I don't believe it is true that children don't understand reasoning. I found it totally annoying when the answer to why I should do something or not do something was 'because I'm your father and I've told you too' or 'because I just told you too'. When children understand the reason why then they are more likely to do as you've asked, rather than just giving out orders and commands.
Children are far more intuitive and intelligent than most adults give them credit for.
Thanks for your comments and for reading the post. :)
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Great point you have raised, but dont forget tha we re alking bout children here and not teenagers or adults. Most children of the ages of 2-9 barely do much personal thinking cause our minds are occupied with other stuffs of which play has a huge share. I believe at that stage we should help these children make the right decisions, and if we leave them at the mercy of reasoning, anybody can come and reason with them to do the wrong thing, and because they are not mature enough, they easily fall preyto hose wolves in sheep clothing. Icant remember howmany times i was saved in my childhood by the instructions of my parents, even when those around e wer trying to give me wrong reason to do those evils (imo)
We seem to have a difference in opinion on the maturity of children, and that wasn't the message or point of the post.
The message was for parents and those looking after children to know that children are being used to entice other children into danger.
Thanks for your comments and interest in the work we are doing to raise awareness around children going missing.
Okay, was just stating my own opinion. All the best
We appreciate you being interested and commenting!
Thanks, wishing you the best
Thank you, much appreciated. Our hearts are with the missing children and their families. <3