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RE: Saving a Carpenter Bee!

in #esteem6 years ago

I know they don't do it, but if that little guy was near me, I'm sure he'd sting me.

Good job though! Creatures of all shapes and sizes deserve a fighting chance. I remember when my son brought home a kitten two years ago (that I did not want) she, of course, ended up staying, then getting sick and nearly dying. Twice. But she was brought into the home and so was taken care of. Not cheaply, but without complaint either, simply because she was here.

I ended up nursing her back from the brink of death twice and she's quite honestly grown on me since. I'm still a dog person, but she's alright. :)

Thanks for the reminder that we can help everything if we want to.


Thank you my friend and both you and your son are good guys!
It's admirable that even as a dog person that you took extra care of the cat.