They were feared throughout the ancient world and several sieges against their capital Tyre were raised to remove them from their seat of power. The most notable being the siege of Alexander the great. The book of Joshua refers to Tyre as “a fortress city” indeed it was a fortress with heavily fortified walls that rose from the sea.
The Pharaohs Of Europe
As the old world structure began to crumble the Amun priesthood began to secure a different powerbase. From this perspective the country of Switzerland was founded on the 1st of August 1291. The Templar’s last stronghold had fallen some two months before during the siege of Acre and it’s said that their treasure was hidden in Switzerland. It was this treasure that along with much of the ancient Egyptian gold formed the basis for the Swiss banking system. Incidentally the Swiss flag is actually a simplified version of the Templar cross and said cross originally derives from the Sumerian god Ninurta whose father was Enlil. Indeed the cross has been worsipped for a long time and the celtic cross was used to map the skies.
Incidentally Switzerland the Pharaoh’s and the mystery religions influence on Switzerland appears to be held in the name. The name can be both traced back to the goddess Isis and interpreted as the land of the sisters, Sui-Isse (Souers Isis), Schw (e)-Iss (Schwester Isis). In fact Paris is also named after it’s original settlers the Parrisi and this name can also be read as for Isis. Indeed the ancient city was formally known as Lutetia and the Parisii were followers of Isis. The site of the Parisii temple of Isis is now the location of The Notre Damme, is this a hidden modern interpretation?
The city of London could be thought of as El London (the sun/Saturn) or indeed Babylondon, but I’ve digressed. Basically the priesthood of Amun still operate from Switzerland and this entire area is key to the worldwide monetary control system. In terms of money this system has been created as representation of the god Horus, all seeing, all powerful. It is said that Horus & Ra (with whom the eye is also associated with) are protectors of royalty and although the eye imagery is ancient, the popularised image of pyramidical eye can actually be traced to the jesuits. Mon is the latin for one and then ey or eye is self explanatory money = one eye and we see the concept of the one eye gazing out from the one dollar bill.
I’m also aware of the Juno Moneta the Roman goddess of money and memory, in fact I’m aware of far more than I have the time to display in one post but the concept of the one eye far predates any Roman history. Equally Juno has links to Jupiter, Saturn and Mars and so we are back to the mystery religion element. Indeed when Lloyd Blankfein made his infamous pronouncement that "bankers do gods work" did he mean it in the literal sense?
The Phoenicians had previously arrived in Britain in 1103BC and subsequently over many generations traded tin with England. It is said that Phoenician money was a key component of the “private investors” that started the bank of England in 1694.
The Babylonian style brotherhood of the Phoenician hierarchy and the priest of Amun are also said to be a key component of a worldwide banking network that includes: the world bank, the IMF, the world trade organisation and the bank for international settlements. A mere modicum of investigation will reveal hieroglyphs and Masonic symbols upon all important Swiss buildings. Indeed why do the Swiss Guard, guard the Vatican and who is behind the Vatican’s black hand?
Early Christianity
Now before we discuss the Vatican let’s take a brief look into the formative years of Christianity. Many people don’t realise the hierarchical religion we see today did not actually reach it’s fruition until approx 300 years after Christ’s death. The religion was embraced by Emperor Constantine as a way of uniting a failing Roman Empire. The early Christians appear to have followed Christ’s teachings more faithfully. Indeed there was a tradition of keeping alive entire phrases and words used by Christ.
They believed that yes Jesus was indeed the son of god but that equally we are all the children of the creator. They believed the kingdom of god lay within each of us and so neither required nor would have believed in the hierarchical control system of the modern church. Indeed "the son of god became a man so men could become the sons of god" (C.S Lewis). This was directly opposed to the teachings of the organised religion and church system they saw growing up around them. A system that I believe has placed a hierarchical barrier between us and the creator. The control system dealt in fear, sin and the persecution of this more direct communion and as such the early Christians posed a direct threat to the more organised Christian religion.
The bible that arose from the Constantine era was itself carefully selected and heavily edited in order to fit a narrative. There were many gospels and writings left out of the bible and the possession of these lost gospels became an offence punishable by death. Indeed, many of the persecuted Christians we read about in our history books were actually persecuted by other Christians.
Women also played a very active role within early Christianity and from that perspective it was a more open and accepting religion. Personally I believe removal of femininity from religion has further served to disconnect us from the inherent power and connection between the divine masculine and feminine and as such placed a barrier between the sexes. Some of religious concepts of the feminine have (I believe) been taken out of context and thus have ensured a denigration of femininity that has followed us throughout history, throughout multiple religions and trickled down into the masculine subconscious.
I have absolutely no problem with Christianity and much respect for the true word of Christ, but I do have a problem with the hierarchy that has grown up around it. In many ways our current religious system is a direct contrast to the original word of Christ. Indeed you could perhaps view Christ as an anarchist and the church as statists. Lets now take a further look at the Catholic church.
The Influence On The Catholic Church
As the various priesthoods became further corrupted the accumulation of knowledge began to be held in fewer and fewer hands. The ancient library of Alexandria was burned to the ground and then later on the Catholic Church set about destroying any vestiges of said knowledge and the indigenous communities that held onto the concept of direct communion. Indeed along with the library of Alexandria priceless wisdoms and artifacts from across the ancient world are said to be held underneath the Vatican. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
As the Amun priesthood settled in Switzerland the Phoenicians hierarchy became the Venetians. Much like their old capital of Tyre their new power base was again founded on the water as a nod to their shipping prowess. Now I’m aware of some conjecture regarding the Phoenician & Venetian connection and some people disagree with this assumption. All I will say is that I have looked into this in great detail, from many perspectives and beyond the standardised historical accounts and found this statement is indeed true.
Much like the Phoenician connection to the Old Testament the Venetians used their power base to spread their influence into the Catholic Church and were in effect the progenitors of the Jesuit order. Once again I will state my belief that they have used the church to place a barrier between humanity and creation. In order that we are easier to control and subjugate, the externalisation of faith has made us forget our inherent power. The kingdom of god lays not within the walls of the church but within us all.
The Catholic Mystery Religion
In many ways the Catholic Church represents the merger and dilution of the ancient schools of mystery and sun worship into what we now call religion. As I’ve already mentioned the message of the early Christians and indeed many elements of Hermeticism became a little too close to the mark and threatened the power structure that was being manipulated into place. But equally as I will display below, the upper echelons of the Catholic Church don’t appear to practice what they preach. They instead still seem to be practicing and indeed displaying (for those that are aware) that they follow the old religion, the mystery school tradition and are controlled by the aforementioned dark occult serpent bloodlines.
Firstly I’ve already discussed the Amun priesthood but what I haven’t mentioned is that within the ancient Hebrew vowels were interchangeable. As such the Amun is often spelt as Amon and indeed Amen! The word Amen is obviously associated with the bible and can be found in all religions. Equally in ancient Egypt Amun Ra or Amen Ra is actually considered to be the god of kings & the king of gods. He is also known to hide within the other gods such as Osiris, indeed the word amen can literally be interpreted as “the hidden one”. Does he also “hide” in the bible? In both the old and the new Test amen t? When people use the word amen are they actually closing their prayer with a reference to the sun god Amen Ra? Certainly in kings verse 36 Amen is described as “the lord god of my god”.
Empire Of The City
Whilst we’re on the subject of Amen Ra it’s important to note that the Vatican is actually the smallest principality in the world. It’s a city state within a city and contains its own laws, legalese, newspaper and TV station. The same can be said for the city of London (corporation of London) for it’s a city state within the city of greater London. Briefly, within the city of London the crown signifies the corporation of London (not the Royal Family) which is itself run by the lord mayor and his twelve proxies.
The city of London is a separate entity to and thus has different mayor to central London. The council is under the jurisdiction of 13 of the world most powerful families (including the Rothchilds). Under the jurisdiction of William 3rd of orange It became a sovereign state in 1694. It has its own courts, it's own police force, laws and its own flag. Equally the district of Columbia is a city state located in 10 square miles of land and within the heart of Washington. These three cities represent an interlocking control grid known as the Empire Of The City.
Here we once again (as per much of my previous work) have an unholy trinity of dominance: DC = Military, London = Economic, Vatican = Spirituality. You may ask what this has to do with Amen Ra? Well at the center of each city there is an obelisk, throughout ancient Egypt and Kemet before it the obelisk was a phallic symbol used to worship the sun god Amun Ra.
Interestingly the London Obelisk is ancient and was shipped directly from Egypt, although it has no connection this obelisk is known as Cleopatra’s needle. Notice the Sphinx's guarding the base of the needle.
The D.C obelisk was dedicated to George Washington by the Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia (If you have yet to do so I highly recommend researching the Columbia faction).
As you can see the Vatican obelisk is very phallic in nature expressing both male and female fertility. During the vernal equinox the sun causes the obelisk to cast it’s shadow towards St Peters church. Perhaps a representation of sexual union between the sun and moon goddesses.
Rev 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and the great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
The Vatican Pine Cone Symbolism
The pine cone symbology used by the Vatican and evidenced in the pictures below are symbolic of the pineal gland. The pineal symbolism represents a link between the spiritual and the physical realms. This imagery can be found throughout the ancient world including Babylon, Kemet, ancient Greece and the Hindu gods of India. Within ancient Kemet the pine cone is also associated with Osiris who was the ancient Egyptian messiah whose mother Isis was worshipped as a virgin bride.
Interestingly as shown below the Vatican also houses the largest pine cone in the world. Certainly this symbology hints at some acknowledgment relating to the ancient concepts of know thyself and the kingdom within. The use of the pine cone certainly hints that the Church is aware of these truths but they have made a conscious decision to keep the uninitiated separate from their inherent power.
As we see below the pine cone is also synonymous with the Sumerian gods/Anunnaki.
Vatican Sun Worship & The Dagon Mystery Religion
So lets take a look at sun worship and the Dagon mystery religion. Firstly this religion was synonymous with the fish and when you see Christians sporting said fish symbol (although they are unaware) it could be seen as a representation of Dagon. The name Dagon comes from Dag and it means fish god and he is an ancient Mesopotamian Assyro-Babylonian and Levantine (Canaanite deity). Equally remember Enki is synonymous with fish symbolism and perhaps the fish god is actually some form of hybrid that harks back to the Anunnaki’s attempts at genetic manipulation.
As shown in the pictures above and below the tiara crown worn by the pope is almost identical in shape to the crowns worn by the “gods” shown in the ancient Assyrian tablets. Also notice the Sumerian Ninurta/Templar cross in the image above.
The popes ring is also known as the ring of the fisherman. This is interesting because of the fact that Peter the Apostle (with whom the practice of bowing and kissing the ring is said to have started) probably never owned such a ring let alone expected people to bow and kiss it. Indeed in acts 3:6 Peter clearly states “silver and gold have I none”. This certainly appears to be an element of mixture and merger between the stories of Dagon fish symbology, Peter the fisherman, the fisherman’s ring, the connection between the popes mitre and the hat of Dagon. I could go on but it's easy to see that indeed many elements of the mystery religion appear to be hiding in pain view.

The carrying of the pope during Roman Catholic procession harks back to sun worship. Indeed the ancient priest king of Egypt would have been carried through the crowds by twelve men and I believe this is symbolic representation of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The ancient Babylonian priest king was also backed by a flabella, a large fan of feathers known as the mystic fan of Bacchus.
As evidenced below the flabella is also carried by the Roman Catholic procession. As stated in the encyclopedia Britannica “when going to solemn occasions (the pope) is carried on a sedia, a portable chair of red velvet with a high back and escorted by two flabella feathers. Within ceremony many of the papal colours also hark back to Babylon.
Vatican Serpent Symbology
The Vatican is synonymous with serpent symbology but perhaps the most startling example can be found at the Popes Audience Hall. As I have previously written about if you know where to look then this symbology is everywhere "hidden in plain sight". They believe that if they signal an intent and display their truth then they negate the judgement of natural law. Certain symbology is also used as an esoteric communication tool, this can be found throughout the world and equally if you know where to look they communicate by using key words and phrases in both the print and televised media.
Obviously the picture below speaks for itself but pay attention to the scaly roof, it's shape, the eye, and the nostril at the front
Now let’s take a look at the aforementioned eye from inside the hall
Still not convinced it's a snake? well let’s take a closer look inside the building.
Lets take a look from a bit further back in order to obtain a sense of the scales.
So lets put the image next to the snake in order to obtain some context, can you see it?
At the center of the stage there is a statue that depicts Christ rising from an atomic apocalypse. Now apart from the extremely morbid imagery do you notice anything strange?
Let’s take a look at the statue from the right, notice the side of Jesus's head does it look like a serpent to you?
Not convinced? we ll lets take a look at it from the left side. Strange eh?

The Eye Of Horus & The Pineal Gland
Interestingly the Eye of Horus is often personified as the goddess Wadjet and is also referred to as the Eye of Ra. The eye is also synonymous as the all seeing eye that watches over humanity but in its duality it's symbolic of the pineal gland. Again this is hidden in plain view and is a clear indication that within each of us there exists an Eye of Horus. This is a direct connection to "the kingdom within" and the Hermetic perception as "as above so below" i.e the micro and the macrocosm and our oneness with all creation and indeed the creator. Isn't it interesting how pesticides sprayed on our food, the fluoride in our water and the chemicals we unwittingly consume all calcify the pineal gland?
The Vatican Finances
The Vatican is the largest financial power in the world and they hold more material wealth than any bank, corporation or Government. They have enormous investments with the Rothchild (rouge shield) banking dynasty hold shares in both oil and weapons corporations. They supported Hitler, helped many Nazis escape and are still officially under investigation for taking Nazi gold at the end of WW2

It's my belief that the societal structure we currently live under is referred to as Babylon the Great. Do you think the High Priests of Ra haven’t cast a spell over humanity? Over me, over you? They tie us into this system from birth and as such in terms of natural law we are all complicit in empowering the new Babylon. Whilst people await the mark of the beast little do they realise that to all intents and purposes the entire system is the beast.
Indeed this is a beast system that both imprisons us from birth and controls the boundaries of our perceptual awareness throughout our lives. They corporatise our bodies and sign us into maritime law, where via our birth certificates we board the citizen ship. When a child is born they enter this world through the birth canal, equally when a ship arrives from a different country it enters the berthing canal. The docks/doctor, certificate of manifest, birth certificate, is this a slight of hand the corporatises our bodies and as such (in law) removes our soul and god given rights and freedoms? Certainly society is being strangled by a noose of red tape and regulation and said noose becomes tighter with each passing day.
Is the world going to change tomorrow? no. Is it going to change in my lifetime? possibly, but equally I fear it will get worse before it gets better. They ride the Yuga cycle, exploiting us when we're weak and distracting us when we're strong. But time waits for man nor beast and eventually their dam will break, scattering the ashes of their control to the four corners of the earth.
"The best laid plans of mice and men"
Is ignorance bliss? Possibly and from that perspective I understand why so many remain subconsciously asleep, but for those that are awake the burden of responsibilty grows heavier with each passing day. Now is the time to speak your truth, is your truth my truth? Maybe and maybe not but if you speak it from the heart the world needs to hear it.
Thank you for reading. Until next time I'll once again leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
Written by perceptualflaws
Please note the majority of pictures are source linked but I ran out of characters to link them all! All pictures not linked are taken from searching on startpage images (google alternative) and are fair use.
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Mate, even for you this is an epic piece of work!
Those who are absorbing this information for the first time will be blown away. I'm impressed with the historical threads you have woven together so succinctly.
I believe that we are currently not witnessing an unseen war for the planet being waged by opposing 'elite family' factions. The standard of morality seen in the human race currently is testament to the attempt by the 'dark side' to drain us of empathy towards one another. I'm convinced we are on the cusp of a golden age of enlightment however it's darkest before the dawn so like you I believe it'll get much, much worse before it gets better.
The bloodline families have had millenia's of experience in controlling and 'farming' the masses so change to benefit those they see as 'useless eaters_ is anathema to them. They won't go down without an epic battle and even then I suspect they may feign the appearance of defeat to rise again another day.
Can the truth set us free?
Brilliant post buddy.
Hey my friend, as always thank you for all the support you give me it's greatly appreciated!! There is certainly a lot of information to take in here but equally as you know it's just scratching the surface. This is a world of illusion and to see beyond said illusion is to relinquish the power that fear that it holds over you. The veil of unreality is coming down.
We focus on the darkness but equally like you say there are opposing factions that are fighting for humanity and we certainly aren't alone. I will write about this later in the series. I also believe we are on the cusp of a golden age but they will not give up the power they have spent literally thousands of years accumulating without a fight! In a way we are living through the birthing pains of said golden age and like you say it's always darkest before dawn. The truth will set us free it just depends if people want to hear it for the truth can be painful. Thanks again my friend!!
wow and that @tremesospercy is a brilliant comment to this post ) You and @perceptualflaws make for quite a team and I am sure you will both give us the sort of posts rarely seen in social media outside Steemit ! Steem On Both of you )
Thanks for the kind words and support buddy, I'm flattered. 😊
There appears to be indeed some sort of Battle going on between some of these Elite Families which goes beyond the usual Hegelian Dialectic. Though they still fight within the Matrix, as per Jesuit tradition they are not allowed to disclose the Hidden Hand and the Wider Conspiracy.
I think there is some truth to the Priory of Sion vs Templars infighting as outlined in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.
Babylon (Priory of Sion, cryptojewish rosecroix royal families) had founded the Templars, but when these had returned from the Holy Land their original purpose had run out and became an inconvenience and a threat. Babylon even tried to dissolve them and force a merger with the more dependable Hospitaliers in the period shortly before their persecution. And after the persecution, all the seized Templar assets were given to the Hospitaliers.
Some Founding Fathers (Bill of Rights) were masons of Templar tradition, but in the decades later Sion (cryptojews like DelaMotta) increasingly took control of american freemasonry . Infact in american Freemasonry now Templar orders are demonized as racists bigots etc.
I think on the World Stage we're still seeing some struggle between Templars and Priory of Sion. Templars seem more supportive of personal liberties, probably because they experienced the harsh reality of brutal tyranny on themselves.
They all want a hierarchical aristocratic dictatorship, but maybe the Templars want the masses to have some basic liberties. At least that's the impression I get. Btw I wonder what your avatar stands for? red cross on the shield....isn't it Templar symbology? The City of London still has a Templar logo, though the City of London was taken away from the Templars and given to the Hospitaliers (StJohn/Knights of Malta) who now run it with the RoseCroix (English Freemasonry).
Great comment mate.
It's so difficult to discern who is fighting who over what anymore such is the intricate web of deceit that has been woven over many years.
I think it is possibly as simple as one side has empathy towards the masses and the other sees us as an asset like a farmer sees a herd of sheep.
The rise of the Internet has thrown a spanner in the works for the controllers with many people accessing information previously unavailable regarding the reality of our paradigm. Couple that with the lack of religious control over thought and deed and you now see a new battle for control with entities previously powerless fighting back. Let's hope the good guys win out!
Regarding my avatar, no hidden meaning sorry, it's just my nom de plume on an English flag coming out of a ball of flames simple as that. Another Steemian made it for me. There may well be a hidden meaning but it wasn't by my design 😉
Upvoted 100% and Resteemed. An essential sum up for anyone wanting to research Conspiracy topics.
Having researched much of this stuff myself, I find most of the information presented to be on point.
"Amen", as seen in the Masonic Bible, is indeed the Egyptian God.
The Babylonian control system, perfected through Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, continues to this day. (e.g: EU building = Tower of Babel)
It is an ever evolving matrix to control the slave masses.
The recent Awakening is thanks to the Internet, which allowed for the free flow of Information and for hidden knowledge to spread.
If the Elites can't control the information their matrix of deceit crumbles. They know this, that's why they've started to censor the Internet ("hate speech", "anti-semitism", "fakenews").
I believe the future of humanity depends on a new decentralized Internet that can't be censored. Then we can really enter a Golden Age, and with an Hive Mind (the collective intelligence through the Net) capable of solving any problems humanity may face.
Hey @lavter thank you so much for the kind words and resteem I really appreciate it. Yes you're spot on regarding the EU building and I have written about this previously. Indeed this is a perfected Babylonian control system (Babylon the Great) and it has created the illusion that many so readily accept as normality. So indoctrinated have the massess become that to even suggest an alternative to a system built on control and subjugation is beyond the perceptual capabilty of the collective.
I agree that the internet is responsible for the latest age of awakening but equally as with everything within it exists a duality. Indeed perhaps the elites always viewed the formative years of the internet (and subsequent spread of information) as a neccesary evil on their march towards the smart grid. One thing I am aware of is that the technology we see around us is potentially a generation behind behind what actually exists within black budget projects. From this perspective the concept of said smart grid, the internet of things, and the 5g system (that will connect literally every facet of our lives together) are not actually new ideas but old ones that are only now coming to fruition. It's my belief that they are intent on creating some sort of synthetic and highly controlled electromagnetic sub-reality, a synthetic Schumann resonance. The worrying thing is that majority seem unable to look up from their phones to see the electronic prison that's being built around them.
Equally, like you say we need a decentralised system and I really agree that in their rush to control us they have potentially let the genie out of the bottle and sowed the seeds of their own demise. Perhaps what they hadn't accounted for is the sheer genius of many people working behind the scenes and for the greater good. They need the internet to realise their system of control, but equally there exists within this concept a window of opportunity for humanity to beat them at their own game and to once again hold the future in the hands of the people. Indeed the seeds of control are potentially sowing the seedlings of freedom. What a time to be alive eh?
I really appreciate both your great points and support .. Thanks again!!
True. Same goes for the BlockCHAIN. Which can either liberate humanity or completely enslave it by allowing the All Seeing Eye to monitor and tax every single thing we do.
Infact some suspect Bitcoin was released as bait, to then sabotage it making it unusable (Bitcoin Core) and give us a crypto they control.
The interNET is already a lost cause and has been turned into another instrument of control (search engines and social media are now completely rigged), but there's hope for blockchain yet. For example your post would never be trending on regular social media, but it is rightfully trending here on Steem as it is community curated in a decentralized way. How long this will last I don't know.
All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives....and then the negatives get injected in only later. I'm a bit concerned about some censorship ideas the developer Sneak wants to bring to the Steem ecosystem:
Hey my friend and yes great points that concur with my own beliefs on these matters. Have you ever looked into the work of Richard Stallman and his free open source software projects (Gnu project)? Obviously this is just the work of Stallman and an opensource group of hackers/coders but it gives fascinating insight into what could be acheived if there was the will and and organised collective behind it.
I'm with you on the perspective that the cryptospace has sowed a seed of thought in the minds of the masses that could be manipulated in the future. But equally like you also say "All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives" and so there has existed a window of opportunity for people to make considerable amounts of money from said new system. Several people have actually ploughed that money into making further decentralised systems and there is also a crossover between the concept of "truth" and cryptos. Indeed there are many people involved in the crypto space that are hearing information they would never have normally listened to. It's my belief that this could have been a miscalculation and the entire concept of decentralisation combinded with truth is spreading faster than the powers that be comprehended. Certainly this is a technological race to the finish line!
Ultimately the future direction of humanity will simply come down to how much we want to reclaim our freedom? Indeed this world could change tomorrow if enough people wanted it to be so. We're the ones with the power in our hands, we just need to find a way to make those that have forgotten remember this fact. Too long have people been made to feel weak, powerless and isolated, this is a misperception that has trickled down into the subconscious.
"All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives....and then the negatives get injected in only later."
An excellent point and you can use the capitalist model (and of course the internet) as a prime example of the vaidity of that statement. When you look back at the sweetners the first generations in said capitalist model were given it's certainly a far cry from the system we now live under, the term "boiling frogs" springs to mind.
Ultimately one of the main problems is that many of us want the same things but are simply divided on the finer details and ways to achieve these aims. We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and infating our ego's over details, this is akin to re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic and it does little to help us. With the best will in the world we all prisoners of perception and life experience and so we all have slightly different interpretations of the truth. But if at it's most simplistic core the "truth" is that the majority of us want a world based on love, respect, fairness and equality, well then that's an intent and collective intent is a powerful force. Unfortunately it's aso a force that has been stolen from us through division and the electronic thought ghettos of mainstream social media.
Joining steemit and finding an avenue to write, comment and interact with people like yourself has given me a renewed hope for the direction of humanity and long may it continue!!
Thank you for the link @lavater I was unaware of this so I will take a good look at it.
Fantastic post. Such a fascinating topic and although it takes a while to read I can't wait for the next installment & would happily read it now. This subject fascinates me more than any other & the way you break it down is fantastic. Great work. Wish I could put a piece together like this.
Upvoted, resteemed & hungry for more ;-)
Hey at @jimbobbill thanks for the support my friend, I really do appreciate it. Equally, I'm very glad you enjoyed the post!! In all honesty I thought about how you'd expressed an interest in these subjects as I wrote it and I was looking forward to seeing what you made of it hence I'm really glad it resonated!!
Man your work is great my friend and watch this space for part two ;)
I enjoyed reading this post @perceptualflaws.
There is so much that I could say and want to ask but I'm going to wait and see where you take it. I'm looking forward to the next instalment.
As you clearly pointed out - the Catholic Church is not a christian organization. Like so many things in the world today it an illusion of christianity but at it's core it is a deception. There are of course some very nice people in that church but it is a satanic cult and they are very deceived.
The RCC morphed the numerous pagan religions that were being practised in different parts of the Roman Empire with the bible and christianity. What we see today is a pagan version of christianity that does not resemble the bible or gospel of Jesus.
I have written articles on the origins of the RCC that I have not posted here but I may do so when you are done. It compliments and supports what you have said about the RCC.
I believe Babylon is a nation. I also believe that another nation controls the 3 cities/nations that you cited. I don't think that this is overly important for now. Switzerland is very important and I'm glad you mentioned it. Switzerland remains neutral in war yet it funds all wars and is a bankers paradise. The bankers don't like to shit on their own doorstep it seems so they keep Switzerland clean.
Big topic, lot's of branches and rabbit holes, more than enough to keep one busy for a lifetime. Great job my friend.
Ahhhhh Yes @steemtruth, the Switzerland connection is a very very important one indeed ! The Pharonic Templars and the creation of Switzerland in 1291 with the Gold plundered by them during the crusades ! They who financed all revolutions and wars without anybody seeing ! This is a future topic of mine, albeit a very dangerous one clearly ! But we who have true faith must not cower or bow in the face of this great and true Evil that grips our planet in its claw ! Great comment )
Hey @steemtruth thanks for your support my friend, I really do appreciate it as I do your words of wisdom. I know all your thought proesses on these subjects come from much deep contemplation and understanding and as such I always value your opinion.
And yes you're so right, there are so many genuine people in the church practicing what they preach and living their lives in harmony and balance. Equally because of it's dark core, at an energetic level those with evil in their hearts are magnetically drawn towards it's power.
I'm with you on the three cities front and I have come to understand that if we know it then there is an element behind what we know. This is an incredibly intelligent system and I beiieve a council sits above the 3 cities. I also believe that in relation to this concept the truth has yet to be written, indeed it would take a very brave man (and an insider) to write it!
Thanks again my friend I really appreciate it!
I'm fascinated to hear who or what you believe this is. I believe that there are many secret societies (as do you). I also believe that ultimately they all answer to one group. My research (rightly or wrongly) has led me to believe that one group controls the world. What we see happening around us it too organized and ubiquitous for it to be not the case.
Fascinating topic! I'm so glad that you took the time to put your thoughts and research into print. You've clearly done a lot of research, well done! knocked this outta the park...I can't get over what a talented story teller and writer you are, I'm blessed to be your friend. That was sure a journey...
I'm happy I'm not the only one who thinks the Anunaki would have been able to harvest their own gold, for one. It's cool too that you dig Mark Passio's work. He's a big favourite of mine.
I can't even imagine how different our world would be if we were raised to believe in ourselves, if we had the true knowledge...
Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you so much for your support and kind words, I'm genuinely humbled and equally so glad you enjoyed the post!!
Yes in reference to the gold, on one hand they traversed the universe to reach us and held the means to gentically alter us in their hands and then didn't have the technology to mine said gold? It sounds like a very foolish mistake to make! You certainly wouldn't drive up to the Klondike without the correct equipment and so I don't expect they did either. I think for sure that certain elements of this story have been hidden by the mists of time. But equally I'm certain a huge events such as this occured in our pre-history.
Equally blessed to call you a friend!! Virtually meeting you an seeing your passion for life makes me realise just how strong we can be! Indeed love and compassion are the strengths that will bring this house of cards crashing to the ground! The power is in each of our hands, we just need to find a way to make people remember!! Thanks again my friend.
Hmm, the cuneiform tablets state that they did mine the gold themselves for millenia but grew tired of the toil, thus the need for a slave race was required, whether they genetically manipulated early hominids for this task is difficult to prove however there is the question of the 'missing link'.
Why do we clone animals now and genetically modify plants etc?
Because we can! Remove empathy and human morality, add the need for labour to that equation and you have the perfect opportunity to create a race. Just my 2c
Advanced Technology would no doubt kick in once you have the ore on the surface however there is still the matter of going down more than a mile into the ground to extract it. Mile deep mine shafts have been discovered in South Africa that date back over 40,000 years, I can't imagine why a supposed primitive man would do that for something that can't be eaten!
The sites in Sth Africa are still being excavated so hopefully more info will be forthcoming in the not too distant future.
I'll leave you with this quote from Micheal Tellinger-Author of Slave species of the gods.
Thanks guys, you are the best.
I'm glad you brought this up @tremendospercy (and you know I always respect your opinion) because this part is on the cutting room floor lol. There are many within this line of enquiry that view said texts as historical documents and other simply metaphorical understanding of an event in our pre-history. Personally? I'm in both camps because although indeed as advanced a civilisation the Sumerian's obviously were they are stll human. From this persepective as with ourselves they were prisoners of perception, indeed the way in which our current timeline records history isn't neccesarily going to be 100% accurate.
Here we stand on the cusp of the 4th indsutrial revolution on the brink sweeping aside the entire concept of manual labour and yet we still don't understand a tenth of the technology and knowledge said Anunnaki were said to hold. They appear to have had a rich heritage and understanding of natural law and obviousy their genetic manipulation of said homonid hints a creative ability. Intelligence & creativity combined with a the vastly superior technology and mechanics that it would have taken them to get here makes me wonder why that would have had to have done any work at all? And so yes the klondike is a very rudimentary explanation but it's my belief that they would have arrived ready to mine without the need for prohibitive and ineffective manual labour.
It's also my belief that the desire to create an emulate creation is a universal constant and certainly one that we see playing out around us. From that perspective it seems reasonable to me to suggest that knowing the task that lay ahead they would arrive with some form of robot army to carry out said labour. Or at the very least prepared, planned and created a technology that negated the need for any manual work. Indeed when/if we ever set about mining the universe I believe that our technology will have evolved to the point where this would be the case. I don't believe we would take manual workers with us.
Equally I could be wrong, is there a part of me that doesn't want to believe we are a "slave species to the Gods"? fuck yeah!! But I'm willing to entertain it as possibilty and indeed that's why in the post I seperated my belief from said accounts because at the end of that day it really doesn't matter what I believe. Indeed they believe every letter of the cuneiform texts (as I stated in the post) and as you know they're the ones that have this world by the balls my friend. ;)
Sadly I fear we'll never know the truth and I'm fine with that as long as good prevails.
I've often wondered if the premise that they came from space to Sumer to mine gold for a dying planet was a myth perpetrated by the Annunaki themselves. They may well have been the mythical Atlantians and distant descendants of earlier space travellers who just coveted gold, who knows?!
Deciphering the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and forming a coherent agreed narrative is virtually impossible considering the fact that many are lost forever, others are incomplete, spread around the world in museums and private collections and the few scholars who are able to decipher them rarely agree on translations.
I don't often write about my beliefs as I'm not really sure what they are myself, every time a scrap of information is deciphered from the past it changes the way we think about our history so forming a rigid opinion is impossible, having one can lead to dogmatism when new and contradictory evidence is forthcoming.
I've rambled on enough my freind, just cross your fingers with me and hope we get to know the truth before we move to take our eternal dirt nap!
You my friend are a very wise man and indeed belief can be a transient beast, a beast limited by our perceptual awareness. in this instance I displayed my own belief as a way of opening the subject to more people as I believe the term"slave species" will be considered by many to be a prohibitive term.
I have always found the work of Graham Hancock to be fascinating which also draws me towards Atlantean mythology. Could the Anunnaki have been mining gold as a way of creating some form of technology that was destroyed in a cataclysm? To replicate what had gone before? And like you say could they have pursuaded a (relativel)y primitive rest of humanity that they were their Gods, their creators in order to manipulate them to mine said gold? Could the Sumerians have been told this story as a way of detaching us from our inherant power? The first steps in our disconnection from creation?
It's fascinating stuff but equally we will never know the 100% truth. Personally I am becuase I be and I live in the moment (as much as possible) because that's where my truth lies, a truth found in the understanding of said moment. Everything else (apart from facts) is a construct and a slave to perceptual awareness. Thanks again dude! I cherish our exchange of ideas!!
Aww...... shucks.... 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😘
We're well met then...
Highly rEsteemed!
Incredible work!
Thanks for the support my friend, I'm really glad my post resonated!!
Ringing like a Bell!
Yes quite sir @frankbacon )) Ding Bloody Dong !!!!
Wow, you really put some time into this. A fascinating read. Everything in our world definitely is not as it first seems. I would also lump long timelines in the 100's of thousands, or even millions of years, into that grand deception.
Hey my friend thank you for the support and kind words, it's much appreciated! This is a huge timescale, indeed the Sumerians hint at 400,000 years but equally what happened before that is anyone's guess. I think Michael Cremo's book "The forbidden archeologist" is interesting in reference of timescales. Thanks again @sauna
Wow, you put some work into this and hit just about everything.
I dove down the youtube rabbit hole a few years ago and got really into learning about this. I think the best thing to do is be aware, then work towards reclaiming your freedom. One thing that can hold us back is believing they have power over us. There is no power unless we give it to them, so far we have been blindly doing so, but we can take back our personal power and live in our own sovereignty.
I think somewhere along the lines (maybe 2012) the tides started turning back in our favor. It seems to me that many people are waking up to what's been going on as well as our true nature. It's time to start fighting back, the best way imo is getting back in touch with ourselves, and sending out love to everyone.
Hey @jakeybrown thanks for the great comment and support my friend I really appreciate it!! And yes you're so right, the entire world is a light of hand and we must be pursuaded to give away our power, they can't just take it and that's why we are so manipulated. Equally like you say it will be love, awareness and consciousness that will bring down this system. The clock is ticking and they know it!
No problem, love your work, this one was especially top notch, I forgot to mention how awesome the pictures and gifs are, quite a collection! I bookmarked this one to come back to, looking forward to more of whatever you're hiding up your sleeves
Vatican building is also a pregnant snake wearing a crown when viewed from above. If you can find a shot from more directly above the dome you will notice that there is a sidewalk that forms the tongue of the snake too...
Great job with the maritime law tie in. Not enough people talk about this issue. I would people would just stop putting faith into the laws and dictates of men.
Great Post!
It just beggars belief that there is so much hidden in plain sight! Thanks for sharing.@jordanmccraw,
Hey @jordanmccraw thank you for the support, great comments & picture .. it's very much appreciated. And yes there is so much more to show and stay, I'm kind of using this post as a foundation and will add some more parts and sub parts as time moves on.
Equally thank you in relation to maritime law , I'm glad you noticed it and yes it's an oft overlooked and forgotten aspect of this world of illusion and smoke and mirrors. And certainly in terms of the laws of man legality and morality parted company a very long time ago!! Thanks again.
A beautifully written piece, you always have great artwork in your posts as well. Well done buddy!
Thank you @venomnymous I really appreciact the kind words and support, equally it so good to know that people with the strength of character (such as yourself) are standing up, speaking the truth and fighting for a brighter future. Onwards and upwards for you my friend!!
Do you know the name of the architect responsible for this piece of "mastery" ?? The sculpture behind the pope throne I have seen before and its truly awful and gives me such a bad feeling on seeing each time ! How can people not see this symbology for what it is ? The Vatican is far from Holy and its time for us all to see it ! That is not the Jesus I have in my head anyway (
One thing is for sure, that Darkness has been here since the beginning and its not about to close up shop and leave us alone without a fight ! As the truth surfaces on this, which I do see incidently as people clearly show signs of having sensitivity to this sort of information now, not so say ten years ago on the internet ! I hope this can continue free from their meddling, the lines in ths and will be drawn and the illusion they maintain will fall and they will be forced to show themselves, from then on, we will be at war for our planet, lives and soul ! Until we get there just please keep doing what you do )
Hey @gomeravibz my man!! I thank you for both your support and excellent comments, rest assured it's very much appreciated!! Like yourself the audience hall sends a chill up my spine, it's so in your face and so confident that it's unnerving. The name of the architect is Pericle Fazzini, and it's a very disturbing image indeed!!
Like you say, at it's core this is a spiritual war for the soul of humanity the forces of good and evil engaged in their eternal struggle. It is real and it's as serious as it gets and I don't care if people believe that statement or not, I've done my homework!
The darkness has indeed been here since the beginning and it's like a virus spreading into the minds, hearts and soul of man! It's genuinely scary stuff but equally it's always darkest before dawn. This is our test and it's how we rise to it that will define who we are! Love, compassion and consciousness will win said war, not fighting that is their game and we would be very foolish to play it. Stay true and hold your ground my friend, we are in for a very bumpy ride. Thanks again!!
yes for sure @pèrceptualflaws we are indeed in for a bumpy ride, may the Lord God protect us both ::>)
Yes, I am blown away by this. Never been religious myself, but have a number of catholic friends who surely don't know about this. I will ask them now for sure though!
yes @ricia please show them these photos, ask them their opinions on this imagery ! Thos audience Hall deserves to be further exposed for what it surely is !
They'd never seen it before but it is a sculpture completed in 1977 by Fazzini called the Resurrection. I found a few yt videos about it, which are worth checking for more detail.
I'm not gonna comment anything long, as you already said it all. :)
This is legitimately one of the best articles I have read on Steemit, it should be used as an Encyclopedia for everyone! I just love how you put all this information into a brilliant article, the knowledge I'm aware of and some of it that I'm instinctively aware of (Through my Third Eye :)
Highest respect to you, I'm looking forward to see more and more :)
You are probably one of the persons that can understand this blog where I put all my frustrations out, take a look when you find time. Hope you won't mind my weird artistic way of expressing myself, I'm still young :)
Resteeming and following...
Hey my friend @enjoyinglife Thank you for the kind comments, support and resteem I very much appreciate it and I'm glad my post resonated with you.
Yes my friend you're very much on the right track for instinct is a form of higher intuition and people need to remember how to use it and trust it for it will point you in the right direction.
I have much more work to come but I enjoy exploring many different thought processes so I will also have a few interesting detours along the way ;)
Thank you and I will be sure to take a look at your post when I get a moment, and no worries about being young. We are all still learning and anyone that ever tells you they know everything is either a liar or hasn't asked the right questions. Thanks again!!
Awesome work man! It's very reassuring that this type of information that you so eloquently put together is reaching more and more people and will inevitably contribute to the awakening that's occurring.
There is a major shift occurring and it's a shift in consciousness. We must first become aware of why life is the way that it is. Who has created this "world" we live in and to what ends... and finally what can we do about it to free ourselves from the spiritual bondage that we've been manipulated into experiencing. We've got along way to go but will sort this out eventually.
Love always conquers fear and we as "humans" are infinite consciousness, true love in our purest form and those that are subjecting us are based in fear.
I took the following picture while in Cartagena just a few days ago.
Hey my friend, firstly in relation to the picture what a moment of synchronicity! Secondly, thank you for all the support and depth of understanding that you have given me. I see/have seen that you're a deeply spiritual person and that you have a deep understanding of what is going on.
There is indeed a deep spiritual and energetic (although the two are intertwined) shift taking place. It's both profound and beautiful and indeed it's always darkest before dawn. And you're so right, in it's purest form love is both everlasting and the most powerful force in the universe. If you hold it in your heart it will liberate both yourself and humanity. Thanks again @patriciorayaz I really appreciate your words!
I reread this post twice just because it has so much information packed in! This is an excellent post and worth a resteem. I am looking forward to more posts. These are epic.
Hey @cecicastor Thank you for the kind words, support and resteem. I'm really glad my post resonated with you. It took me a long time to write and put all this together so I really appreciate the resteem. Thanks again!!
You are welcome!
That sir was 1 epic post, I decided to follow you after the post last night that you did before this one, and glad I did now, my hat is off to you for this post that must have taken a lot of time and research to put together, I would love to see a post on the link between the Sumerian tablets found in the middle east, mainly Iraq, and the bible itself, for it seems a lot of the bible was lifted from said tablets.
Hey @delierator thank you so mc for the support and kind words, it pushes me forward to keep sharing my work and ideas and I have some interesting places and thought processes I'm looking for to sharing with you all. Yes as I hinted to in the post the Sumerian tablets and that area of the world is incredibly important to these people (hence why it's involved in an eternal war) so I will certainly touch upon these aspects as time moves on. Thanks again!
This post should be the starting point for anyone interested in the esoterics. I am so glad I bookmarked it and finally took the time. This is a beautifully written and styled source and shows your years of investigation.
I wonder how much you see the native world tied into this. You have mentioned them briefly as being abused by destroying their own development. But what about their teachings and tradtions? How do things like Ayahuasca, Peyote, Iboga and other masterplants are part of the great mystery plan?
Hey @flauwy thank you for stopping by and lending your support, I very much appreciate it and I was humbled to receive your tip .. again thank you so much!! I'm equally very glad that my post resonated with you.
I think the native world represent some of the last societies on the planet that are profoundly aware of their connection to the earths heartbeat. Their connection to creation, understanding of natural law and the balance that we must find within nature are incredibly important lessons. What they lack in technology they make up "ten times over" with their wisdom and as such we have much to learn from them. To me a fusion of the old wisdoms and new technology is key for our future. A society that practices natural law and incorperates this wisdoms of these people would (in my opinion) be the best way to secure a succesful and healthy future for humanity.
I think these plants represent a consciouness expansion stepping stone that introduces new ideas/concepts and thought processes into the human psyche. I actually have a fair few things to say on this and I'm in the middle of writing a post that should be out next week. So watch this space. Thanks again my friend.
Thx for the reply. I am playing with the idea to create an SMT platform for esoterica. I am meeting with some Shamans in mexico and Peru and pitch that idea to them.
No problem my friend, Thanks for the support! That's a great idea, I would be very interested in finding out how the meeting goes. We live in challenging but equally very exciting times.
This is by far the most intelligently crafted and exquisitely illustrated historical article I have ever read and observed. I had a feeling you were about to do something special. It's a kind of ' Hats off to Roy Harper ' moment for me! Can't wait.........:)
Hey @ricia thank you so much for the support and kind words. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad the post resonated with you. I'm going to use this work as a foundation for some further thought processes that I have so watch this space. Thanks again!
Yes. Great work man. Having enjoyed reading this epic beast.
Hey my friend, thank you for taking the time to read and support my post (I know it was a long one!) I really appreciate it and equally I'm very glad it resonated with you. Thanks again @kafkanarchy84
excellent, but I would have made a series here... some might find it hard to read it all, especially the beginners. Definitely requires an above average attention span.
Hey @earthcustodians Thanks for taking the time to lend your support,I really appreciate it! This is actually part of a series and I've only just scratched the surface with this post. It's a long one for sure but it's really difficult to break it into parts as I wanted to tell the whole story. The other parts will be shorter and use this as a foundation, thanks again!
going to hyperlink it on my site :)
waiting for the next related blog... write well. LOL
Incredible stuff!
Even in our part of the world, Indian Himalaya that is, we've serpent gods and goddesses.
In Himalayan villages of (Kullu, Mandi, Kinnaur Districts of Himachal Pradesh) we have temples dedicated to serpent Gods. There are Serpent Goddesses who've been acting as the theocratic Gods of erstwhile Kingdoms and some of them even act as the presiding deities of District Festivals (Agrarian Festivals which are celebrated across the state)
In my hometown, there are two Festivals (one of them is the Famous International Shivratri Festival and the second one is National Level Festival) the presiding detieis are both serpent Gods.
Thank you for the excellent comment and support my friend .. I very much appreciate it! It's amazing how far and wide this concept has spread! Indeed there appears to be a very similar thread that that has woven itself throughout history and country! There are many wisdoms and truths within the vedic writings and these are also found within several aspects of hermeticism. It's really fascinating stuff and once you start to look into it the rabbit hole becomes deeper and deeper! Thanks for the extra information @goel.tarun I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for your comment. I too would like to write about this series, particularly about the Serpentine t gods of my Himalayan State.
Excellent post. Took me awhile to read but I love stuff like this. You, sir, have gained another follower.
Hey my friend @rlh100 thank you for taking the time to read and lend your support I really do appreciate it. It's certainly fairly long post :) but what I'm going to do is us it as a foundation from which I will bounce some smaller and then larger posts from. Over time you will see what I mean. Thanks again!
Wow man... It´s gonna take a while to sunk in all this info. You make great points and clear conections on this subject. I know about the pinneal for a while, but never realised it was the same shape of the eye. Also the word Amen, great insight! Yep, a lot to think about, I´ll follow you for sure. Sorry for the bad english. Cheers!
No problem with your English my friend, it's very good! and equally thank you for the support and follow I very much appreciate it. There is a lot to absorb hereand I'm really glad you noticed the connections I've made. I'm using it as a foundation and as time goes on I will be adding some more parts :) Thanks again @fireguardian
Wow Epic. Thanks for putting this onto words that we can all understand. I have read many books on this subject. I wish this was a book i could refer back to. Again thanks. Namaste.
Thank you for taking the time to read and lend your support and comments my friend, I really do appreciate it. As time moves on I will be adding some more parts and they will be held on the blockchain. Thanks again @andyjem
Very nice and well explained. Its a whole lot and i suggest you could have done it in parts.
People who normally do not like to read may stay away from it.
Nice post . lets steem
Hey thanks for taking the time to lend your support to my post, I really appreciate it. I understand what you mean in relation to parts unfortunately I don't think this post would have suited that, you would have lost the cohesive narrative. I am using this as a basic foundation from which smaller parts will spin off of it. Over time you will see what I mean ;) thanks again @kwamecyrus
I understand you now. Keep it up
Good work! (I would have said great work but I did not want to associate you with what the illuminati think their work is...).
I like to think I have come across a lot of this sort of information, but even I picked up a couple of new tidbits to bounce around the old grey matter.
Thanks for the mind stuffs....
Hey @leftamessage message thank you for your words and support, it's much appreciated!! I have lots of new thought processes that I'm really looking forward to sharing so watch this space :) And no problem thank you for taking the time to read and comment!!
This is definitely the best post i have red so far. Waiting for your next content,cheers!
Hey my friend, thank you for the support I really appreciate it!
Oh my. What excellent work. Deep deep digging and beautifully presented. Thank you for enriching my experience at Steemit.
Hey my friend thank you for taking the time to read and lend your support. I really do appreciate it and I'm really glad you anjoyed the post @storytellingza
woooww What a nice post. There is a lot of information. Thanks for your efforts :) @perceptualflaws
Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it!!
One from the best post !!
I like your beautiful work!! Thank you for the hard job!!
Hey @pioner21 thank you for reading and lending your support to my post it's much appreciated and I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
A tad late to be commenting on this but DAMN was this a good read. It gave me a whole new perspective as to the story of the Annunaki. I found the gold-mining-race bit quite bizarre, but your interpretation helps me get my thoughts in order.
I'm a skeptic, both of the established "truths" and the alternatives presented by ones such as yourself. I do not know to what length you've hit the nail on the head, but you've opened my mind to lots of things I hadn't considered. And the weight of the evidence is... well, astounding. The dragon and serpent imagery is everywhere. Just look at the Pope's Audience Hall! What the hell? I must say, something fishy is going on there, as well as everywhere else in the Vatican.
I do not know the nature of the chains that bind us, but I feel them there, digging into my skin. I've felt them for years and each day I see them more clearly. I hope that we can someday break free.
Hey @steemedchitty Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post, I know it's a long one. Equally sorry for the delay in replying but I wasn't around at the weekend so I've been catching up on messages plus I had to run my usual monday night music club :)
The post was actually fairly difficult to write and that was firstly because of the vast timescales and equally becuase I was trying to make it accessible to people that may not have heard this information before. I'm not a fan of talking shops that leave the new reader scratching their heads and lost in a sea of words and so I'm really glad that it enabled you to put things into some kind of perspective and equally formulate your thoughts.
In relation to being a skeptic that's a healthy basis to approach anything from. Don't trust what I or anyone else has to say on such matters, that said I feel your intuition has led you to an awareness that in reality the world is nothing like we think it is. There is something very strange and nefarious happening around us, it's like a web that draws tighter with each passing day. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it ... I don't profess to have all the answers, but I do know we should be asking a hell of a lot more questions. I will be writing part 2 as soon as I'm ready .. I've just been a bit too busy to give it the attention it deserves and I'm not prepared to rush it, but watch this space :) Thanks again my friend.
I think you did a mighty fine job making it understandable. I'd heard a lot of these things before, but the way you brought them together makes it feel like a timeline, it allows to see the development better. I'm with you, it's impossible to continue taking things for granted and ignoring the clear machinations of what you call the Black Nobility.
Socrates believed the best way to find answers was through asking questions. It may sound basic, but it's very true. We've been spoonfed information from the time we were born, both as individuals and as a society. It's high time we became conscious of what we put into our minds.
I'll be looking forward to the second installment. I'm making my way through Part 1.A though. A lot of things I didn't know in that one, that's for sure.
Keep up the fight! And, of course, steem on!
Mind blown!
Thank you for taking the time to read @mikefromtheuk
Interesting, I came to notice recently that the Serpent is a symbol of power not just because of some fancy decoration or beliefs, simply because of our inner potential.
Many have the experience of "Kundalini" for instance. It is also symbolized as a Serpent. The Medical field symbolized with the Serpent as well, if you take a very close look at everything related to human history and the serpent symbol you will be amazed!
He there my friend thank you for the words. I am very aware of the serpent and I wrote a section in this post displaying it's reference to Kundalini, and DNA and the shedding of skin to signify the cycle of procession. I'm also using this post as a foundation and other parts will be coming. I have some interesting ideas relating to the serpent so watch this space, you may be surprised.
Equally the serpent is duality and these people are following the dark side of this duality, hence why it's important.
Thanks again @twindenis
Brilliantly Done!
I read most of it and I have to say you are one well informed individual.
I had some of my friends who are Christian showed some information about how Moses showed to his followers along their journey the Serpent on the Stick and Crucified similarly to the upcoming of Jesus.
Speaking of which...
The "I AM" made its appearance when he first was alone in the desert before the 10 Synchronizations took place.
According to Historians the events of the 10 Plagues took place around the same time as with the Great Eruption of Santorini's Volcano in Greece.
Which made me really interested.
Also, My own Serpent awoke-powered up while I had a very vivid lucid dream, I felt the forms of Energy reaching my sleeping body as well. I've done some research and figured the CSF Liquid is also connected to that. I was noticing days after my experience that CSF would leak from my Nose and such, cleaning all physical and mental "problems". I came to notice also that people sense the 2 Energies since the "Kundalini" or Coiled Serpent is a duality process working together to reach Oneness in a sense.
There is a lot of interesting knowledge along all ancient Civilizations, it is funny how we describe them as pre-mature people even though in my view we are more pre-mature than them.
I bet their quality of life were much better in terms of happiness and satisfaction of their life.
I am very interested for your upcoming posts, Great Job!
Much Love <3
Great post. i like your post.Thanks for share.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed
So many great comments on here after a magnificent summary of history. Reminded me of all the Sitchin books I had read.
I don't think they were digging for gold. Maybe but not convinced on that theory.
I always learn something from your blogs. In this one; the startling Popes Audience Hall. That place is a spin out.
Also not heart of how Switzerland got its name but now I get it and so simple.
Love looking at symbolism. It is all in your face. Some cities more than others I have discovered on my travels. Leipzig the most concentrated.
Hey @izzynoel Thank you for taking the time to read this post .. I know it's a long one, equally I've only just scratched the surface and will be back with part 2 when the inspiration takes me back in this direction .. I've already written it out in my mind, but it's going to take some explanation!! Yes in terms of gold and the whole slave race aspect, I'm always careful to make the distinction that it's not a statement of fact .. but it is what I believe they believe. Equally and like you also allude to, there is something that just doesn't quite sit right with me and I'm aware of how this idea could also be used as a manipulation and indeed a denigration of our humanity. I will eventually write a post that argues both sides of the perspective and see what the readers make of it.
The audience hall is so in your face that it's difficult to comprehend how they've managed to get away with it. I've been researching this for decades, twenty years ago I used to place more focus on politics but as time has gone on I've realised that there is something far deeper occurring. Thanks again my friend
Yes I look forward to your second part of the story.
What do you think of Sitchin's books? I went through a period in the 90's when I was engrossed in them but then found out he came out publicly before he died and said he made it all up. Alot of the cruneiform tablets are just maths.
But there is something with the story of Enki, Ea, Anu, Marduk, Isis names, etc. They mean something. Epic of Gilgamesh is my favourite all time adventure read.
Hey @izzynoel I will be over to answer your other questions .. it's just been one of those weeks!
What do I think of Sitchin? Now that's a post in itself :D but I shall keep it concise, I don't think he made it all up .. I do think he could have been fed this information to suit a wider objective and a deeper agenda, and that begins to open a very deep rabbit hole. If I follow my instinct it leads me to believe that there is an agenda to denigrate humanity to such a degree that we willingly hand away our freedom. I also believe there is an agenda to make us believe we have no soul and in many ways the two ideas go hand in hand. I know that even talking about the notion of a soul is enough to get people rolling their eyes, but equally perhaps that's the point! From those perspectives the concept of a genetically engineered slave race would appear to slot nicely into place. That said I can and indeed will argue both sides of the perspective and let the readers see where it leads them.
In terms of Enki I believe Enki, Enlil and Anu are in effect the first representations of a holy trinity. Indeed I think aspects of their story (plus Marduk etc etc) form the basis of all religion .. I believe there is a central story that has been shattered into multiple perspectives as a way of creating religions and divisions and I believe the elite know the truth of this story. I'm interested in the interchangable narrative that flows trough every belief sytems as I believe they are different perceptions of the same core story. Thanks again my friend.
Comprehensive and thorough research! It's fascinating to explore the symbols that various cultures have used over the millennia and trace their adoption, reuse and metamorphosis.
I do think however that it's a mistake to give them any real mystical meaning, especially regarding aliens, souls, etc. Priests, rulers and their theorists have always been interested in symbols and the essential meaning of what we find in nature, be it pine cones, snakes or whatever else. This does not mean that they actually embody these meanings. Nothing magical happens to do you if you walk into a room that's probably modelled after a snakes head, and no spell is cast if you drink out of a cup shaped as a pine cone.
Hey my friend, Thank you for taking the time to read and comment I really appreciate it. In the essence of spells I certainly didn't mean real time spells that occur "from drinking out of a cup shaped like a pine cone" the spell I'm talking about is more the illusion of society, for nothing is as it seems. The pine cone itself is simply a representation of the pineal gland and the pineal gland is believed to be connection between the physical and the spiritual realms and as such it displays a meaning and is not a spell. Equally it is not an ideal that is supposed to be practised by the Catholic church, indeed many of these symbols actually display information that is a direct contrast to what they preach.
There is a vast difference between the collective understanding of reality and what is actually occuring in this world. Certainly the world we are born into is not the world we think it is. The symbology is used to display both intent and hidden knowledge and they are not spells. Many of the ancient symbols & shapes associated with the esoteric are physical representations of processes that occur in nature and hint at a deep awareness of universal constants. Mathmatics, geometry and numbers, the building blocks of life. This harks back to ancient wisdom and science discovered in the first religion and indeed the upper echeons of the power structure are still following the dark duality of this religion and they believe this to be the truth. Certainly the very concept of a secret society is to hold hidden knowledge from the masses as a way of empowering the few. Knowledge is power and it's being used to empower an agenda. Thanks again.
Epic post, reply and I will upvote it!
have any sources I could check for this one?
This is soo deep
wall this look intreting i liked this
thanks of insight....!!
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I want to finish this..... later. I'm assuming you have read Return of the Serpents of Power (can't recall the author).
As a suggestion, perhaps you could publish in smaller chunks.....
Great post. i like your post.Thanks for share.
Such a fantastic post
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