Yes this is very dear to my heart. I know that because of the way my family operates and what we stand for we could be easy targets for such harassment. Oh wow you should totally post about he afghan you are working in for oirn#NeedleworkMonday’s!!! I’d love to have share with us :)
Yes they are definitely more stronger and more organized today I’m for sure. I could imagine how scary they were to you as a child. It’s always good to have a reliable contact in case of trouble.
We're going to start standing out soon as well, if just for the growing number of our children - we now get approached a lot in the grocery store by people noticing how many children we have and that never used to happen. Right now it's very positive, like that 86 year old lady who stopped me last week to tell me enthusiastically about how she had 7 children in 10 years and how much she loved them and missed the days of them being small now that her house is so quiet. But I always am trying to minimize how much we stand out just to keep from being flagged in any way.
Here's the question on the afghan...should I post about it in progress or should I wait until it's finished? I am short ONE BALL of yarn and had to order it pretty expensively because the color isn't being made any more, so I probably won't be able to completely finish until the end of January. In the meantime, I'm all set to start on another I want to make as a gift. It might be fun to do a "starting out" post!
I’m so sorry I’m just now being able to respond to this. I’m glad you ended up posting about your Afghan! We love seeing work in progress. Trust me us crafters know we all may have several jobs we are working on and most are incomplete. It’s always fun seeing the process of a project and then seeing the finished product later on.
Yes same here. We are really starting to stand out and we really will when baby #5 is born. We do get some positive comments but then you have those that try to be secretly nosey. If anyone ever tried to say my kids are not getting educated I have all of the documents and work to prove otherwise. On top of that it is nice to be backed up by the HSLDA lawyers.