I agree with all you said about the frequency manipulation and they are refining it to be worse.
Have you seen that movie "Idiocracy". I am waiting for "The Rock" to become president and the movie will be completely a documentary.
My partner is more suspect to the wifi and phone tower transmissions. He gets headaches and angry when they are around so luckily we live remote and away from them. I get a foggy mind and can't think.
I trained my friends years ago don't even think about phoning me as I have no phone. Occasionally I will run into someone and when I say I have no phone they cock their head to one side and frown.
Hey @izzynoel I will be back to answer your final question tomorrow they , but lets concentrate on this one first.
Yes I think frequency manipulation is an ideal they have been working to perfect for many years .. probably using aspects of Nikola Tesla's work/research. Although it's actually a very ancient knowledge, many of these methods are derived from ancient perspectives and esoteric science.
I have seen the movie yes and I quote it and allude to it very often .. you talk about the Rock, in fact he has previously spoken about running so it may yet become reality. Didn't Trump used to be a wrestler himself? I will have to look it up! :D Have you ever heard the films director "Mike Judge" speak? as the film alludes to .. he seems pretty awake to it all.
Yes we live in a remote area to get away from it all, and I love the countryside.. sadly I fear they eventually they want to monitor and control every inch of the planet, a control grid for the mind and body.
I'm also pretty well known amongst my friends for having no phone :D Thanks again my friend.
First of all @perceptualflaws never apologise for not posting immediately. Don't let the "internet etiquette" decide when you should reply or post. ha.
I never knew Trump was on WWE. Battle of the Billionaires when I looked it up on YT against that McMahon WWE boss fool. He didnt get down to his Trump Trunks though. Just pranced around in his suit.
Mike Judge I haven't looked into but now you mention it I see he did Beavis and Butthead. Only other thing I had seen was King of the Hill. But I must admit I am not a cartoon watcher, or TV for that matter. I just love "Idiocracy" though.
You are right. We cannot escape the control eventually it will smother us more than it is now. We do our best though while having a choice still.