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RE: Part One: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods & The Rise Of The Black Nobility

in #esoteric7 years ago

Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you so much for your support and kind words, I'm genuinely humbled and equally so glad you enjoyed the post!!

Yes in reference to the gold, on one hand they traversed the universe to reach us and held the means to gentically alter us in their hands and then didn't have the technology to mine said gold? It sounds like a very foolish mistake to make! You certainly wouldn't drive up to the Klondike without the correct equipment and so I don't expect they did either. I think for sure that certain elements of this story have been hidden by the mists of time. But equally I'm certain a huge events such as this occured in our pre-history.

Equally blessed to call you a friend!! Virtually meeting you an seeing your passion for life makes me realise just how strong we can be! Indeed love and compassion are the strengths that will bring this house of cards crashing to the ground! The power is in each of our hands, we just need to find a way to make people remember!! Thanks again my friend.


Hmm, the cuneiform tablets state that they did mine the gold themselves for millenia but grew tired of the toil, thus the need for a slave race was required, whether they genetically manipulated early hominids for this task is difficult to prove however there is the question of the 'missing link'.

Why do we clone animals now and genetically modify plants etc?
Because we can! Remove empathy and human morality, add the need for labour to that equation and you have the perfect opportunity to create a race. Just my 2c

Advanced Technology would no doubt kick in once you have the ore on the surface however there is still the matter of going down more than a mile into the ground to extract it. Mile deep mine shafts have been discovered in South Africa that date back over 40,000 years, I can't imagine why a supposed primitive man would do that for something that can't be eaten!
The sites in Sth Africa are still being excavated so hopefully more info will be forthcoming in the not too distant future.
I'll leave you with this quote from Micheal Tellinger-Author of Slave species of the gods.

Long before the Sumerians or Egyptians saw the light of day, an advanced civilisation of humans lived in Southern Africa, mining gold. They left behind more than 10 million stone circle ruins all connected to each other, that make up the largest cluster of stone ruins found anywhere on Earth to date. Their tools and artefacts indicate that they had a deep understanding of sound and resonance and used sound to power their tools and also as a source of energy. They carved the first statue of Horus, the first Sphinx, built the first Pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship amongst millions of circular stone ruins, ancient channels, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, mysterious tools and artefacts, left behind by the ANUNNAKI and a mysterious vanished civilisation.

Thanks guys, you are the best.

I'm glad you brought this up @tremendospercy (and you know I always respect your opinion) because this part is on the cutting room floor lol. There are many within this line of enquiry that view said texts as historical documents and other simply metaphorical understanding of an event in our pre-history. Personally? I'm in both camps because although indeed as advanced a civilisation the Sumerian's obviously were they are stll human. From this persepective as with ourselves they were prisoners of perception, indeed the way in which our current timeline records history isn't neccesarily going to be 100% accurate.

Here we stand on the cusp of the 4th indsutrial revolution on the brink sweeping aside the entire concept of manual labour and yet we still don't understand a tenth of the technology and knowledge said Anunnaki were said to hold. They appear to have had a rich heritage and understanding of natural law and obviousy their genetic manipulation of said homonid hints a creative ability. Intelligence & creativity combined with a the vastly superior technology and mechanics that it would have taken them to get here makes me wonder why that would have had to have done any work at all? And so yes the klondike is a very rudimentary explanation but it's my belief that they would have arrived ready to mine without the need for prohibitive and ineffective manual labour.

It's also my belief that the desire to create an emulate creation is a universal constant and certainly one that we see playing out around us. From that perspective it seems reasonable to me to suggest that knowing the task that lay ahead they would arrive with some form of robot army to carry out said labour. Or at the very least prepared, planned and created a technology that negated the need for any manual work. Indeed when/if we ever set about mining the universe I believe that our technology will have evolved to the point where this would be the case. I don't believe we would take manual workers with us.

Equally I could be wrong, is there a part of me that doesn't want to believe we are a "slave species to the Gods"? fuck yeah!! But I'm willing to entertain it as possibilty and indeed that's why in the post I seperated my belief from said accounts because at the end of that day it really doesn't matter what I believe. Indeed they believe every letter of the cuneiform texts (as I stated in the post) and as you know they're the ones that have this world by the balls my friend. ;)

Sadly I fear we'll never know the truth and I'm fine with that as long as good prevails.
I've often wondered if the premise that they came from space to Sumer to mine gold for a dying planet was a myth perpetrated by the Annunaki themselves. They may well have been the mythical Atlantians and distant descendants of earlier space travellers who just coveted gold, who knows?!
Deciphering the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and forming a coherent agreed narrative is virtually impossible considering the fact that many are lost forever, others are incomplete, spread around the world in museums and private collections and the few scholars who are able to decipher them rarely agree on translations.
I don't often write about my beliefs as I'm not really sure what they are myself, every time a scrap of information is deciphered from the past it changes the way we think about our history so forming a rigid opinion is impossible, having one can lead to dogmatism when new and contradictory evidence is forthcoming.
I've rambled on enough my freind, just cross your fingers with me and hope we get to know the truth before we move to take our eternal dirt nap!

You my friend are a very wise man and indeed belief can be a transient beast, a beast limited by our perceptual awareness. in this instance I displayed my own belief as a way of opening the subject to more people as I believe the term"slave species" will be considered by many to be a prohibitive term.

I have always found the work of Graham Hancock to be fascinating which also draws me towards Atlantean mythology. Could the Anunnaki have been mining gold as a way of creating some form of technology that was destroyed in a cataclysm? To replicate what had gone before? And like you say could they have pursuaded a (relativel)y primitive rest of humanity that they were their Gods, their creators in order to manipulate them to mine said gold? Could the Sumerians have been told this story as a way of detaching us from our inherant power? The first steps in our disconnection from creation?

It's fascinating stuff but equally we will never know the 100% truth. Personally I am becuase I be and I live in the moment (as much as possible) because that's where my truth lies, a truth found in the understanding of said moment. Everything else (apart from facts) is a construct and a slave to perceptual awareness. Thanks again dude! I cherish our exchange of ideas!!


Aww...... shucks.... 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😘

We're well met then...