacrificed people seems very scary.Hey @jphenderson

Thank you for sharing this story with us. And yeah I will keep an eye on your furure posts

Steem on

Not sure if you're aware of the Aztecs using psilocybin mushrooms, possibly during there mass human sacrifices.

@jphenderson Do you think psychedelics are a gateway to communicating with astral or otherworldly beings?

I've never done it but I've heard of people all around the world meeting the same feminine god figure during DMT trips. I think she has a name and people have drawn her, many people claim to have seen the same entity

I definitely think that psychedelics can be a gateway to the astral plane. There are many denizens there and some are incredibly good while others are incredibly harmful. Most are rather neutral. I've met the goddess figure you speak of on a DMT trip myself. Or one anyway. Can't be sure it's the same one other people have. It was one of the most beautiful and enlightening experiences of my life.

psychedelics... just a short cut... a fast track... but... quick question. Why do you want to communicate with astral beings??

the topic is so complex and there is little advice on the article.
it's not really nice to post such a thing without some indications for some way forward.

the author of the article mentioned the "isolation" as solution - but this kind of strategy could eventually lead to more problems.

but fortunately you, the reader, if infected have the power to heal yourself and simply be free again.

how? well if you are there with the infection you will have for sure... another big problem - you don't have a big personal life. you are maybe working hard every day, you have little friends and you feel like you don't have time for yourself. start living your life for what you LOVE and not what you need or the money required. Stop working for money, live every moment for what you love and the people you love. As you will manage to have a more nice life the entity will just go away because you will be full of joy ... not the fear they look for :-)

Wow really nice post , most of the people including me dont even know about Astral Parasites , Thanks to Steemit Community and thanks to you , due to this platform and your blog we can learn a lot .
keep sharing content and lets make this community from @mysurrounding to Our Surrounding

Youve got my follow man, good post

Really great post @jphenderson actually got inspired... be continue with great post... All the best!


:-) upVoted too!! nice article

Dam this is almost kinda scary

:-) nature is so complex.. nothing to worry about actually... they are part of the ecosystem

Statism is the world's most popular death cult. People sacrifice their children, their wealth, and their devotion to it around the world every day. It hasn't gone away, it just changed form.

Very true... things have only changed in appearance, not in substance.

Statism... true, but it is not even the root of the problem as many think. btw. do you?

Statism is the most prevalent manifestation of the root problem. The root problem is the refusal to respect others as one wants to be respected, aka violation of the golden rule.

I cannot send you a positive message of agreement. We have different views... in my opinion there is no 1 single root :-)

why should conflicts between human beings (what you call violation of golden rule) lead to the generation of the Statism?

What do you exactly consider?

Statism is the myth currently used to justify aggression against the life, liberty, and property of others by dehumanizing them through nationalist collectivism and appeals to legality in place of morality.

where is da proof

You're not going to find physical proof of nonphysical beings beyond personal experience. This doesn't make it any less true. Every culture on the planet has believed in nonphysical beings in some form or fashion besides our current one and most of them knew a lot more about them than we do. The disbelief is what makes the problem so hard to solve. Just look at the rates of mental illnesses of all kinds that are virtually unheard of in cultures that are knowledgeable on the unseen realms that should indicate that maybe there's something our current culture seems to have lost.

ahahaha there is no proof for the children. go to bed and rest

What you are saying, if I understood corrctly is that we , without knowing it manifested all the gods that have been revered since humans came to exist?

No, the only "gods" I was referring to in this article are the ones that were actually negative thoughtform entities. Many other deities expressed many different ideas. For example, the Egyptian pantheon actually described different Universal principles and were more like metaphors used to describe their understanding of the universe.

That's sounds like they need an exorsict. Well written post acknowledging the power of demons without scaring people away from that word. There is no way to get rid of this entiety? A person is cursed by their presence forever? That seams like a bleat existence for those being attacked by this darkness.

They can get rid of the entity if they are willing to admit there's a problem within them that needs to be fixed. If they can do that then that awareness is the biggest factor in defeating it. They must take control of their minds. However, when I have tried to help people with this in the past it only ended up with me dealing with way too much problems I shouldn't have had to and they only ended up going over the top and doing everything they could to hurt me in the end. If they are incapable of admitting they have a problem and decide to do something about it then there is nothing you can do to help them. Perhaps some day they will realize they have a problem and if they can do that these things are easily defeated as we have free will and can make conscious choices on how to act. However, as long as they keep justifying their bad behavior and blaming everything around them for their internal and external misery then the problem will persist.

well explained good know how
thank you for revealing the truth


Interesting. Sometimes I find negative thoughts creeping in even when I have tried to recognize them and stop them. It happens a lot just as I am drifting off to sleep. I believe in the negative energy parasites.....

This is very insightful. The effect of raising awareness of this issue is greater than what can be imagined

Special theme Good Regards, Please, thank you

infected ? ... something to realise , much more than realising " dark entities attachment " is the Karma we must pay for leading people into negativity and fears by not understanding what those entities really are , why they do what they do and the main goal of God all creations ...i wish you light

That was a very involved read, I'm trying to wrap my head around it all. Ar you suggesting that certain people are more prone to this type of mental control, a weakness towards it, or anyone can fall victim to it? Thanks Walrus King.

Kind of both... They are attracted to negative emotions so when you are in a particularly down phase you might attract them while some people are naturally more negative and will be more prone to this type of thing, particularly if they aren't very self-reflective.

Makes sense!

I had a relationship where this happened was hideous I got out as I knew she was an energy vampire. Although concerned I might be in another after reading this post doh! We are separating but she still wants contact. We lost a baby together so emotional ties are strong. She wants me to find someone else as she does not want kids and knows I do, ummm heavy stuff :(

That does kind of sound like an energy vampirism situation. I ought to know, I went from one to another. Even knowing about it I thought I could help them but ended up getting hurt more and more in the end.

It hard she keeps saying she wants to be with me but wants to be alone a lot. When I move she still wants to come every weekend. When I get annoyed with the nasty behavior i'm am in the wrong an being horrible. Its hard work I just don't know what to do as I feel beck she has broken it off so I can have kids. Sorry rant and too much info :)

No problem... I totally understand how it is. This post was basically a rant about it in and of itself though it was also intended to educate people about it. I'm glad you got something out of it and hopefully it helps you in some way.