Some thoughts on children and the growing hate towards children in the West

in #family7 years ago

There is not secret that I am a fan of Capitalism, Free markets, Objectivism, Rationality and Ayn Rand. Even though Ayn Rand was brilliant in my opinion, and I absolutely love her books (Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead are two of my favorite books. The way they explains how the world works -and she's right!) more modern people like Jordan Peterson and @stefan.molyneux are doing a hell of a good job to expand peoples minds.


The hate against children is something I've noticed on several levels. In Norway, the child care welfare system - a government institution were implemented in 1992. And their intentions were probably good. Children need protection. But in many ways this protection has gone too far. So far in fact, that perfectly normal, healthy people have anxiety of not only having children, but constant anxiety of their children being taken away from them. The stories are many, and although some of the conspiracy theories may be exagerated a little, theres is certainly something very rotten in Norway..

But you notice it on so many other levels. Kids have become mere ascessories. It seems to me like people dont even think about WHY they want kids. All they seem to talk about is how agonizing it is to have children. Statements such as "I want my breasts back!" and "I want the kid our of our room, so that we can fuck again" and "there is no shame in not breastfeeding" just shows how selfish people are.

When you ask someone why they want to sleep next to their spouse - it's because it feels safe and "right". It feels natural to want to sleep next to the person you love. you love your child? Do you think your child loves and needs you?

How do you think your one year old child feels when you lock it into a dark room, alone in a world it doesn't have any capacity of understanding? And when it cries desperately for help - you ignore it, because you have decided the child now is on a "screaming detox" Let it scream until it gives up and literally dies - mentally. Yeah! Now, you've thought your child that you won't be there for it. Awesome.

Science has shown that doing this dramatically increases the levels of cortisol in the body, and this inhibits brain growth and cognitive capacity. In other words - your childs IQ. Not only that, but you've successfully managed to increase your child's risk of getting anxiety and depression as it grows older. Well done - marxist.

Personally, my wife let our kid breastfeed until HE decided it was enough. I have to admit I more than once told her that "so you want a 12 year old hanging from your breast?" and my wife responded that he will quit when he's ready. And at 2,5 years old - he quit. Like that.

Same with going to bed. We've been in bed with him until he's fallen asleep for 4 years. But recently we talked about it with HIM, helping him understand that we needed some time together, we had work to do, and all the positive things it implied for him to get himself to sleep. It took literally one day with some crying, getting up etc..and that's it. Now he puts himself to sleep.

We still sleep in the same bed all of us. Frankly, it's great. We have an entire house for ourself if we want to each other. At some point it will be natural for him to sleep alone. Sure, I'm not arguing against being independent and growing up. Sure. But first of all, now I calmly trust my wife's gut feeling. And I see how great it has worked out on all the other things. Things happen naturally when they are meant to happen if you don't stress.

And he's really turning out to be a very very positive, open hearted kid with high self esteem and high assertiveness. He's 4, and he picks off the table. He helps out mowing snow. He NEVER cries when we go shopping, in fact he helps out. He never begs for candy, and he's almost always positive. And, even more importantly - he knows how to express his feelings.

Now, I see so many horrible examples of children just having a bad start to life. Unfortunately we have to have him in kindergarden. We chose to move to a small place so that he didnt have to go in a large kindergarden. But it's not optimal. Not having your kid in kindergarden is impossible, because there are no stay at home moms who offer services regarding child care. Stay at home moms in Norway send their kid to kindergarden for 9 hours while they themselves go shopping or watch daytime TV.

So we try to deliver him late and pick him up early. Fortunately he likes kindergarden better now. He has a lot of friends and is a popular kid. And we live literally 100 feet from the kindergarden. I'm looking at what I think is him right now actually..I can see their playground from my office window.

This is of course not optimal for ME - picking him up early (I'm the stay at home dad) but we were hellbent on prioritizing him as much as possible. And he's also great at playing by himself while I no problemo.

But I see these other kids, being dropped off at 06:30 in the morning, and then picked up almost 10 hours later! They have longer hours then their frigging parents do. Imagine being in that chaos, the screaming, the non-structured place for 10 hours. And when the parents pick up their kids they are in a hurry to drag them home, often screaming og crying (from exhaustion) to eat dinner. Then it's off to bed.

The result? Well..there are NO tree houses, no gangs of 10 year olds cruising around doing nothing. No creativity, no bruises. They are all inside with their pads or phones playing.

And so are the parents. Grown adults playing stupid ass games, or posting shit on Insta and that other shit social media I don't even remember the name of.

There is literally 1 meter of snow outside. Are ANYONE out playing with their kids? No. Are their kids outside playing? No. Where the FUCK are they?


Kids today are losing on both fronts. In the past, sure enough, children didn't have much rights. They weren't heard. But at least we hung out with our friends all afternoon. Sure, we played computer games (I'm not that old) I grew up with Commmodore and Nintendo and PC. But we did it all. We programmed, we played, we went outside. We set things on fire, we shot grandmas car with an air rifle. We accidentally killed a bird and had to take it's life. We threw snowballs at the police car and ran 10km into the woods with them after us. We learned a lot of life lessons.

The thing is, in the past - even though most parents sucked then too, at least children got some life lessons early. We learned to figure shit out. We interacted with others without parents being around. Not everything was organized. We got creative.

Now, everything is organized. Schools decide how many kids your child must invite to their birthday party. Even "freeplay" is organized. No kids hang out. They are constantly under their parents supervision. I recently read that some schools are even "banning" kids from having best friends - because it's discrimination.

It's insanity right? This pussy ass approach to everything. Everything is discrimination. YES! Discrimination is good! I discriminate because I have preferences. We all do. But to pretend that we ignore that and just lead our entire life as relativists is I can assure you, not healthy.

My theory is that this all fits in line perfectly with altruism and relativism (aka marxism) People are being told so much wrong and so much weirdness, and self hate that they end up hating themselves (and their children) and becoming walking contradictions. For instance - people will treat their children like shit, while at the same time sucking up to any other adult person. Totally unnatural. You're supposed to protect your child and be sceptic to other adults. Not the other way around.

People are confused, they don't know right from wrong anymore. They have no moral compass, no values, no structure in their life. No goals. All this ends up in massive nihilisism and passivity. People read on forums what they should do instead of figuring things out based on facts. People are more conserned about what other people will say than doing whats good for their child. The social shaming and social structures become so important to people that they rather hurt and inhibit their own child than to do different than most people - in fear of social sanctions.


Scandinavians don't give a SHIT about [their] children.

ABUSE them at home, scream at them, threaten them with both medicine and police, threaten with psychwards and NEVER give them free space to develop on their own.

WAKE THEM UP at 5:30 in the morning every day for the entirety of their first [utmost essential] developing years; RUPTURE their natural human growth and still-evolving instincts.

THROW them in daycare and DESTROY any last drops of bonds and make them feel abandoned for the rest of their lives.

FUCK over their toddlerhood and THROW them into the government destruction house of pain for a decade, removing half their youth, after which they will do NOTHING but sleep in for yet another decade just to recover form the immense abuse while their parents STILL scream at them "Do something with your life!".

THROW them into the oven of state-funded-through-violence brain fucking institution of High-School academia which is nothing but bullshit and lies, emptying any last remnants of truth, depth or intimacy.

And then, one more time, after you have CHEWED them up, SPIT THEM OUT; abandon them, and never give a shit about them again!

And throw them in prison and put them on medication if so they dare express ANY forms of discomfort of said process of abuse of several decades. FUCK THEM in the ass again.

THAT'S how Scandinavian parents feel about ["their"] kids. Mostly Swedes.

Anyone that keeps in touch with these types of "parents" is a disgrace to themselves and humanity.

Terrific Authentic Post! You and your wife are clearly caring parents showing love for your child. He is lucky to have you.
Thank you for shattering the political correct views in terms of the social engineering of our children. "Discrimination is good!"
Our educational institutions these days focus on helping the worst (least motivated) students in class instead of propelling the best (most motivated) students forward. It is about everyone passing the class instead of maximizing the potential of each individual student. This marxist mindset towards our educational system is limiting the potential of the development of our brightest young people today.

Thanks! Yeah, one thing that concerns us is the public school. It's horrible here in Norway. One thing is good with the kindergarden, it's a small school, not a huge children-factory death camp with the sole purpose of breaking down the kids.

There are almost zero private schools in Norway. There's is the Montessori school, but we'd have to move pretty far to be able to do that. Could possibly drive him every day, but then again - all the local kids who live nearby would go to a different school - and I'm afraid he'd become a social outcast.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed. I started following you to see more of your work.

I wish you would have stayed on topic to your first idea, CPS in Norway. You only touched on it to begin with, then it was lost to a judgmental rant. I hope you read more, well defined opinions and theories.

its based on wrong ideologies and advice, and i have heard of people who say they dont want to have to have children, we need to remove the stereotype that kids are a disaster and help them understand the joys that come with parenthood

The consequences of this will be clear in a few years when we have a society full of people who cannot handle difficult situations, and easily get into a “nervous breakdown”.

Overprotecting children is never good for their proper development, and right now some people don’t realize this.

When the little ones become adults who cannot function I wonder if they will realize who ruined them?

Yes, I think you are right about the ultimate that grow up as adults who arent capable of handling any situations. We see that with a lot of millennials today..they are the offended-generation (even though theres a lot conservatives in the young generations as well, which is great!)

There is a strange combination of overprotection and not-love going on. It's like the parents are automatically trying to keep their kids from trying and failing at stuff. While at the same time they act like having kids is just the worst drag..

People often confuse our kindness with our son for overprotectiveness. We let him sleep with us, we always comfort him if he's hurt, we listen to his wishes and we treat him with respect and as a human..not just a thing.

But at the same time we let him fall, fail and try things. We tell him to do stuff by himself. I always tell him that; "Crom help those who helps themselves" ;) He thinks that's hillarious..and he's 4. He gets the concept of "a god" that helps you if you help yourself..which of course're the God :)

And you know..he's turning into a VERY intelligent and interested young guy. I'm almost chocked how bright he seems..not just intelligent-wise, but his assertiveness and perception and memory. He seriously remembers the most insane things, that we have to use detective work to figure check a picture or a chat log or something and see if that actually happened on that day..and he's almost always spot on.

"That day we were on the beach when I found the half dead crab on the rock.:" like 8 months ago..

And I don't think it's JUST because his parents have high IQ, but also because he was breastfed and given real protection as a small child/infant. He didnt have to "learn" how to sleep alone at age 1. Which in fact is "learning" to give up and die for a small child. Which of course increase cortisol levels, which in it's turn decrease brain development and IQ, memory etc.

And yeah..hopefully they find our who ruined them. Many in our generation too (I guess you are between 30 and 40?) were abused as well..and with abuse I don't just mean sexual or physical. But mental abuse. And as you grow up and realize a lot of your problems were your parents giving you a shitty first hate them, then you sort of excuse them and go on with your life trying to not do the same "semi-hereditary" mistake to your kids.

I do think young people in the West look like oversized teenagers from time to time. The legacy to the youngster generation will not be good if millennials don’t wake up.

By reading your post and knowing how you see the world I would bet you are a good dad. It’s good your child is doing great! Congratulations for that.

And about my generation, well I am actually younger than you think haha, I am on my 20s but I live in a different world than the West, I live in the third world and in here we don’t have those issues regarding the millennial (my) generation, but we have other issues that are even worse...

If you wonder why I am worried about some things in the West if I don’t live there? Quite simple, first I might move someday and live in some western country (my family is Portuguese), and second if the West goes to hell everything good in the planet would eventually go to hell too. As far as I know, the West has been the place that always fight against any form of totalitarianism, in fact, the only hope I have for my country Venezuela is if the West decide to act and do something against the insanely designed criminal organization that governs this country..if they don’t do nothing, this country and 30million people will be lost...

So yes, I don’t like the Muslim invasion in Europe, I don’t like the stupid college students in America supporting socialism without actually knowing what is it and without being informed about the state of Venezuela or Cuba, and I don’t like young people thinking the West is the worst while also thinking Muslim culture is good and wearing hijab or whatever it’s called is cool...

Western culture must be protected for the good of the world.

Loved your post. I have zero tolerance for parents moaning they need alone time, miss their social life and things like that. Children are and should be a priority, their needs come first, no matter what. And putting the child first should come natural, by instinct, it's not something you even need to think about.

Thanks! Yeah..I just despise people who moan about their kids.

Hey friend, what you say from breastfeeding to relativism, it is totally true, family principles, the upbringing of children and everything related to them, is being lost or has already been lost. One of the most important things for any culture is precisely the care of its next generation, however, it seems that this is no longer important for modern citizens. In the worst case, they raise their children based on internet blogs and not on family and cultural values as you say.

100% true brother! Marxism...

Great rant.
People say to me with surprise things like "You like your kids dont you?"
Then I started to notice that most people dont, or at least they think it's cool to pretend that they dont.
We get a snow day from school and Im all.
WooHoo!!! Snow Day darling!! We gets to play today!
The other parents are saying things like "A snow day. Them dam kids will be under foot all day. I hate snow days."
I dont get it. Shouldn't your family be your favorite people?

Exactly! @brandylynne where do you live? That sounds exactly like people here in Norway. If you answer that you're from the US, UK or Canada or anywhere else in the west for that matter, there must me something sick going on in the west. Cultural marxism must have slowly infested our culture to the core and made us almost identically. I mean..30 years ago, there were distinct differences between UK, US, Norway and Germany. Today? Except from the language (and hardly that anymore since we are all growing up on the Internet) what is there that makes us different from one another? We listen to the exact same music, watch the exact same tv shows and think and do the exact same things. We have also probably embraced the same ideals. Most people, regardless of country are now brainwashed liberal lunatics. And quite a few (and growing) are either libertarians or alt-rights..hmm

People sort of pretend to like their kids..but their actions shows differently. It seems like the word "like" means something else for them. I think they are just very confused by the brainwashing. I think they love their kids in a way, but they probably don't know HOW to love, or exactly what love is. Their lack of values and morality creates a lack of consistency and cognitive disonnanse..I remember my own family members do that a lot. They can say one thing and really mean it one day, and the next they have a totally different stance.

That's what cultural relativism does to people..And it's f scary.

Northeastern USA.
I think everyone's gotton too brain lazy to think, so they just pretend to think whatever the media last told them to think. It runs scary deep when it even applies to how you think you should feel about your kids.

Good thoughts, however I don't think the 'hate' is growing. It's essentially self-limiting: people who don't want to have children won't have children and then there won't be any more people who don't want to have children. I don't have the numbers in front of me but I think birth rates are up among Europeans, although still below the replacement rate of 2.1%.

China has abandoned it's one child policy and you can look at religious sects like the Shakers or the Oneida Colony to see the inevitably disastrous outcome of this form of control.

I think that the social engineers would have been more successful if they had created a scenario where women raised children collectively à la Huxley's "Brave New World". I don't think they expected men to drop out and start YouTubing. As it stands neither sex has any incentive to participate and the only choice is to opt out.

Perhaps I should elaborate my thoughts in a post of my own?

I think my point was that a lot of people who actually HAVE children doesn't seem to want them..they only complain, moan and never do anything with them. Everything is on the parents terms, and it's all just crying, fighting and tired parents and children.

Yes, the birthrate in Europe is less than 1,5 actually, on average. It's mainly due to feminism and the lack of religion IMO. Feminism has resulted in generally speaking a lot of sour and offended women who cry about men spreading their legs (in order to sit comfortably..because of well..balls ((yes, some western men still has those things)). Women in the west crying about not real issues. They just make things up like the wage gap. Women in the west have essentially100% the same freedoms as men, and it is by LAW.

Still, they moan and complain (in general, not all women) At the same time they are chanting for Islam and refugees and diversity. They are literally inviting in men from REAL woman-hating cultures.

This has resulted in alienating white men. Women, blacks and muslims have joined forces together on a crusade against the white male. You can call him whatever you want, he is stigmaticed, not prioritized in the workforce, men issues (like being murdered and commiting suicide) is not being talked about - at best they're laughed of.

The result? MGTOW. Men going their own way. Women have so many rights that for a lot of young men the risk is just not worth it.

And this leaves frustrated confused women to themselves wishing for more migrant muslims and more moaning.

What they really are is miserable.

And now, white men are just like..well, you know what women? We're going John Galt on your asses. You deal with this shit you created. Here is the key..y'all have a fun time with your muslims and communism. We're just going to lay on the couch playing playstation and drinking beer..good luck!

Ah. Well in that case I missed your point somewhat, so thanks for clarifying. Still, I would like to point out (somewhat cheerfully) that the case is self-limiting. It can be observed in the more radical example of African Americans, among whom the percentage of births to single mothers is a staggering 77%. The result is that African Americans have no capacity to out-compete other groups and are therefore only a 'threat' insofar as they are able to render certain areas uninhabitable to those groups.

So, I would emphasize that for people such as you and I, the challenge represented by those who follow the lifestyle you are describing is that they are pretty crappy to be around, but they do not represent any real threat to life and limb. I realize you aren't trying to make that point, but I think it's worth keeping in perspective.

In short: the Left cannot create, only destroy. Destruction is often unfortunate but always limited to that which has been created.

This post has received a 6.28 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

This post has received a 10.78 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

I havent got kids, but since comming to Norway, i have never known so many perfectly fit parents have months on end of investigation from social services. Seriously its disgusting and i still havent investigating how it benifits THEM (you know, them!)
And not to mention the stress on the parents. A woman i see , she has had it on off for 4 years, wild accusations from angry ex boyfriends , ending up in court sessions, home meetings 3 times a week etc. I met her she was healthy and through stress and worry she has lost so much body weight, at one point to an unhealthy level.
Its FUBAR in Norway , but theres my 2 cents worth.. and you dont see kids out playing like we used to because the parents either are scared or just give in to the ipad and thats that instead of the snow! im off to bed now, epic post, i didnt read all the replys i got to get that working rhythm again desperatly.. quality content sir! thanks

ah i forgot to add , im surprised your son is only 4! very aware and observant kid there!

It sounds like you and your wife are good parents and you are letting your paternal instincts kick in.

My congratulations to you for raising your child right.

It's kind-of eerie, imagining what those other kids will be like when they grow up. There's a certain word for a political system in which everyone is organized, and it's not a word that bring joy.

We see this all the time around here. I think people don't know what they want out of life. They just kind of follow the heard which is directed by the media.

They think they have to have a house and cars and whatever else the Jones's have and the kids get shipped off to daycare and then school because both parents have to work full time to afford that life style.

There is no intention in their action they are just kind of muddling along and the kids end up getting neglected.

Our plan is for Aimee to stay home with the children full time and if I have to I will work outside the home but we are really trying to get to the point where both of us are able to be home.

That is why we are Homesteading and there is a plan for my mother to move onto our property to help with child care because she is single. I will be help her.with the things she needs help with and she can help with the children and meal preparation.

It might seem like an odd plan but this is more of a traditional family set up. We have just be convinced to move away from it. The Grand parents end up in a home and the children need daycare. Doesn't make much sense to me.