xx.jpg "Hello. Yes of coarse I'll take a look. I'm on my way.

It seems I have a lot more work left to do before I can hand this case over to the Cops. The last investigation was good and exposing the FCA was well over-due but we still need more, if we are gonna nail these Bastards for good!

The FCA is a large player in the game, we know this for sure. 30,000 children certainly agree. But as we found out in the last article, there are hundreds of thousands of children who have been 'serviced', by our Welfare State.

When put into perspective, the FCA's figure of 30,000 units over 20yrs, is just a drop in the ocean. Especially, when you consider that in 2012- 2013, alone, there were 68,000 children in care and if we take the latest figure, given by Ofsted in a 2014 audit, that stated 89,000 children where now in care, it starts to create a clearer image.

Now just for a bit of 'fine tuning', I need you to keep in mind what the MEP had to say, in my last article. "1000 children a month". Are being ADDED to the already diabolical figure, that will no doubt bust through the 100,000 mark in the very near future.

So 89,000 children @ 1000 a month(12,000 per yer), shows how the FCA are just one of many heads. But these figures get even scarier when you add this comment to the equation.

a.jpg" Former British Member of Parliament John Hemming is a long-standing and vocal critic of the system and estimates that "over 1000" of the 1,360 adoptions carried out without the parents' consent in 2010 may have been undertaken "wrongly" "
Source -

If the average family has 3 children then 3000 children have needlessly been torn apart from their parents, in one year...

You must take a moment to absorb that comment...How would you react if you were one of those families who had done nothing wrong? How does it feel to be powerless? To be capable, but unable, to protect your child/children? When Strangers come in and take your kids away, for no reason and they make you watch! What would you do??!!...

In fact I don't want to imagine how that would feel, it is already sending shivers down my spine.

We must not forget that any foster carer who has children of their own, are regular victims of this poisoned system..Screenshot-2017-11-27 Allegations Against Foster Carers Fosterline(2).png

But now we must forget about the numbers. The figures tend to desensitize us, once we realize how unrealistic the numbers seem. ff.jpg

What is often lost, are the individuals involved. In 2010 there were at least a 1000 children waking up without their Mum or Dad. Often without their Brothers and Sisters too...That thought seriously wants to make me cry when I imagine that the poor child, shell-shocked and totally clueless as to why these Strangers have taken you away.

But for the children who never make it back home to Mum and Dad, they can sometimes have more horrors to come.

It is becoming more and more apparent that their is an elite Pedophile ring working in the UK. And there is more than enough evidence to suggest that these groups are infiltrating the Child Welfare system.

I am not talking about individual foster carers who turn out to be abusing the children in their care(under the guidance and supervision of the authorities, no less). This is no-doubt worthy of being, mercilessly, kicked through the streets, by the victims of the abuse. But more often than not, the abuser is put through a system that protects thier 'Human rights' in favour of the rights of the traumatized victim.
Screenshot-2017-11-29 Judge who let paedophile go free after 13-year-old victim branded 'predatory' urged to say sorry to a[...].png

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Judge who let paedophile go free after 13-year-old victim branded 'predatory' urged to say sorry to a[...](1).png

That 'Judgement says a lot more about the Judge than the Victim to me and I would like to explain that further...
That judge is part of the system we all use to create a society we want to live in. A society created by highly educated adults that uses various techniques to create 'responsible' trends for its citizens to follow. That is a fact. So if the elite ruling class are choosing and allowing be a role model. Then the Judge in question only has his contemporaries to blame. More importantly the Child whom the Judge called a predator, is merely imitating a girl she has learned to trust. Trust that was gained from watching her on the Disney Channel. The girl in my opinion is showing huge signs of immaturity but instead the Judge himself has seen her in a sexual context. He does not see a misled child, he see's a provocative sexual young woman? Doesn't that seem odd?

This particular type of case happens all too often. Unfortunately the Judges presiding over the Family courts, in particular the ones dealing with the social workers when they apply for a forced adoption order, are the real problem. The Family courts are where you will find the root of the virus. So-called Judges are handing out these 'Orders' without even looking at the evidence submitted by the parents. If the CPS want custody of your kids they only need to ask the Judge. This is known as 'Rubber stamping' and it has been going on behind closed doors.

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Things Parents Should Know About CPS «.png
I will not forget to set my targets on the Judges and Social workers involved in this part of the jigsaw. I promise that. They will have there day, but this article is to focus on the effects of their actions, not them.source -

For this to be happening we must face the fact that the pedophile ring has most definitely infected the Courts system and has institutionalised and virtually decriminalized the abuse of children. Systemic pedophilia must be detached from individual pedophiles who hunt in the shadows. The effects are equally as horrifying but they are just the tip of the Iceberg. More like a class B drug, if you like.

But its class A we must remove before we can help stem the flow, for online groups like the pedohunters.

When society is not allowed to protect itself, from adults who have an necessity to abuse children. Then the abusers begin to take advantage.

Child abusers, by their own nature, are uncontrollable Psychopaths and or Sociopaths. Whichever category they fall into, their goals are very similar. They all have the ability to blend in to society without being noticed. They gain positions of trust and power and then, not until everything has been set, do they show their evil intentions.

This is the reason we have leaders, throughout history, who have convinced its people to carry out Genocide against another Nation. The middle east being the latest of Crusades. Institutions of murder and war have long been established to serve the needs of the bloodthirsty Psychopath, but what about the needs of the Psychopaths in power who enjoy abusing children? As described in this James Corbetts video

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert Hercz.png

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert Hercz(1).png
Source - &

The unique psychopathic ability, to feel no guilt or empathy, has allowed him to reach the corridors of power. It is after this has been done that the individual motives begin to appear. Whilst the war-monger was building his infrastructure, did you not consider, that the Pedophile was doing like-wise? Laying his foundation for a system that could feed the blackened hearts of a hole community. Institutes where like minded sick fucks are allowed unchallenged access to an endless supply of children.

To accomplish such a task you would need to infiltrate almost every entity with the power to shut you down. This would most certainly include the Police Service and the Family courts. We have already seen from the horrific cases in Rotherham, how the authorities were directly involved with the abuse they were supposed to protect people from. As much as we all hate to admit it. We have chosen these people to represent us and now we have discovered their 'darkside', many of us want to cover our eyes, like children, and pretend the monster isn't there. But it is....


If I am to be believed I must supply evidence of an intentional system of abuse. A virus that has taken over parts of the Child Welfare industry from top to bottom.

The public belief of the integrity in the Child Welfare system must be re-evaluated. The lie, that once a child has been taken into 'care', he or she is then safe and set to carry on a better life, must be exposed. It is an unseen arm of the child abuse network.

Melanie Shaw is a victim of this satanic machine, but this courageous woman has found the strength to speak out and expose one such example.

With undeniable evidence of organised abuse and even murder, committed by people in places of high society, Melanie decided to turn to Nottinghamshire Police and report what had happened at Beechwood Care home. Melanie was hoping for help and maybe to stop this ever happening again.

Well done Melanie I am sure the Police have made your case a huge priority....

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Desperate Letter To The Public From Political Prisoner Melanie Shaw(1).pngScreenshot-2017-11-29 Desperate Letter To The Public From Political Prisoner Melanie Shaw(2).png
Source -

As you can Imagine, the people who new about Melanie's case had all found out too late. But a lot of groups (Groups who uphold UK constitutional law, many of which are dealt with by simply being labelled, 'Right wing'.) did take up action. My own group(practical lawful dissent) were also involved in sending letters of support to Melanie and contacting various authorities, to demand answers. But when you consider that this was the front page newsgg.jpg

On the same day this was happening...

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Melanie Shaw Given Two Years Following Secret Court Hearing - UPDATED.png
Source -

Melanie never stood a chance...A young girl, Abused as a child. Taken into care and placed into a childrens home that was being used to traffic children for the indescribable pleasures of an elite pedophile ring. She was lucky enough to have survived.

Accepting a poisoned chalice from a new government initiative, that claimed it would support victims of historic child abuse, she found the courage, to re-live the whole experience again.

Melanie is now in prison...No front page, no BBC radio interview, no Justice...

Screenshot-2017-11-29 Allegations of historical child abuse in Nottinghamshire.png

Nearly 300 victims and we are to believe there are only 20 abusers....Or maybe out of thousands of victims there are 300 who would only cause an acceptable amount of collateral damage...

nn.jpgShame on the Nottinghamshire Police FORCE. I am Nottingham born and bread and you do not represent me!

I dread to think how many more 'Melanie's' there have been....







JOIN ME AND MY LAWFULLY REBELLIOUS FRIENDS @ (We really do have a remedy like no other)


Peace and love

Rebel Dan.


Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.
Your post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

We are raising funds so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Please UPVOTE this comment to support us.

Loving the props. Glad to help. Lets smash this onion to bits!!! :)

Thank you @article61 for another piece exposing some of the horrors happening in the child care system.

It might be hard for some readers but this is happening and it needs to come to light for it to be resolved.

I'm glad you mentioned Melanie Shaw, what she has and still is going through is a discrace.

I am from Nottingham bro so I had to mention her. Gonna go through some of the Judges and Police next, I think. This is a subject with so many different avenues. These poor families. Great Britain, my arse. Cheers for supporting the work.

Power and money corrupt. Frequency of these events and numbers condition and desensitize the soul. Call it the new normal. An ultimate truth is no longer embraced. People acknowledge all values or lack thereof. Instead of one truth we accept many opposing truths. This we lower the bar of society. We did not get here by accident. Sex abuse, children for profit and victimizing children came as a result of gradual conditioning and lowering of standards over a period of several generations. We did not get here overnight. These abuses are horrific indeed. They are a problem that needs to be addressed yes. But they are one of many symptoms to a larger problem that got us here. Until we return to the belief in one ultimate truth, value and standard given to us by the Creator, we will have these concerns. People who do these horrific acts do not share the same standards as we do. What one believes controls how they act and treat others. Returning to our roots in good God given values would certainly help. Thanks for getting this info out there in the public's eye.

Man I would love to make a comprehensive article about what you have said as that is exactly how it has happened. One major event in the UK was the removal of the right to a trial by jury of your peers. that was in 1848 I think. then they repealed the powers of the house of lords in 1911. from then one we have been a total dictatorship disguised as a democratic party political system. Thanks for your comment bro, much appreciated.

You are welcome. Feel free to write that article my friend. I hope to see it.

good work @article 61, hard to read but I'm a big believer in educating ourselves and being informed, only then can we make a difference. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Yes I am very wary of how far to go into this subject as I know it gets a lot darker. But you are right and we must face up to this otherwise it will become unstoppable. I am enjoying the feed back from these article as its good to know the message is having an impact. Thank you for being part of it :)

Relevance:Child Abuse Cover-upCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Cheers for your support! I will carry on tagging you in any relevant work I do in the future.