What an incredible story!
She works for the kidnappers,
yet she coordinates secret meetings between the kidnapped children and their estranged parents ... wow!
Those parents and children are so blessed to have a Double Agent working within the organization -- because that is what she is.
I wonder if @familyprotection could recruit some more "Double Agents?"
We could get private detectives on board to help locate the parents, and arrange meetups, and then with the parents and children colluding, and throwing in a good lawyer, perhaps they could have a better chance of getting their children returned to them.
how to join @familyprotectiin community help me @canadian-coconut.I am already yesterday donate from badol1994 3 sbd sent to @familyprotaction.so help me
Indeed, that is the word, in this scenario, being a Double Agent is super cool, of course, I hope we can get some onto this family-protection initiative. Some parents have gotten their kids back via Becca's help as well. _Eugene
oh! You will have to follow-up with how she helped some parents get their children back. I'm eager to read that.
Thank-you for all that you are doing and getting the word out there @kryptocoin !
That's an AMAZING idea!
Amazing insspyrrasy bravo