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RE: Astral Parasites---What They Are and How They Work

in #esoteric8 years ago

Makes sense!

I had a relationship where this happened was hideous I got out as I knew she was an energy vampire. Although concerned I might be in another after reading this post doh! We are separating but she still wants contact. We lost a baby together so emotional ties are strong. She wants me to find someone else as she does not want kids and knows I do, ummm heavy stuff :(


That does kind of sound like an energy vampirism situation. I ought to know, I went from one to another. Even knowing about it I thought I could help them but ended up getting hurt more and more in the end.

It hard she keeps saying she wants to be with me but wants to be alone a lot. When I move she still wants to come every weekend. When I get annoyed with the nasty behavior i'm am in the wrong an being horrible. Its hard work I just don't know what to do as I feel beck she has broken it off so I can have kids. Sorry rant and too much info :)

No problem... I totally understand how it is. This post was basically a rant about it in and of itself though it was also intended to educate people about it. I'm glad you got something out of it and hopefully it helps you in some way.