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RE: Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin advocates for Child Porn!!!! ETH 🔥... Try EOS

in #ethereum7 years ago

And since it's clear you didn't understand his point about heroin, I don't think it was about what damage it does to the taker (I haven't read a lot of Vitalik's writing, but what little I have would strongly argue against that). I'm reasonably sure without further investigation that he's referring to dangers to others that are posed by drug users who don't take proper care to ensure they don't harm others when in an impaired state (e.g. similar to drunk driving).


Possession of child porn obviously means that someone took pictures of whatever act was being photographed. That act of child rape is the source of the photos. Possessing those photos means that you are OK with what happened to that child. Defending someone for "simply possessing the the material" is saying that that the process that the photos came from is OK.
The photos, or videos can't exist without the criminal sex act with a child that the photos or video came from. That's what's wrong with simply possessing the material.

This logic is not only deeply flawed, the flaw was already discussed in other comments by some other poster, but I'll reiterate it here.

A TV news station has video of murdered people (and maybe even videos of them being murdered). This doesn't mean that simple possession of that video is saying that the process that those videos came from is OK.