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RE: Some thoughts on children and the growing hate towards children in the West

in #family7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I think you are right about the ultimate that grow up as adults who arent capable of handling any situations. We see that with a lot of millennials today..they are the offended-generation (even though theres a lot conservatives in the young generations as well, which is great!)

There is a strange combination of overprotection and not-love going on. It's like the parents are automatically trying to keep their kids from trying and failing at stuff. While at the same time they act like having kids is just the worst drag..

People often confuse our kindness with our son for overprotectiveness. We let him sleep with us, we always comfort him if he's hurt, we listen to his wishes and we treat him with respect and as a human..not just a thing.

But at the same time we let him fall, fail and try things. We tell him to do stuff by himself. I always tell him that; "Crom help those who helps themselves" ;) He thinks that's hillarious..and he's 4. He gets the concept of "a god" that helps you if you help yourself..which of course're the God :)

And you know..he's turning into a VERY intelligent and interested young guy. I'm almost chocked how bright he seems..not just intelligent-wise, but his assertiveness and perception and memory. He seriously remembers the most insane things, that we have to use detective work to figure check a picture or a chat log or something and see if that actually happened on that day..and he's almost always spot on.

"That day we were on the beach when I found the half dead crab on the rock.:" like 8 months ago..

And I don't think it's JUST because his parents have high IQ, but also because he was breastfed and given real protection as a small child/infant. He didnt have to "learn" how to sleep alone at age 1. Which in fact is "learning" to give up and die for a small child. Which of course increase cortisol levels, which in it's turn decrease brain development and IQ, memory etc.

And yeah..hopefully they find our who ruined them. Many in our generation too (I guess you are between 30 and 40?) were abused as well..and with abuse I don't just mean sexual or physical. But mental abuse. And as you grow up and realize a lot of your problems were your parents giving you a shitty first hate them, then you sort of excuse them and go on with your life trying to not do the same "semi-hereditary" mistake to your kids.


I do think young people in the West look like oversized teenagers from time to time. The legacy to the youngster generation will not be good if millennials don’t wake up.

By reading your post and knowing how you see the world I would bet you are a good dad. It’s good your child is doing great! Congratulations for that.

And about my generation, well I am actually younger than you think haha, I am on my 20s but I live in a different world than the West, I live in the third world and in here we don’t have those issues regarding the millennial (my) generation, but we have other issues that are even worse...

If you wonder why I am worried about some things in the West if I don’t live there? Quite simple, first I might move someday and live in some western country (my family is Portuguese), and second if the West goes to hell everything good in the planet would eventually go to hell too. As far as I know, the West has been the place that always fight against any form of totalitarianism, in fact, the only hope I have for my country Venezuela is if the West decide to act and do something against the insanely designed criminal organization that governs this country..if they don’t do nothing, this country and 30million people will be lost...

So yes, I don’t like the Muslim invasion in Europe, I don’t like the stupid college students in America supporting socialism without actually knowing what is it and without being informed about the state of Venezuela or Cuba, and I don’t like young people thinking the West is the worst while also thinking Muslim culture is good and wearing hijab or whatever it’s called is cool...

Western culture must be protected for the good of the world.