Do you know the name of the architect responsible for this piece of "mastery" ?? The sculpture behind the pope throne I have seen before and its truly awful and gives me such a bad feeling on seeing each time ! How can people not see this symbology for what it is ? The Vatican is far from Holy and its time for us all to see it ! That is not the Jesus I have in my head anyway (
You Sir @perceptualflaws leave me once again floored with this incredible post !! So many things to say and talk about for a lifetime here ! Where to begin really in telling you my friend ) I have never seen the "Popes Audience Hall" and to see it really does give me chills as it surely demonstrates the order we are facing up to, the force of Darkness and Evil there can be little doubt !
One thing is for sure, that Darkness has been here since the beginning and its not about to close up shop and leave us alone without a fight ! As the truth surfaces on this, which I do see incidently as people clearly show signs of having sensitivity to this sort of information now, not so say ten years ago on the internet ! I hope this can continue free from their meddling, the lines in ths and will be drawn and the illusion they maintain will fall and they will be forced to show themselves, from then on, we will be at war for our planet, lives and soul ! Until we get there just please keep doing what you do )
Hey @gomeravibz my man!! I thank you for both your support and excellent comments, rest assured it's very much appreciated!! Like yourself the audience hall sends a chill up my spine, it's so in your face and so confident that it's unnerving. The name of the architect is Pericle Fazzini, and it's a very disturbing image indeed!!
Like you say, at it's core this is a spiritual war for the soul of humanity the forces of good and evil engaged in their eternal struggle. It is real and it's as serious as it gets and I don't care if people believe that statement or not, I've done my homework!
The darkness has indeed been here since the beginning and it's like a virus spreading into the minds, hearts and soul of man! It's genuinely scary stuff but equally it's always darkest before dawn. This is our test and it's how we rise to it that will define who we are! Love, compassion and consciousness will win said war, not fighting that is their game and we would be very foolish to play it. Stay true and hold your ground my friend, we are in for a very bumpy ride. Thanks again!!
yes for sure @pèrceptualflaws we are indeed in for a bumpy ride, may the Lord God protect us both ::>)
Yes, I am blown away by this. Never been religious myself, but have a number of catholic friends who surely don't know about this. I will ask them now for sure though!
yes @ricia please show them these photos, ask them their opinions on this imagery ! Thos audience Hall deserves to be further exposed for what it surely is !
They'd never seen it before but it is a sculpture completed in 1977 by Fazzini called the Resurrection. I found a few yt videos about it, which are worth checking for more detail.