From a purely surveillance perspective, lets fast forward it and offer a potential glimpse of the future. There is a brain resonance pattern for each state of being and much like our phone calls and emails are now monitored for key words and phrases could the same eventually happen with our wave patterns? Once a problematic pattern is identified this system will allow for the monitoring of our thoughts. Of course if you’ve nothing to hide then what’s the problem?
The cyclical changes I speak of not only manifest themselves in weather patterns (Milankovich cycles) but equally within the aforementioned changes to the earth’s electromagnetic fields and light spectrums. As mentioned in part 1b, these changes profoundly affect the aforementioned cognitive ability and indeed consciousness of humanity. The age in which we now live is a time of great change and opportunity, a time to rise above the perceptual chains that have been placed upon us. This time period was written about in ancient manuscripts and tablets many thousands of years ago, hence it is anticipated. We are entering an era of awakening, an awakening from a time that I believe will one day be termed the great sleep. Within my understanding the evolution of humanity is directly correlated with our resonant frequency.
The rediscovery of our inherent power and place in the universe is a direct opposition to the hierarchical system of control that we now live under. The system we see being built around us is not only a control mechanism but equally an attempt to lower our vibrational resonance and keep us electromagnetically locked down and held back.
I believe our disconnection from the earths heartbeat and associated cycles of change has been occuring for a considerable amount of time. Indeed as I commented in a previous post our disconnection was born out of manipulation and an ignorance regarding the very nature of time. Humanity has constructed a calendar whose very implementation was one of the first steps in our disconnection to natural law, this is sometimes referred to as the error in time. To keep balance with the natural order and cycle of life the calendar should be (roughly) divided into 13 months of 28 days (adding an extra day in the year), this is known as higher time. A higher time calendar would ensure a perfect balance between our body clock and the natural time cycle of the earth and the asscociated lunar/solar cycles. Indeed the modern calendar and concept of time has removed us from the interconnected natural cycle of life. In doing so we have externalised the concept of time and enslaved ourselves to the clock.
It’ s my belief that we are now entering an era of frequency warfare that will be increasingly used to monitor, manipulate, control and subjugate the population. They are using sciences that were harnessed and used in the pre-flood old earth, but instead of using them to boost our cognitive abilities and supply free energy they will be used to stunt our mental capacity and suppress our potential.
Does it all make you feel helpless, like you have no power? Well you're wrong, it's a slight of hand .. you are far more powerful than you may realise. But what can you do? Well for one stop paying for your own enslavement and boycott the companies that couldn't care less about you or your family, they have no loyalty to you so why do you give it to them? In terms of 5G write to the phone companies and the engineering companies that are installing this infrastructure, indeed many engineers are already complaining of being burnt whilst they're carrying out these installations. There are both scientific papers online and many scientists speaking out about the inherant dangers of the technology, research it and share them.
Write to your councils and your representatives, highlight your concerns and highlight the concerns of the scientists. We don't need these companies, they need us and that realisation comes from a mere change of perception. Rise up, not in hate or anger but in love, for love is both strength and our most powerul ally. Most of us seek the same things in life we just have different perceptions on how to achieve them. Try to understand the decisions of our brothers and sisters and understand why they may have made them, stop allowing ourselves to be divided by details .. instead unite with an intent to make a better world, a better future. Or don't and continue infighting and arguing and see where this dusty old road leads us.
Thank you or taking the time to read my post. Until next time I'll leave you to decide who has the perceptual flaws.
I spend a considerable amount of time working on each of my posts and if you appreciate my work I would be humbled to receive an upvote and or a resteem.
Part One)
Part 1.A)
Written by perceptualflaws
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It’s like........
The powers that be have done a bang up job on the general public by getting them addicted to electronic devices and convincing them that the ‘next level’ of tech will bring them faster download speeds and a better overall experience, consumerism is a powerful thing.
Sadly I fear the sheeple are more likely to demand 5G than protest it. Like many things these days real dangers won’t get any coverage by a controlled, cowardly media acting as a propaganda arm for the owners of the corporations that own our governments and secretly run the world.
It’s potentially a scary future on the horizon my friend, all we can do is protect ourselves and try not to become part of The Borg!
Great two parter dude.
Hey my friend .. you don't know how many times I've attempted to answer this but I think steemit has been messing around all bloody day! I agree and it's a crazy situation isn't it? Men have fought and died in wars since the dawn of humanity and they have often fought for freedom and the promise of a better world, and here in 2018 we appear to be on the verge of exchanging said freedom for the promise of faster download speeds, you couldn't make it up!
It's scary how unaware and manipulated people have become, I think we have been led into a situation where life has become so fast paced that people have literally handed their ability to think and question to both the media and a neverending stream of experts. Indeed there are a literal army of people that are paid vast sums of money to define our perceptual reality. People really need to get off their backsides and start questioning the world that's being built around them for I really don't believe it's an organically growing construct. It is both planned and manipulated and I believe we're being walked into a blind alley. Thanks again @tremendospercy
Well I'm late to the party but I'm glad to see you guys all wide awake. People ARE trading not only freedom but health for faster download ~ when really let's be honest, 3G was fine, ok it wasn't but it's not as bad as 5G. I'll be resisting the 5G phone upgrade and will be looking into ways to protect myself.
One of the reasons we left the city and moved up to the mountain's was for Schumann Resonance. The amount of trees and nature we have up here helps, and you see it in how people behave especially in contrast to where we were before.
It is and most people don't realise we have a war going on.
I know people who have locked their old school electricity metres to prevent the power companies from switching them over to smart metres.
I'll be doing that to mine.
I would advise loading up on crystals specifically ones that combat emf.
Good luck to all of us.
Thank you @bearone and sorry for the late reply but your comment didn't come up on my feed so I've only just noticed it. In terms of 5g they're even emailing people and asking if they can use their wi-fi box as a hotspot to boost signal! It's a fairly innocuous/standard email and it only mentions that intent at the bottom, plus you have to opt out of it.
In terms of moving out of the city and into the mountains, that's a fantastic idea and equally one that keeps you grounded and connected. I really don't think people realise how important that connection is .. Nasa even installs Schumann resonance generators on their shuttles.
I knew my meter was installed at an illegal height so just before the smart meters came out I called the electricity supplier and asked them to install one of the very last standard meters . as the old meter was illegal they had to (by law) install a new one straight away, so mine is good for a while. But it's only a respite .. that said it's a grey area whether they can install a smart meter without your approval so although they can arrive heavy handed (and try to push you into it) they're on shaky ground. Thanks again for the great comment and equally for the crystal advice .. it's much appreciated.
I am new to this platform of Steemit; and as such, I am not completely sure how I stumbled upon your work - so, suffice it to say, the Universe has its ways of guiding even when we least expect it. So, gratitude to the Universe/Multiverse, and gratitude to you as well !!!! This is exactly the type of content and quality of work I was hoping to find here on Steemit, and, in time, begin contributing to the community and share in the rending of the veil of secrecy and planetary imprisonment lockdown.
As is normal for me, I have read part II before part I - LoL... but will read both for sure - I would also like to 'resteem' your piece here, but haven't figured out how to do that yet.... I did follow, so at least i can weave my way back to your incredible blog.
Question: I am wondering if, in your research, have you come across the quite extensive writing and research of Elana Freeland?
Pertaining to the subject matter you go into, she has published two books:
"Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth"
and the second one (she's actually writing a third now) that was just released earlier this year and I am just beginning to digest...
"Under An Ionized Sky, From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown"
signing off for now, and once again, a big thumbs up for your hard work and beautiful and inspiring presentation of material.
Hello @red-pill-awaken Thank you for the support and kind words I really appreciate it .. equally sorry for the late reply but I was away when you sent this message and since I've returned I've been replying to a backlog of comments.
In terms of resteeming, if you look down at the bottom of the post by the reply button you'll see an arrow type thing .. click on that and you resteem the post. Most resteems are done within 7 days of the post being made as that is within the payment window.
In terms of Elana Freeland .. yes I do know her work and I mentioned her in an article I wrote last year (which I've attached below) I've also attached the very first part of this series as these two posts were parts 1.a & 1.b and I think you'll be very interested in part one. I have also now followed you and if you have any further questions about anything .. please ask, I get a fair few messages so can't always reply straight away but I do strive to reply to every message. If in doubt I've read your message just send me a reminder :) Thanks again my friend.
Part 1:
Transhumanism (including Elana Freeland):
Ok found some of your 5G thoughts.
For years now I have seen some people more suspectable to the wifi and phone tower waves with emotional and phyiscal problems.
And known those zombified in front of a TV where they look in a trance and don't hear you talking to them.
Never knew about the ‘Silent Sound’ technique in Iraq.
I don't have a phone but aware of the people with them around me like they needed a pacifier as a baby.
Hey @izzynoel thank you for taking the time to read my friend, hope you've been enjoying a good weekend. Yes when you go out, when you look around, or go for a meal it becomes obvious that we're being increasingly drawn towards the hive mind. The social structure is indeed changing and I very much feel that there is a long term agenda to synchronise our brain waves with controlled and manipulated sound, light and electromagnetic resonances. These resonances have the ability to instill apathy and alter emotional responses. One thing I didn't go into with this post is how this technology has (I believe) already been tested within crowd situations, once you have the 5G network in place this begins to open up some genuinely frightening possibilities. Thanks again my friend . and respect on the no phone front .. I don't have one either and I'm always getting pulled up on it by friends.
I agree with all you said about the frequency manipulation and they are refining it to be worse.
Have you seen that movie "Idiocracy". I am waiting for "The Rock" to become president and the movie will be completely a documentary.
My partner is more suspect to the wifi and phone tower transmissions. He gets headaches and angry when they are around so luckily we live remote and away from them. I get a foggy mind and can't think.
I trained my friends years ago don't even think about phoning me as I have no phone. Occasionally I will run into someone and when I say I have no phone they cock their head to one side and frown.
Hey @izzynoel I will be back to answer your final question tomorrow they , but lets concentrate on this one first.
Yes I think frequency manipulation is an ideal they have been working to perfect for many years .. probably using aspects of Nikola Tesla's work/research. Although it's actually a very ancient knowledge, many of these methods are derived from ancient perspectives and esoteric science.
I have seen the movie yes and I quote it and allude to it very often .. you talk about the Rock, in fact he has previously spoken about running so it may yet become reality. Didn't Trump used to be a wrestler himself? I will have to look it up! :D Have you ever heard the films director "Mike Judge" speak? as the film alludes to .. he seems pretty awake to it all.
Yes we live in a remote area to get away from it all, and I love the countryside.. sadly I fear they eventually they want to monitor and control every inch of the planet, a control grid for the mind and body.
I'm also pretty well known amongst my friends for having no phone :D Thanks again my friend.
First of all @perceptualflaws never apologise for not posting immediately. Don't let the "internet etiquette" decide when you should reply or post. ha.
I never knew Trump was on WWE. Battle of the Billionaires when I looked it up on YT against that McMahon WWE boss fool. He didnt get down to his Trump Trunks though. Just pranced around in his suit.
Mike Judge I haven't looked into but now you mention it I see he did Beavis and Butthead. Only other thing I had seen was King of the Hill. But I must admit I am not a cartoon watcher, or TV for that matter. I just love "Idiocracy" though.
You are right. We cannot escape the control eventually it will smother us more than it is now. We do our best though while having a choice still.
Oh man, I guess the best bet is to have the knowledge and learn how to protect ourselves. I feel like it has something to do with a raise in consciousness in people that is largely going unnoticed by the masses.
As far as these really high frequencies that can affect us, I think that we can notice them at a certain level of consciousness, that we can feel the vibrations no matter how subtle.
How do you think we will overcome this? I think it's going to be people waking up from that sleep, and what that will look like is a huge shift in the way we perceive the world. We'll literally discover we are more than we thought/think we are.
PS. I'm working on a project for a power utility where they are installing smart meters in homes and using them to wirelessly broadcast to these receivers so metermen won't be needed. There have already been complaints of health problems and meters exploding... This wireless technology is more dangerous than we think, we shouldn't be rushing to implement it more and more
Hey @jakeybrown great comment! And yes I entirely agree, that kind of fits in with Rupert Skeldrake's Morphic field and the 100th monkey hypothesis it only takes a certain percentage of the population to share valid ideas/wisdoms to raise the perceptual awareness of our brothers and sisters. From that perspective we all have our part to play but we must be careful to intersperse words of fear with ones of laughter, happiness and beauty .. for we are surrounded by it.
In raising awareness of the conspriacy we also (to a degree) make ourselves complicit in bringing it into the real world. I believe we are all being manipulated to create the reality of the manipulator .. it's very complex and clever. The problem is that the slow but steady drip, drip, drip of negativity conditions people to the problems that we face .. the term boiling frogs springs to mind. It's a really difficult balancing act but I will write a post on the psychology of it all fairly soon.
In terms of what we can do, well that's both simple and complex .. it's easy to say "stop paying for your own enslavement" it's dificult to pursuade people to do it. In reality the ability to change the world lays within each of our hands and it comes from a simple change in perception. We need to withdraw our consent from a system that will eventually demand nothing less than our complete subjugation, equally research the companies that are carving up and destroying the world and stop buying their crap, stop using from google, I could go on. It would quickly become evident where the real power lays in this world. Thanks again my friend
I think steemit is like the hot spot of that morphic field of raising consciousness. We are building wit eachother here.
Ya, it's funny how that works, I mostly ignore them nowadays, I used to bring them up with people, but there isn't really anything I can do that someone else isn't already in that field.
I think awareness of the negative conditions is the first step to kind of reclaiming yourself, otherwise we just keep putting ourselves under the power of that negativity.
I think we need people to start putting their money where it matters most, good food, good schools, and people in general. The thing is it's hard for people to stop, so they don't.
I also think internal work is the key to changing this world. W find freedom, then we become like contagious freedom.
Thank you for the work man, this was an awesome piece that came together on so many levels.
excellent post for every homosapian to read. we are in the age where knowledge is available in top form out in the open. nothing is hidden. its from here we have to decide for ourselves where to go from here.
feel the earth with bare feet. smell the air feel the water feel the fire.
we are humans and one way or the other we are returning back to earth. thats the only truth
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment @banditqueen I really do appreciate it. One hundred plus years ago the majority of us were unable to read, but today we carry the vast sum of all human knowledge in our back pockets. Ignorance is no longer determined by birth or status it is a simple choice, a choice that's oft ignored by those that allow others to do their thinking for them. I believe the whole construct and indeed fast pace of society is set up to stop us coming to those moments of self-reflection and understanding. Indeed I understand why people allow msm to define their perceptual reality but we must find a way to break those chains. In order to move forward as a species we must first find balance within ourselves for imbalance does not provide a strong foundation to build upon .. a strong part of finding that balance is rediscovering our connection and embracing the symbiosis we share with the earth .. otherwise we are all living on borrowed time. The earth has a billion years to heal from the scars we inflict upon it .. do we? Thanks again.
well said. we are responsible for what the earth has given us and how we going to earth when we return back to earth. guilty as charged as i didnt do my bit. hope i dont re carnate to make earth suffer as how we humans have done. we are not different from aliens anymore.
Very interesting! What's your opinion on the movie The Philadelphia Experiment?
Hey @palikari123 sorry for the delay in replying .. I must have completely missed this! I am aware of the Philadephia Experiment and the whole Montauk project. To be honest it's not an area I've researched enough to give a definitive comment .. in terms of time travel and with the amount of press it's currently receiving I'm very dubious. In terms of electromagnetic invisibility cloaks, yes I believe that could be very true .. they may operating now but obviously we would never see. Teleportation is (I believe) theoretically possible and I know it's being worked on .. but I would have to research the story more to comment on whether I believe it could have already happened. Thanks again my friend.
Very nice post @perceptualflaws
Upvoted for sure. Thanks for the time you took to relay that data and wisdom. Sure glad I followed you.
Hey @pagli sorry for the time it's taken me to answer your message, I haven't been around much the last few days. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment .. I really appreciate it.
I am not sure if my eyes are closer to falling out or my brain is about to explode with the realization and implications. I have to go back and reread.
Upvoted for sure. Thanks for the time you took to relay that data and wisdom. Sure glad I followed you.
Thank you for taking the tie to read and comment my friend, I really appreciate it and yes you're entirely correct .. it's a lot to take in. Thanks again @zekepickleman and I'm very glad my work is meeting with your expectations.
Well thought out and superbly formatted post i really enjoyed reading...
Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing 5G
Our Purpose
Thank you @informationwar & @truthforce
This series has given me a higher standard to create my own truth posts. Simply fantastic and well sourced for anyone wanting to dig deeper. Check out my blog, I am attempting to write some similar articles as well! Resteemed.
Hey @truthtales Sorry for the late reply, I've been away and haven't been able to get online very much. Really glad you enjoyed my post and I will be sure to take a look at your work.
wowww verry good
Thank you
Great article and great topics, very good overall summary on key things to know more about. I am resteeming this for sure! What are you thoughts on Wes Penre and his papers. He does lots of research on the afterlife, what happens when we "die" he speaks about reptilians and many other interesting topics. I post my link below.
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