keep reading # less the feeling of laziness to read

in #esteem7 years ago

Do not read to read because it is one activity that is very useful in human life. By reading we can know what is in this world.While we all know that reading has a positive impact for all of us, because reading is the basic capital for students who are undergoing the process of teaching and learning, In Indonesia reading public interest is still very low so the book is very rarely read, ![image]() many school libraries are more like bookstores, stacked books are irregular and scattered, many dusty books, books that are only literate in the form of textbooks and no new collection so that students' reading interest can not be built properly and they are reluctant to visit the library that exist in the school environment.

Libya too, we are so low on readers... I consider myself a book reader but I do so in impulses (like how I read 2 books in January but no book in feburary.) My brother reads a lot less than me.

But you know? I think social media these days played a lot of parts that were exclusive to reading books few years ago. And many people read a lot in social media platforms.

I agree, many things are motivated to learn. but very less interested to read it. especially in our country.