
Promote ponzis and call the one asking questions, which was me, un-educated lol that is the purpose of flags....

He also states BTC is not for transactions while it is doing 300,000 a day, clearly a scammer.

@sku77-poprocks why make it personal ? I am rational and i chose what content to flag...
Why talk bout ME? We are discussing a project here, a ponzi scheme not me, we are not school girls, explain why it is no PONZI or gtfo.... Mention me again in a comment and I flag you as well, wtf is this? Kids hour in kindergarten?

Because you're being a child. All dapps are ponzi's by your standards. People paid 10s of thousands of dollars for kitties nobody wants, the kitties are worthless without new buyers etc. You should spread love not war. You accusing it of being a ponzi is offensive. If you don't like it don't participate. But don't act like a child, or do. It doesn't matter. I would like the conversation to stay civil. If you ask a question, allow the answer to be viewable. That's fair no? Why make it seem as if you are conversing with yourself. You actions are a bad look for steemit, even if you don't think they are not. Would you like to come to discord and have a real conversation about it where you don't get to hide whatever response you choose? I'm open to chatting, the developer is there as well, and you can have a genuine conversation and see what that community is about and why it is doing this project. Thanks

"People paid 10s of thousands of dollars for kitties nobody wants, the kitties are worthless without new buyers etc." No they are cute collectibles, a bad idea not a ponzi....

"You should spread love not war. You accusing it of being a ponzi is offensive" I love to spread love, not to ponzi schemes though...

"If you ask a question, allow the answer to be viewable. That's fair no?"
Very, but there was no question asked, just a defensive statement on a lame ponzi... I am beeing civilized and rational, I think this deserves flagging and cautios handeling, it might rip someone off otherwies....

"I'm open to chatting, the developer is there as well, and you can have a genuine conversation and see what that community is about and why it is doing this project"*

He should talk to the guy promoting it like a ponzi and defending it with the definition of a ponzi, not me I do not care what so ever and have no interest in the project...

"Because you're being a child." Yeah some users always call other users a child or W/E, which proves you have nothing to add and took it personal, which I do not and I am not offended...... Move on...

Stop discussing me and explain why its no PONZI what is this??

No, you're just saying you don't like this kind of dapp for subjective reasons, but it doesn't make you right. It only makes it right for you not to participate, right? You don't get to define dapps as ponzis. Its a dapp, you don't like it that's cool. Again, open to having a conversation with you in discord.

I did no definition of a ponzi, it is already very clear and stated in earlier comments. All i did was see similarities and call it for what I see, If you do not agree, move on or buy it I do not care, it is your money!

I don't really mind you saying anything. In that same right, you made a comment and then flagged a response. Act like an adult and unflag the comments so we can have an open honest discussion I will ask those who flagged your comment to do the same. Lead by example.

I flagged the post, which is selling a ponzi scheme, I flagged the comment defending the same Ponzi scheme.... I will keep flagging ponzi schemes since they rip of everyone but the first 10% of the investors often... These projects are the worst thing that can happen to block chains like ETH... Is the EXACT same thing lol 10% fee ponzi scheme same as Fomo3D, this is nothing new its like the 4th identical ponzi scheme I know about on the ETH chain, Is the code on the smart contract also a copy I wounder, gotta check it out!

Go buy bitconneeeeeect :P