Sort: has it own problems with reputation although no security breaches yet.
So it might make more sense to upgrade the parity client with the security patch instead of introducing yet another client which could potentially be hacked. You still need to move the funds to a different address of course.

I think I know what you're referencing, but what are the problems with reputation you think MEW has?

I've heard the founder/operator of MEW is a hothead and has made some dumb comments publicly. That's all, just hearsay and not enough to come to firm conclusions, but enough to make you think. Sorry for the delayed response as I just noticed your reply now.

I've seen those comments, and maybe it's because I also have a low tolerance for BS in crypto but I 100% supported the remarks they made. People got a bit wrapped up in the rhetoric but the sentiment was essentially:

  • crypto isn't noob-friendly, and it won't be for some time
  • it's not somebody else's responsibility to do due diligence for you, and if you don't know what you're doing you shouldn't be putting your money in it
  • if you don't like free, open-source software that has consistently been secure and up to date, then stop using it

I can't imagine the frustration the MEW team had built up. It's literally just 2 people, and they have built such an amazingly useful tool for all of us to use for free, yet people are constantly blaming them for their own screwups.

Disclaimer, I'm a pretty big MEW shill and my content is listed in their official help documents.