This little guy was in trouble this morning!
As usual I am outside early every morning and here in the new place I am still learning the ropes about the things that mother nature wants to show me.
I think this morning was a test!
Let's see if I passed!
The squirrel was fiddling with something on the cobbles and I saw the something move!
Oh! It was a little bug lying upside down!
What a surprise when I picked him up! A Carpenter Bee!
So I put him down below the palm tree up front!
Soon he started to climb up the tree and after a while he flew off!
Not to be confused with a normal honey bee.
Squirrels don't normally eat live insects and I think the squirrel was just interested to see what the struggling thing lying on its back was.
As I approached the squirrel darted away and I was glad to get to the carpenter bee before a car drove over him.
So, I think that I passed mother nature's test.
Hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

You sure have a way with the close up shots, @papilloncharity. Beautiful colors on that little guy and good on you to save him :)
Good for you! Those bumbles like hot temps and cool nights really slow them down. So glad you rescued this guy!
Hahaha, thank you Lady Melinda, I think mother nature just wanted to make sure that I am still of the same mind regarding the sanctity of all life.
Ahwwwww bee’s i love them, and the shots are great. Look at his wings. Here we have a shortage in bees and thats bad !!
Thank you my friend!
I simply cannot understand why people would want to kill bees.
Even though I am hyper allergic to their stings (3 times hospitalized thus far), I have no grudges against them as I realize the value that they create in life. Hope that you guys can get the shortage sorted out sooner than later.
Spectacular shots. I'm glad the bee was ok. You did a nice thing. 😊
Thank you Sir.
We have a habit of caring for all life.
I know they don't do it, but if that little guy was near me, I'm sure he'd sting me.
Good job though! Creatures of all shapes and sizes deserve a fighting chance. I remember when my son brought home a kitten two years ago (that I did not want) she, of course, ended up staying, then getting sick and nearly dying. Twice. But she was brought into the home and so was taken care of. Not cheaply, but without complaint either, simply because she was here.
I ended up nursing her back from the brink of death twice and she's quite honestly grown on me since. I'm still a dog person, but she's alright. :)
Thanks for the reminder that we can help everything if we want to.
Thank you my friend and both you and your son are good guys!
It's admirable that even as a dog person that you took extra care of the cat.
The bee is really friendly. I'm afraid of bees, not sure I will be able to have one in my palms
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We do what we have to do my friend!
I have carpenter bees here in Phoenix AZ. I have plant beds and I see carpenter bees buzzing around. They freak my out if they get close though. That loud buzzing sound send chills up my spine, and always has. But I know they won't harm me. You did a good deed :)
When I was a boy on the farm, we used to catch them and also fruit chafers. Then we would tie a long string of cotton to the thick part of their hind legs, let them fly while holding the other end so that they could whirl around us in the air. Of course after a while we set them free.
We care for all life my friend.
Blessings and thank you!
Good on you - I love saving things
Thank you and I know that you have a good heart my friend.
Carpenter bee has such distinctive colours, much larger than the honey bee we have not had them around in quite a long time, nice to see you passed the test Stephen, another one rescued!
The male has the yellow bands Lady Joan and the female has two white bands.
I posted about them while we were still up north and glad that they are also here.
I think mother nature was only fooling around with me a little bit Lol.
Blessings and thank you!
you never cease to amaze me! I do not even know the difference between a carpenter bee or whatever type of bee- for me, its a bee- they are all the same. hahahahahaha
Hahaha, that's why I am showing you this my friend.
So that you can learn that there are many different types of bees.
Great work! Maybe the squirrel would have also flipped it over. I have a couple bee hives on my property and they are actually really cool creatures! You were lucky to be able to save one :)
Haha, I think the squirrel was only inquisitive my friend. Or maybe they have the Squirrel convention like we have the Geneva convention Lol.
The problem over here is that we have crime syndicates that steal the bee hives.
Your posts are always the best on @steemitbloggers 😉🎉 Nice you saved that outstanding bee!🙌
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Thank you for the kind words my friend.
All life is sacred in my eyes.
Such cool shots and yet again your kindness for every living thing is showing in this post ;)
Carpenter bees are just amazing: they drill perfectly round holes. We get quite a few around here - especially in summer.
Thank you dear friend.
I have some photos somewhere of them in flight and you are right.
They are indeed amazing little creatures.
Hope that you guys have a good week.
And to you, too!
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Wow sir papilloncharity those are such great shots! That first one is stunning, what a strikingly handsome bee.
Blessings!Thank you Sir @janton and glad that you liked the shots!