Power and money corrupt. Frequency of these events and numbers condition and desensitize the soul. Call it the new normal. An ultimate truth is no longer embraced. People acknowledge all values or lack thereof. Instead of one truth we accept many opposing truths. This we lower the bar of society. We did not get here by accident. Sex abuse, children for profit and victimizing children came as a result of gradual conditioning and lowering of standards over a period of several generations. We did not get here overnight. These abuses are horrific indeed. They are a problem that needs to be addressed yes. But they are one of many symptoms to a larger problem that got us here. Until we return to the belief in one ultimate truth, value and standard given to us by the Creator, we will have these concerns. People who do these horrific acts do not share the same standards as we do. What one believes controls how they act and treat others. Returning to our roots in good God given values would certainly help. Thanks for getting this info out there in the public's eye.
Man I would love to make a comprehensive article about what you have said as that is exactly how it has happened. One major event in the UK was the removal of the right to a trial by jury of your peers. that was in 1848 I think. then they repealed the powers of the house of lords in 1911. from then one we have been a total dictatorship disguised as a democratic party political system. Thanks for your comment bro, much appreciated.
You are welcome. Feel free to write that article my friend. I hope to see it.