On this day I am very happy because I have met my friends and on this afternoon me and our friends break their fast together in the hut is very beautiful and simple
And before breaking the fast together I also had time to photos around kasan panton pumpkin also and my heart was very happy
On this afternoon we ordered simple food and juice drinks and there were a few other drinks and white rice
If for me the food and drinks that we ordered this is quite luxurious because we often eat simple food like this
Although at home we also eat food that is mediocre and not luxurious - just plain luxurious food aja and water drinks most hot tea and cold tea
I think this evening is very special for me because I had met my friends and can break the fast with thanks my friends
And on this night I also want to say thanks to my friends who are using apps #esteem which has been published or has been made by @good-karma and I really hope this apps will grow thanks @good-karma
And I also want to say thanks and greetings for my beloved friend and my dear that is the first @molometer
and create @whalepower group
And make other #steemit friends who have visited my blog thank you
Saya kira pada malam ini sangat istimewa bagi saya karena saya tadi sudah ketemu sama kawan-kawan saya dan bisa berbuka puasa bersam terimakasih kawan-kawan aku
Dan pada malam ini saya juga mau ucapkan terimakasih pada kawan-kawan saya yang sedang mengunakan apps #esteem yang telah di terbit kan atau telah di buat oleh @good-karma dan saya juga sangat berharap semoga apps ini semakin berkembang terimakasih @good-karma
Dan saya juga mau ucapkan terimakasih dan salam buat sahabat tercinta dan yang saya sayang yaitu yang pertama @molometer
dan buat grup @whalepower
Dan buat rakan-rakan #steemit lain nya yang sudah mengunjungi blog saya terimakasih
Food looks delicious and your articles is amazing.