Points in new eSteem Mobile 2.1

in #esteem6 years ago


Here is our recent update of eSteem Mobile 2 for Android devices. New mobile client for Steem blockchain with reworked user interface.

Posting, commenting, voting, reblogging and just being active on eSteem apps is rewarded with eSteem token now!

Finally you can earn additional rewards using eSteem Mobile and Surfer clients! Those who used recent eSteem Surfer update already collected some eSteem tokens. There is no user interface for it in Surfer yet but all your actions are counted since last release and rewarded with eSteem token which you can claim using new eSteem Mobile 2.1 now.

Also you can manage your wallet right inside the app now. Transfer Steem or SBD to your friends or send them to exchanges on your mobile. We will enable eSteem token transfer soon.

We are preparing What future awaits us on eSteem and eSteem token metrics post which will be posted in few days. Stay tuned to hear more about eSteem token and possibility to be involved as a contributor. For now enjoy using new version and keep earning your eSteem tokens.

What's new in 2.1

  • eSteem token rewards
  • Wallet transfers
  • Post scheduling
  • Customizable notification settings
  • Ability to delete comments
  • Transactions filter for notifications
  • PIN backup
  • Ability to send feedback
  • Dark mode style tweaks


  • Surfer drafts edits
  • Search issues
  • Switch account error
  • Estimated wallet value
  • Transfer notification issue
  • Edit comment issue
  • Disabled push notification issue
  • Reply issues
  • YouTube video issues

This version is separate from eSteem 1.6.0 you might used before. It will not update on it's own. Please download new application from Google Play.



We are still looking for beta testers, please report bugs here in comments or at GitHub. Tests will be rewarded.

iOS version update is submitted to AppStore and we are waiting for approval.

Get eSteem Mobile on AppStoreGet eSteem Mobile on Google Play

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Been wanting to schedule some post.... finally, we can do it! It is amazing that the app already has so amny features,,can´t wait to try them all ...

I still have a problem though...... if I use the eSteem mobile, typing the pin is a tedious job.. The screen is frozen and I thought it is just the connection, but it´s always the case if I enter my pin.... I tried re starting the cellphone but to no avail, still the samer..frozen screen.

The one awaited finally came, thank you #esteem, @good-karma, @dunsky, and make it all

Man looks like a lot of projects will be launching their own coins.

Tokenization of web has already been happening since 2015...

This sounds very interesting... but does this mean the current SBD prizes are already over?

No, eSteem token is additional reward. There will be more detailed post about future and use of eSteem token.

great let us know what is esteem token :)

That is very cool! Thanks for the information! 😉
And keep up with the good work, I've become a fan of eSteem!

Hmmmm. I've updated to the latest version in Android and now the app crashes after every comment I submit. What is the problem!?

Have you tried fresh install? Some reported updating from older version might be causing crashes. We are also investigating some of these crashes!

Yes, I have tried removing the app, cleaning the cache, reboot and install it again. But thanks for the suggestion.

PS: the problem appears to have been fixed now. Great work, guys!

I have been using the new version of the app since it was available in the play store. I was never able to use the app for commenting and making post effectively. Some things that I have observed so far.

  • The app crashes and closes quite often.
  • When I'm writing an article or when I'm writing a comment, it closes. Sometimes I lose what I write. Issue is catastrophic.
  • I'm unable to do a select all in my mobile in the content editor.
  • I feel that there should be a warning before we navigate from the writing window. Sometimes when I hit the back button by mistake twice, I'm navigated to home screen and my content is gone.
  • It will be nice to have an auto save feature in article writing window instead of me hitting the save button once in a while. That also has inconsistencies. I'm unable to see if it really got saved or not. The button is not turning green.
  • I noticed that whenever there is a notification, my current window will be closed and I will be redirected to the home page of the application.
  • I find it very hard to do comments on the posts because of this issue.
  • When there is a notification popup on my mobile and if I click on that, I'm just taken to the home page of the app. It would be nice if I'm taken to the notification page.
  • I would be happy to use the pin feature only when I use my wallet or when I make a post or comment. If it keeps asking me every time I open the app, it is not user friendly but sometimes annoying.

The application is definitely great and far better than the previous version. Kudos to that. It will be great if the above issues are fixed. The issue is so bad, I couldn't even post this comment using esteem app. I instead used partiko app. Thanks for this wonderful app @good-karma.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey bala, thanks for taking time and writing your feedback.

  • Please try new version and let me know if you still get these issues.
  • You might have been using really old version, we do have autosave feature that keeps content intact.
  • Good point about changing button color if content is saved or not, we will consider this in next release.
  • Notification redirections should be fixed in this latest release, please give it a try and let me know.
  • Pin code is there for security purpose, we don't want someone finding your phone and using your account, we will see if we can give option to ask it every X hour or so type of settings, it will add complexity to user experience but we will think about it.

Thanks again and looking forward to hear more of your feedback! 😉 🙏

Sorry for spamming your post with so many replies. I found one more issue. If I update an existing reply, some characters go missing. For every update I do, the characters go missing. Please check one of my previous replies. I'm unable to edit the reply and add the missing characters. If I do so, it again disappears.

I have seen this problem earlier when I try to update an already published post using esteem app. For every update I do, some content from the article will disappear.

Thank you for your report! We will look into that!

In my previous comment I'm trying to add two images. But after I hit the reply/update button, the second image disappears. This is the second image I tried to add.

Edit: Unable to add the second image at all. 5th time I'm trying. This is the image id of the latest upload. z0evo2032i.png

I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Now it looks a bit stable. I will continue to use it more frequently and provide you another feedback.

I wish to see Esteem more powerful so that I can be dependent on esteem for all mobile related operations. Thanks for the reply @good-karma.

I'm just trying out all the options in the application. The crash is not very frequent now. I was able to reproduce one scenario where crash happened. When I went to notification section and hit the tick mark in the right side, it keeps loading for a moment and then closes the app. Screenshot below. @good-karma


It might have to with fetching notifications, we have pushed some fixes, if you restart app, you should be getting improvements. Let me know if notification crash issue is fixed. Thanks

In my previous comment I'm trying to add two images. But after I hit the reply/update button, the second image disappears. This is the second image I tried to add.

Edit: Unable to add the second image at all. 5th time I'm trying. This is the image id of the latest upload. z0evo2032i.png

Second image upload, that's new one but we will check this as well

Thanks a lot for the info..!! I will take a look..!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko lit a fire to dat azz I see! Great to see the competition

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good one, did you know esteem was first mobile app on steem?!

Yea I’ve been here since July 2016. Partiko is better. Every time I try esteem it never works. I even tried it after I typed this comment and it didn’t work.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey Trevon! Thanks for giving it a try, we have been getting some feedback that if you upgrade from very old version, it might cause some crashes. We are working to see what is causing crash meanwhile, have you tried reinstalling fresh copy and try again? Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it!

when someone replied to me , i clicked reply from notifications , and how can i back to the main text ?

Have you looked at Activities/Notifications page within app, it is located on bottom navigation?

It happened many times a few minutes ago, @good-karma ... when I was trying to comment. This page came in.


the app is not really live-updating... even if I trigger an update manually it still lags/does nothing. only a complete restart of the app seems to work properly. still not good

Really nice update! :)

I will add to my comment that I've downloaded the app and I wrote 2 comments. At the end of each comment the app closed automatically.
I hope you can solve it as I love the app! :)

Could you please give more details, are you using v2.1.0 build 1648 ? You can see it on bottom of side menu. What version of Android it is and what is device name?

Huawei p8 lite 2017
Android version 7.0
The esteem app version v2.1.0 1648

I uninstalled the previous version and installed the last one. Unfortunately, today it cracks frequently, can not read a post to the end and interrupts. To install again?


Can you please share what post was it that crashed app? Maybe it is post content rendering issue, we could take a look. Thank you!

Unfortunately I'm not sure but I think this was the post, I tried to write a response to a comment and eSteem fell several times after writing a few words.
Then it closed before I could key in the access pin.
Now it's okay, it works very well without incidents.
I'll let you know if it's happening again ...
Thank you for your reply, interest and good work!

Just about time to do this, I've been waiting to have the new update for awhile now.

Great, make sure you are using eSteem v2 app. iOS update is on its way...

I just installed it now, that's what am using to reply here.
It's cool. But wait, let me try some other features of it.

I just installed it and writing this reply from it. Looks amazing and far better than v1. You guys have done a great job. Thumbs up dev team! 👍

Thank you 🙏

This is great news! Our Gecko-Steemians are trying out the app right now! We'll make sure to give you any feedbacks and bugs we find.

Thanks 🤗

I am so much excited for this initiative of esteem token.
Welldone esteem team.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, installed new app on Android and removed the old one.

The new app is performing visibly faster. Not to mention better looks :)

So far I like it!

Does this qualify as a bug? It happened while upvoting a comment under my article
and trying to use the slider ...


Fortunately, the comment wasn't deleted. It was a scary moment though :)

🙋❤ Great app so far @good-karma Question:
😳 Where it shows 361.00 esteem points / Then shows 1.250 with a + symbol under it in Blue, is the blue tokens new ones just recieved and do we keep those tokens there or do we add them to the 361.00 tokens !? and if we add them up does that mean they are like powered up and we cant use them!? Thanks, will wait for your reply!

This is just a "Claim" button. Whenever you see you have more points you can tap this blue button to claim them to your account. You will be able to send or use them later.

Ok awesome, thanks for the information,that's what I thought just wasn't sure if I was powering up.👍👍👍👌

Amazing app great I will try

Posted using Partiko Android

What is better in your opinion
Partico or ESteem ?

Posted using Partiko Android

I am using partico too lazy to go get my keys and switch, if you found out that it's worth it let me know

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your amswer, definately i will try

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice update, can't wait for the esteem token post, so as to know what it's been used for. Before, let me keep on accumulating some esteem tokens

I have been waiting for this a long time @good-karma and finally in came to ground.

From my early days, I am using esteem app on mobile. It has a light and easy to use UI.
I am sure that the new token thing will increase popularity among steemians.

Well, I have not updated the esteem app lately so I don't think I ll be getting any token but let me do it right now so that I won't miss the opportunity any more.

stay well and keep the good work up.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you have been using app for last couple month you already earned some tokens, in order to check you can download and claim token with v2 app.

I just installed the v2 app but i havent got any tokens. I was using the old esteem app that may be the cause.
Also, the app is crashing multiple times when clicking on rewards. Hope the bug will get cured soon 😃

Posted using Partiko Android

Can you check side menu bottom, what version of app you are using?
It should be 2.1.0 and build number 1648

Sorry, I just uninstalled the old one wfter installing the new one. It was esteem mobile legacy.

Hey guys!
Just tried esteem v2 app, it's awesome.
Is there any purpose for esteem tokens already?

Great App. Loved the interface. Also while browsing through noted that the App doesn't have the down vote option. Thanks.

It is on our to do list.

The application is great but it keeps closing with every comment I make. Hope this gets Patched as soon as possible

We are working on it

Wow! the esteem rewards feature is awesome.

aunque soy nuevo en la comunidad Steemit, probare esta aplicación ya que seria mas accesible

About 149.75$ has been spent to promote this content using Steemium

Wow that's awesome . Managing your wallet is it's great feature

Posted using Partiko Android

It sure took a long time. But I'm glad it's here.

We have been testing this for awhile, now confident that it works well and both Surfer and Mobile is integrated, users already earning tokens. Surfer update will come out soon with possibility to manage tokens.

That's good. I already claimed some tokens/points. I think now's the time I get more active with esteemapps. Great job.

This post has been just added as new item to timeline of eSteem on Steem Projects.

If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add eSteem to your favorite projects.

Hey @good-karma waiting for the great update....so the old mobile app won't get any benefit with esteem token?...I now install the new v2version ...

Yes, that's right. Legacy version won't get any benefits. We have been planning deprecation of legacy version and this will be first step, if our users will move to v2, deprecating v1 will be easier ;)

Well my innings with V2 is not going well...the app is crashing again and again...even I uninstall and installed it twice. Also I manage my first post with V2 and is not get curated....🥺 Which in-use to get in V1

Well my innings with V2 is not going well...the app is crashing again and again...even I uninstall and installed it twice. Also I manage my first post with V2 and is not get curated....🥺 Which i-use to get in V1

The new app is crashing like anything...in last 5 min I have 3instances that it get closed... @good-karma

Did you uninstall the old version of any v2 before installing v2.1? If you didn't, please do and give your feedback.

I did otherwise and restarted my phone....for now it is smooth

We do test incremental upgrades but if you upgrade from very old version there might be unknown issues, because we keep improving app, adding new features, changing how data is handled so that its performance can be best as well as user experience. Reinstalling @horpey suggested might solve your issue, let me know otherwise 😉

Finally I have uninstall to.indtall again.

Let see how it works. I saw you mentioned build number 1648 ...
But I am getting 1646 @good-karma

It might be because of Google Playstore update delay. Give it few minutes or hour and check again, please. But update from 1646 to 1648 should be fine, 1648 has small bug fix, good to update when you see it is available

I used that mobile app but it won't let me post or comment. I already logged in but it said not valid.

Posted using Partiko Android

Which of the key? or through SteemConnect?

through steemconnect, it was a month ago I think then I uninstalled it. I just use the other one which it allows me to do so.

Download this v2.1 and give your feedback 😉

Very cool ... lets see how it all start work in long run :) Happy to see new things come all time up here :)

Coool! I’m being tempted to change to esteem!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Heya @good-karma Thanks for sharing valuable information as many newbiews don't know about esteem or pratiko... Hope your blog helps them and spread the awareness... Keep it up thanks =) I'm pratiko user and don't know much about esteem so can you please tell what's minimum points required to redeem tha points???

Posted using Partiko Android

There is no minimum requirement, in next version we will add redeem/transfer of points. So stay tuned for more information on usage of points in app.

Nice Post about esteem. Can anyone please tell esteem is better or Partiko for steemit?

Posted using Partiko Android

As always esteem better than every app. Especially security things.

@mukhtarilyas, thank you @good-karma for updating the android esteem. Hopefully we will be easier and smoother in handling and transacting.

I might try your app for the point system because I love and use Partiko. Can you redeem upvotes with your tokens or sell it on Steem-engine?

Posted using Partiko Android

Utility/Usage of points will be explained in more details in upcoming post. And from next version will start adding functionalities, so stay tuned!

You got a 69.20% upvote from @spydo courtesy of @steemium! We offer 100% Payout and Curation.

Tokens will be on Steemengine or it will be just inbuilt with different use case?Brother @good-karma, Will these esteem

Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

When would be for esteem surfer desktop @good-karma?

Very soon! 😊

@steemium purchased a 67.35% vote from @promobot on this post.

*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface http://promovotes.com

You got a 61.73% upvote from @bid4joy courtesy of @steemium!

Nice update

Posted using Partiko Android

I like this news, thank you to @good-karma and esteemapp

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