I'm one of the @winstonwolfe converts ( from his video a CPL days ago ) and I'm digging steemit, but more in a Reddit style fashion. Facebook is is more for reaching out to family/friends for me, and less about creating meaningful content.
So I have sort of tasked each for it's own purpose and am holding onto a balance.
That, and I'm still quite the minnow here... So I'm a bit hesitant to fully abandon FB for now. ;-)
I myself stay on fb to stay connected to my far away friends. I will always probably have it but I no longer sit there for hours meaninglessly scrolling. It feels nice. :)
Yeah, I never really did. Top 10 or so posts, but mostly just to pop in with something witty (at least I always thought so...), make sure everyone is ok, and stalk an ex or two. ;-)